@Mik said in The Queen's Speech:
Isn't that the truth.
The framing is what is so pertinent to the times. Just a decade off of WW2, the dawn of the atomic age, television, transistors, the first computers...A speech made in rapidly changing times...And it shows how good she was at adapting to change, while still holding on to the best of the old ways and making the UK's monarchy relevant.
I think her second vision of the future occurred after Diana's death. Just as this Christmas Speech helped to personify the Queen and give people just a glimpse of her drawing room, I think she saw the outpouring of public sympathy after Diana's death and knew the monarchy would have to open up a bit more and let them become more relatable as people to her subjects.. Her genius is in knowing just how much to do...Too little and the Royals are no better off. Too much, and you have what we have with Harry today - one of the most popular Royals at one time, Harry has dissolved into a pussy-whipped B-list celebrity. Either excess leads to a severe weakening of the monarchy.