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  • What is the Carolyn Chouest

    3 Posts


    " The Senate and House Armed Services committees . . . each tell The War Zone that they want an explanation about the impact of no longer having the Carolyn Chouest's capabilities.

    While the Pentagon document does not mention the ship by name, the Carolyn Chouest “directly supports 335 days of uninterrupted availability” for Special Operations Command Pacific and Naval Special Warfare Command “operational requirements and mission planning,” according to U.S. Special Operations Command’s FY 22 Operation and Maintenance budget.

    But beyond that, little is known about the current capabilities of this mysterious ship . . . "

    How will they decide then?

    A handsome ship. I'd like to know more about its usefulness if any.

    This seems like a decision too important to be influenced by partisanship.

    The Navy’s Military Sealift Command inventory list is here, if you're interested.

  • Bunny baking day

    11 Posts

    @brenda said in Bunny baking day:

    @LuFins-Dad said in Bunny baking day:

    How cute! Where did you get the pans?

    BTW, it's called the Bunny Cakelet pan by Nordicware. Sometimes it's advertised as the Baby Bunny Cake Pan.

    Several places sell these, so shop around for the best price. Just be sure to get the Nordicware brand. You will want the quality to get a good bake.

  • The "Augenblick" diagnosis - med mystery of the day

    4 Posts

    well....the TR is not a hard find, the obvious neck vein pulses, but to connect that to metastatic carcinoid or VIPoma??? themselves a super rare diagnoses (symptomatic carcinoid ive seen a maybe a few times, VIPoma, never, the rarest of neuroendocrine tumors), and just by looking at him say oh yes, an obvious neuroendocrine tumor....gimme a break, i dont believe it. could have easily guessed a million other things, and once in a while you guess right.

    augenblick my ass

  • "Chicago Beef Sammich"

    2 Posts

    That bears no resemblance to an Italian beef past the beef and bread. But then I have always though Jimmy Johns to be mediocre at best. Dry and tasteless.

  • Wheels up landing

    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Warranty void if removed stickers

    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Biden Administration Resumes Oil Leases on Federal Land

    3 Posts

    Not quite as simple to lower prices.

    I think @Renauda knows better than i, but my understanding is that there are a lot of factors,

    time to re-open the existing drills
    significant time to bring a new drill site on line
    lack of experienced workers since many have left since the start of pandemic

    Even if acerage was the same and royalties were the same, I doubt that there would be any short term change to prices of fuel.

  • Is China going to vanish?

    8 Posts

    I have been saying the same thing as this guy for a long time in the various coffee rooms.

    Maybe not as "dire" as his predictions, but the overall concept is that China's time in sun will be very short.

  • Nationalism, Ukraine Hate, or mere Ignorance?

    20 Posts


    I think there's also a section that seems to have admiration for Putin. I honestly don't get that at any level.

    Support for Putin here exists but it is not at all noticeable unless you actually start looking for it.

    Definitely there is support among adherents to Russian Orthodoxy but only to those who follow the Moscow Patriarchy or the Serbian Orthodox Church. Other Orthodox churches however openly condemn Putin and some have gone as far as declaring the Russian Patriarchy in a state of heresy over its support of the Kremlin.

    Likewise there is mixed support among the post Soviet Russian diaspora. Certainly among the Russian Orthodox faithful who came here adults during the Yeltsin era but much less so among their Canadian born children. Indeed it would seem that Russians do not retain their nationalist identity as do Ukrainians from generation to generation.

    There is also some level of support for Putin among non Slavs. A poll six weeks ago among the various political parties indicated that 13% of the right wing People’s Party of Canada support Putin. I personally do not think poll is accurately assessing the facts. I would suggest that 13% represents supporters who do not believe Canada should involve itself with the war or any offshore war far removed from Canada. I suspect PPC supporters are just isolationist in their outlook but nevertheless find Putin’s actions Ukraine wholly repugnant. Despite that the Party’s leader, Maxine Bernier and the overall party platform is not isolationist on the issue but more in alignment the Realist school of John Mearsheimer regarding relations with Russia. At the same time I do however agree with Aqua, that there is an element of support from that tiny minority of folks out there who just like to see power and force in politicians. Those holding that view, are of course attracted to Putin.

    There is one group however that unequivocally does support Putin. These are all members of the far left. The same ones who see the Orange Revolution of 2004 and Maidan in 2013 as American backed coups. They are also convinced that Zelenskyi and his government are in the pay of the CIA. They support Putin simply because he is at war with the US, NATO and liberal democracy in general.

  • Yes, it's a penile institute...

    4 Posts

    Ok, so what is a woman, Ms. Jackson?

  • Elden Ring and Roblox

    14 Posts

    @89th said in Elden Ring and Roblox:

    This morning on reddit I saw references to Elden Ring as well as Roblox. Yes I've heard of each before, but I realized I have ZERO idea what those are, other than video game(s) of some sort? I feel like I'm out of it, but also don't really mind.

    Two ends of the gaming spectrum right now.

    Elden ring is the horror-based "it" game this year - only available on high-end consoles and PCs.

    Roblox is a creativity-based sandbox game for kids. You can run it on a potato and the user-base of (very) young kids is huge.

  • And it happened on Maundy Thursday

    4 Posts

    Well, it’s now safely down in Davy Jones Locker.

    Probably belongs there too.

  • Phone Holder for Video?

    8 Posts
    Aqua LetiferA

    @Doctor-Phibes said in Phone Holder for Video?:

    See, this is what I love about YouTube.

    I was totally oblivious of David Lynch's channel.

    Holy shit are you serious? I start my day with the weather report.

  • Greatest movie gunfight ever

    9 Posts
    Aqua LetiferA

    @Nunatax said in Greatest movie gunfight ever:

    Meh, the scene where they put in new magazines was totally unnecessary…

    I love how that's the one thing you decided to single out as unnecessary. 😄

  • US Senate Visits Taiwan

    9 Posts

    @Mik 555 You are correct. I was a bit confusing. I should have made the title plural. LOL

    @Copper My apology. I posted the wrong picture. It was from a June 2021 visit by some US representatives.

    MOFA has sent out a picture of the current arrivals.

    alt text

    But, they still did use a US government plane.

    Arrivals were
    US Senator Lindsey Graham
    US Senater Robert Menendez
    US Senater Richard Burr
    US Senater Ben Sasse
    US Senater Rob Portman
    US Representative Ronny Jackson

    They were met at the airport by Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Wu (吳釗燮)

  • In honor of Gilbert

    3 Posts

    Crying laughing, it's so good. The way he emphasizes certain words.

  • Karen hits the road

    12 Posts
    Aqua LetiferA

    @jon-nyc said in Karen hits the road:

    @Aqua-Letifer said in Karen hits the road:

    @jon-nyc said in Karen hits the road:

    @LuFins-Dad said in Karen hits the road:

    You had to live – did live, from habit that became instinct – in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every moment scrutinized.

    The perfection of power renders its exercise unnecessary.

    Michel Foucault

    Foucault's an asshole.

    Anyone capable of making change for $20

    Say what you will about pedophiles, at least they slow down in school zones.

    Some of 'em are also church-goin' folk!

  • Just because there is a rainbow does not mean it is gay

    12 Posts

    Ah, a thread with boomers talking about groomers.

  • Any Ukrainians Showing Up?

    5 Posts
    LuFins DadL

    They weren’t hard on the eyes…

    You know, when I first moved to DC I was shocked when I started meeting Russian and Ukrainian women. All the propaganda over the years had me expecting fat women in babushkas with a big hairy mole. The only attractive Ukrainian and Russian women you saw were in James Bond movies…

  • Today's Science Lesson: Reciprocity Failure

    7 Posts
    Aqua LetiferA

    @taiwan_girl said in Today's Science Lesson: Reciprocity Failure:


    Very cool pic!!

    Thanks, TG. I took it on top of a parking garage, adjacent to a casino. Only it had these massive lights in the corners of the top deck so the entire damn town could see what I was up to. Including some casino rent-a-cops who walk around the parking lots. They started coming up the stairs as soon as I started the exposure. They asked me to leave but I was already packed up by the time they caught up to me. 😬