Another thought about the old hospital cafeteria...Staff was not served breakfast, except for doctors. And the docs got whatever the patients were having.
But no doctor ever paid for any meal.
Another story... British regiments have a tradition of 'dining in". The hospital had a Resident's Dinner, once a month. Residents were required to attend and most staff physicians did also. Dress was coat and tie. Food was a grade up from our standard fare and was eaten off of china on white tablecloths, with silver utensils and crystal stemware. Alcohol was not allowed on campus, but it was rumored the docs enjoyed very strong grape juice with their meals, limit of two.š
Henry (or the head cook at the time) would be present, along with two of his staff. Short welcoming remarks to the hospital would be made by the Administrator and the CMO, before the doctors were served. After that, the docs could eat, visit or talk about whatever. It was very old-fashioned, but it served its purpose.