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  • Mask Mandates d/c'ed in Illinois

    8 Posts

    Mission Accomplished

  • Hey LD

    5 Posts
    George KG

    @jon-nyc said in Hey LD:

    I guess that makes it clear which one I should use.

    So my assessment was about correct, right?

  • Saints? Steelers?

    5 Posts

    What I saw might've been the fans talking.

  • Lots of photos, videos, etc from Ukraine in this twitter feed

    5 Posts

    Well thank God we're not having to read any mean tweets!

  • 1 Posts
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  • Trolling the Russians

    1 Posts
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  • This kid...

    1 Posts
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  • Where is the Russian Air Force?

    12 Posts
    George KG

    Is the Russian Air Force Actually Incapable of Complex Air Operations?

    While the early VKS failure to establish air superiority could be explained by lack of early warning, coordination capacity and sufficient planning time, the continued pattern of activity suggests a more significant conclusion: that the VKS lacks the institutional capacity to plan, brief and fly complex air operations at scale. There is significant circumstantial evidence to support this, admittedly tentative, explanation.

    First, while the VKS has gained significant combat experience in complex air environments over Syria since 2015, it has only operated aircraft in small formations during those operations. Single aircraft, pairs or occasionally four-ships have been the norm. When different types of aircraft have been seen operating together, they have generally only comprised two pairs at most. Aside from prestige events such as Victory Day parade flypasts, the VKS also conducts the vast majority of its training flights in singles or pairs. This means that its operational commanders have very little practical experience of how to plan, brief and coordinate complex air operations involving tens or hundreds of assets in a high-threat air environment. This is a factor that many Western airpower specialists and practitioners often overlook due to the ubiquity of complex air operations – run through combined air operations centres – to Western military operations over Iraq, the Balkans, Libya, Afghanistan and Syria over the past 20 years.

    Second, most VKS pilots get around 100 hours’ (and in many cases less) flying time per year – around half of that flown by most NATO air forces. They also lack comparable modern simulator facilities to train and practise advanced tactics in complex environments. The live flying hours which Russian fighter pilots do get are also significantly less valuable in preparing pilots for complex air operations than those flown by NATO forces. In Western air forces such as the RAF and US Air Force, pilots are rigorously trained to fly complex sorties in appalling weather, at low level and against live and simulated ground and aerial threats. To pass advanced fast jet training they must be able to reliably do this and still hit targets within five to ten seconds of the planned time-on-target. This is a vital skill for frontline missions to allow multiple elements of a complex strike package to sequence their manoeuvres and attacks safely and effectively, even when under fire and in poor visibility. It also takes a long time to train for and regular live flying and simulator time to stay current at. By contrast, most VKS frontline training sorties involve comparatively sterile environments, and simple tasks such as navigation flights, unguided weapon deliveries at open ranges, and target simulation flying in cooperation with the ground-based air-defence system. Russia lacks access to a training and exercise architecture to rival that available to NATO air forces, which routinely train together at well-instrumented ranges in the Mediterranean, North Sea, Canada and the US. Russia also has no equivalent to the large-scale complex air exercises with realistic threat simulation which NATO members hold annually – the most famous of which is Red Flag. As such, it would be unsurprising if most Russian pilots lack the proficiency to operate effectively as part of large, mixed formations executing complex and dynamic missions under fire.

    Third, if the VKS were capable of conducting complex air operations, it should have been comparatively simple for them to have achieved air superiority over Ukraine. The small number of remaining Ukrainian fighters, conducting heroic air-defence efforts over their own cities, are forced to operate at low altitudes due to long-range Russian SAM systems and consequently have comparatively limited situational awareness and endurance. They ought to be relatively easily to overwhelm for the far more numerous, better armed and more advanced VKS fighters arranged around the Ukrainian borders. Ukrainian mobile medium- and short-range SAM systems such as SA-11 and SA-15 have had successes against Russian helicopters and fast jets. However, large Russian strike aircraft packages flying at medium or high altitude with escorting fighters would be able to rapidly find and strike any Ukrainian SAMs which unmasked their position by firing at them. They would lose aircraft in the process, but would be able to attrit the remaining SAMs and rapidly establish air superiority.

    Russia has every incentive to establish air superiority, and on paper should be more than capable of doing so if it commits to combat operations in large, mixed formations to suppress and hunt down Ukrainian fighters and SAM systems. Instead, the VKS continues to only operate in very small numbers and at low level to minimise the threat from the Ukrainian SAMs. Down low, their situational awareness and combat effectiveness is limited, and they are well within range of the MANPADS such as Igla and Stinger which Ukrainian forces already possess. The numbers of MANPADS are also increasing, as numerous Western countries send supplies to beleaguered Ukrainian forces. To avoid additional losses to MANPADS, sorties continue to be primarily flown at night, which further limits the effectiveness of their mostly unguided air-to-ground weapons.

    This explanation may yet prove to be false; the VKS may suddenly start mounting large-scale complex air operations comparable to those routinely conducted by NATO states and other modern air forces such as Israel. If it does not, however, it will have profound implications for its potential combat power against Ukrainian forces in the coming weeks, and its value as a conventional deterrence tool against Western countries.

  • "Putin is not a madman..."

    10 Posts
    George KG

    EXCLUSIVE THREAD: Last week I asked a close, trusted and senior source in the U.S. Intelligence Community about this tweet by @marcorubio. I asked if the IC had intel that Putin was mentally ill. This was their response (on background):


    (2) "The IC does. Extensive. Some direct. Rubio is cleared. He is one of two heads of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. He is leaking on purpose. He is reliable.
    The buzz I have heard is very specific. He is said to be suffering a mental illness...
    (3) The illness is said to include a physical component."

    NOTE OF CAUTION: Using the word "buzz," the source was indicating this information came from inter-IC RUMINT or discussions amongst IC officials who hold TS/SCI clearances. However, the source was not claiming to
    (4) have had been directly or officially involved with the intelligence collection or analysis of Putin's mental health. Because of this I've been unwilling to publish this info at @Debriefmedia. However, I'm willing to share here. With proper context included.
    (5) The source would not elaborate further on what mental illness Putin may have been accessed to suffer from. This information was evidently classified.

  • Some guys build birdhouses...

    6 Posts

    There are other videos on YouTube from different creators...Looks like he has a core group of a half-dozen people and takes volunteers as he can get them.

  • Dance of the Bald Eagles

    1 Posts
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  • When the Man Meets the Moment

    49 Posts

    That’s awesome

  • The rationale for invasion.

    13 Posts
    George KG


  • Facebook banned in Russia

    1 Posts
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  • In Ukraine - The Battle of Techno House

    1 Posts
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  • Back Door

    1 Posts
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  • Eye contact challenge

    7 Posts
    LuFins DadL

    @Axtremus said in Eye contact challenge:

    If you’re looking at this thread with a smartphone or tablet, your initial response would have depended on whether you were using your device in portrait mode or landscape mode.

    No it wouldn’t have….

  • 2 Posts
    LuFins DadL


  • Ukrainians grateful: perspective

    5 Posts
    LuFins DadL

    @Doctor-Phibes said in Ukrainians grateful: perspective:

    It seems to me that there's a few on both sides who need a little perspective.


  • What’s that worth, about 20 bucks?

    1 Posts
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