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  • New laptop design …

    15 Posts
    @Klaus said in New laptop design …: @George-K said in New laptop design …: A lot of people loved it, but, apparently, not enough for them to continue the idea to the current iterations of the MacBook Pro and MacBook Air. Hater here. The reason why the concept doesn't make sense: You cannot use it "blind". You have to move your hands away from the keyboard and change the direction of where you look. It's not an effective method of communication. Interesting. Makes sense. I have a Surface laptop and it’s great, but never use the touch screen. I do disconnect the display at times which is nice (it becomes a tablet, that I use with touchscreen), but I have an iPad I use if I plan to be in tablet mode for a while.
  • Tonight's dinner - keep it simple

    2 Posts
    Yeah, but that's a gourmet grilled cheese. Looks mighty good!
  • Remember that crazy trail in Spain?

    4 Posts
    George KG
    @Klaus said in Remember that crazy trail in Spain?: It's not as dangerous as it looks. You are on the rope the whole time. Put your index finger and thumb against each other. Now, squeeze them together so tight that it hurts. Now, relax them, just so that it stops hurting. That's how much the "pucker factor" would be reduced by having a rope attached.
  • When a "crime show" loses all its credibility

    2 Posts
    @George-K I believe hemeoglobin is blood that has been coagulated into big globs.
  • Clarified Butter

    12 Posts
    Reminds me of this classic meme about the five stages of grief: [image: 1659957781299-1b17a260-18db-4e6d-a35f-ada6b78ff285-image.png]
  • The Alex Jones Trial

    19 Posts
    You wouldn’t want that. The scumbag might have won. As astonishing as it is, I know people who believe his tripe.
  • I, for one, welcome our new snake-like robot overlords

    3 Posts
    George KG
    @LuFins-Dad said in I, for one, welcome our new snake-like robot overlords: @George-K said in I, for one, welcome our new snake-like robot overlords: ETA: They just had to paint it black, didn't they? I would think that makes the most sense for visibility against ice, snow and most pool bottoms and sides... And make it, ahem, creepy AF.
  • I shit you not

    4 Posts
    Seems counterproductive.
  • AMF, Ayman al-Zawahiri

    29 Posts
    George KG
    @taiwan_girl Wonderful. "Slap-chop" anvil, LOL. I wonder if they cleaned it up with a sham-wow.
  • Speaking of Episcopalians...

    2 Posts
    George KG
    @Jolly said in Speaking of Episcopalians...: Bless their hearts.
  • Some Stats...

    2 Posts
    He's right, of course. There are multiple small-time guys who cover sports teams that have podcasts, blogs, YouTube channels and write for team fan sites, such as SB Nation. These guys were barely getting by, many not able to work full-time, having to take on other work just to keep the lights on. Then came legalized sports gambling. The people running the betting sites and the casinos want the unvarnished dope on teams, including anything these writers can dig up that may not make even regional headlines or broadcasts. These writers will do their interviews, check their sources, evaluate the All-22 NFL tape, and write a full synopsis of what's going on for their gaming employers. For example, if they find out from one of their sources that Alvin Kamara was in the ice bath a bit longer early in the week and the Saints are cutting down his reps in practice, that's grist for the mill. This helps the gambling folks set the lines on games, using multiple streams (they hire multiple part-time guys for these reports) of information on each team. I know two guys who cover the Saints, one who has been able to pay the down payment on his home with this money and another guy who managed to pay off his wife's medical bills and pay off some school debt. The gaming people also make money off of these guys by distilling the information and selling it as a service to prospective betters. Since we are establishing that all stats and data can be massaged, wonder what is the quality of the reports the betters are paying for? And...I wouldn't put it past the gaming industry to push or pull betting lines whichever they want them to go.
  • Hey, Copper

    4 Posts
    I found a contact number: 281/220-1999. Contact name is Josh Read. I also found a PDF of the NSGA 2023 Rule Book: On page 23 it gives the Qualifying Rules for golf. In part: "All first place winners or athletes meeting this sport’s [golf, 54-hole scratch] NSGA minimum performance standards in competition at a 2022 NSGA qualifying games will qualify for the 2023 National Senior Games. Qualifiers will be determined by 18-hole (not two rounds of a 9-hole course) gross score played on a course with a minimum par of 70 and a United States Golf Association (USGA) slope rating between 119 and 126 for men . . . That doc also gives stuff like Entry Regulations and Format. At the bottom of the page it says, "As of 7.23.2022". So maybe it's too late for you to enter this year, anyway. Next year? Sorry. Didn't mean to get your hopes up.
  • Hay Cats! Your "empathetic dog" post of the day.

    2 Posts
    Holy cow that's cute. "Walk this way."
  • The oldest presidential candidate

    6 Posts
    @Mik said in The oldest presidential candidate: small town politics. I live in a small town now, but this was not a small town. It's now the third largest city in the state. Perhaps Willard helped that happen, too, by forcing new blood into public service. His obit gives a sense of his personality. He was quite a character. Civic activist Willard Knapp dies at 73 Willard Knapp, 73, of 102 Second St. S.E., who was known for his intense involvement in civic affairs for more than 30 years, died of cancer Thursday (June 17, 1993) at Rochester Methodist Hospital after a lengthy illness. Born Feb. 9, 1920, in Rochester, he graduated from Rochester High School in 1939 and attended Rochester State Junior College and Minnesota Bible College. In 1956 he graduated from Mankato Teachers College with a bachelor's degree in education. A Rochester resident most of his life, he had been a salesman, theater worker, teacher, youth director, social worker and supply preacher. For many years he was night clerk at Center Towne Motel. During World War II, he served for two years as a hospital corpsman and pharmacist's mate in the Navy Reserve attached to the Marine Corps. He served overseas in Samoa. He returned to Rochester after his discharge. A 50-year member of American Legion Wm. T. McCoy Post No. 92 in Rochester, he was a past commander and chaplain. Also, he was past commander and district chaplain of VFW Post 1215, past state commander and department chaplain of the Amvets, and past chaplain of Disabled American Veterans. He was past president of the Olmsted County Memorial Association and a member Christ United Methodist Church. Mr. Knapp, who ran for elected office many times, called himself an independent who represented the ``farmer, the hod-carrier.'' His many tries for office included running for mayor, school board, county board, county treasurer, county recorder and state representative. By his own estimate in 1987, he had lost 38 of the 39 elections, but he still continued running -- signing up, at various times, as a Democrat, Republican and Independent. The only race he won was for justice of the peace in 1987. At his urging, the office was abolished a year later. He was so well-known for running for office that a 1976 story on another of his candidacies began: ``A local election would hardly seem complete without the candidacy of Willard Knapp.'' He lost that election. In 1979, he was appointed city historian, an unpaid position, and worked hard organizing the city's archives and historic materials. When running for office, he often took the side of the workers. In the late 1970s, he was on the side of striking school secretaries. At the time, he said his mother was a clerical worker who was mistreated and paid low wages. When he saw striking secretaries, ``I said to myself that every face looks just like my mother's, and I wouldn't run away from this for anything.'' His last run for public office was his quest to win a Rochester School Board seat a year ago. He was defeated, though he received 879 votes, compared with the winner's 2,432. He said he continued running, despite so many defeats, because he loved politics. "At 12 years of age, most kids are thinking about sports,'' he said in 1987 after another defeat. "At 12, I was thinking about politics. And I've never stopped being interested.'' RIP Willard
  • Another great day in the US!

    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Football: Lookit This!

    5 Posts
    Speaking of AB, he's back! Got a one-year contract with the Bucs. I was surprised. Another zinger to Arians. Pew! Pew!
  • "The Man Who Fell To Earth."

    6 Posts
    Nice ensemble. Hope they can do something good with it.
  • St Jon-nyc

    16 Posts
    @Catseye3 Okay, that was lame, I admit it, okay?
  • Just keep digging, Nancy…

    7 Posts
    Yes, sadly, Ms. Pelosi is stupid. I'm sure her constituents feel terrible about this.
  • The Great Ejaculation

    13 Posts
    Doctor PhibesD
    @George-K said in The Great Ejaculation: @jon-nyc said in The Great Ejaculation: At least 10MM cult members would agree with Trump’s inevitable claims that the primary was stolen and they would refuse to vote in the general. Georgia all over again. Indeed. What a totally avoidable clusterfuck for the GOP. Maybe s0me of the senior folks will grow a pair and talk forcibly to Trump.... Hahahaha.