Lol "Often it really pays to have a look at the assembler the compiler is producing to check whether your branchless code is giving any benefits".
He misspelled "this is a useless technique, of interest only out of curiosity because compilers are better than you are at this anyway. Also, if you find yourself interrogating your compiler's assembler output for efficiency, I hope you're programming for a nuclear reactor where milliseconds count, and then asking yourself why you're using some random implementation of a c++ compiler anyway".
That's quite a misspelling, but it can happen. The probability of it happening is the same as the probability of a branchless technique being a good idea in modern software programming.
I'm old enough to have used inline assembly in Borland Turbo c++, for a game I wrote that wrote directly to the VGA Mode-X graphics buffer. I bought a book by Michael Abrash that explained how.