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  • Reform by Executive Order

    9 Posts

    @copper said in Reform by Executive Order:

    @lufins-dad said in Reform by Executive Order:

    I can't wait to see his State of the Union...

    It could be really bad

    That will attract eyeballs

    It might be just fine, his owners have been able to give him brief periods of cognitive ability before.

    I think it'll be okay. He'll be jacked on God knows what, but he'll get through it.

  • Suicide Attempt

    6 Posts
    George KG

    @bachophile said in Suicide Attempt:

    Pwned 0pubmed


  • Because they hate her

    3 Posts

    @lufins-dad said in Because they hate her:

    LOL! Keep it up...

    What's her support like in Arizona? Obviously the fringe is out to get her, but is she polling well with the rest?

    She's doing better than Kelley...

  • Whack 'em and stack 'em.

    3 Posts

    3 guys break into your house and start the shooting

    No justice, no peace

  • This morning's weird

    4 Posts
    George KG

    @aqua-letifer said in This morning's weird:

    lookatthisrussian on Instagram.
    You're welcome sort of.

    Good God.

  • The King of New Media?

    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • The Wall

    4 Posts
    Aqua LetiferA

    @jolly said in The Wall:

    I guess I'm going to have to advocate for hiring one more government employee.

    They need to hire somebody to stand behind the President and occasionally whisper in his ear, "Remember, you're just a man".

    I'd settle for once a year, taking him outside the city borders and telling him how crap he is before letting him back in.

  • This really pisses me off

    22 Posts
    Doctor PhibesD

    @aqua-letifer said in This really pisses me off:

    Senior Tories are already calling for his head. I think it's just a matter of time now. Which, I mean, fine, but when are we going to talk about the other assholes in attendance?

    It's not really him, to be honest. It's the entire culture. And who would they replace him with - Jacob Reese-Mogg? What a freaking weirdo that guy is.

  • 33%

    17 Posts

    @copper said in 33%:

    @jolly said in 33%:

    They do. But I would be shocked if Joe could slay the inflation monster in the next 24-28 months.

    CNN can make the story go away

    They can try. People notice their pocketbooks. By the time mid-terms roll around, we'll probably be at 15% in the two year period between elections. Couple that with certain items that are a lot more expensive (new cars, anyone) and I don't see how the Dems can keep from drowning in a blood bath.

    Unless they can pass HR.1, perhaps.

  • How are these people real?

    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Puzzle Time - Magnetic Dollars

    16 Posts

    Clever proof.

    SOLUTION: You might very reasonably worry that one urn will "take over" and leave very little for the other. In my experience, faced with this problem, most people are unwilling to offer $100 in advance for the contents of the lesser urn.

    In fact, the lesser urn is worth, on average, a quarter of a million dollars. (Of course, that doesn't mean you are willing to take this much risk!) This is because the final contents of (say) Urn A is precisely equally likely to be any whole number of dollars from $1 all the way to $999,999. Thus, the average amount in the lesser urn is about $250,000.

    How can we see this? There are several proofs, but here's my favorite. Imagine that we shuffle a fresh-from-the-box deck of cards in the following careful manner. We place the first card, say the Ace of Spades, face down on the table. Then we take the second card, maybe the Deuce of Spades, and randomly place it over or under the ace. Now there are three possible slots for the Three of Spades; choose one at random, putting it on top of the current pile, under the current pile, or between the ace and deuce, each with probability 1/3.

    We continue in this manner; the nth card is inserted in one of n possible slots, each with probability 1/n. The result eventually is a perfectly random permutation of the cards.

    Now think of the cards that go in above the Ace of Spades as the coins (not counting the first) that go into Urn A, and the ones that go under as coins going into Urn B. The magnetic rule above describes the process perfectly, because if there are currently x−1 cards above the Ace of Spades (thus x slots) and y−1 cards under the Ace of Spades (thus y slots), the probability that the next card goes above the Ace of Spades is x/(x+y).

    Since, in the final shuffled deck, the Ace of Spades is equally likely to be in any position, the number of slots ending up above it is equally likely to be anything from 1 to the number of cards in our deck, which for our puzzle is 999,999.

    [Probabilists call the mechanism of this puzzle the Polya urn, after the late George Polya, a Hungarian-born professor at Stanford who famously wrote about problem-solving in mathematics.]

  • Burying Bootsie

    8 Posts

    Nice tribute, Jolly.

  • It's Friday night! What's for dinner?

    18 Posts


    Instant Pot Beef Bourguignon (Julia Child Recipe)

    I didn’t even know she had an instapot. She was so ahead of her time.

  • Friday night chez Jon

    3 Posts

    That’s deep.

  • 11 Posts
    Aqua LetiferA

    @lufins-dad said in Visual: Vaccine Effect by Population, Cases, Deaths:

    @89th said in Visual: Vaccine Effect by Population, Cases, Deaths:

    Would love to see this visual with the recent Omicron months added in. Anecdotally, I know WAY more friends/family who have gotten COVID in the last month. All vaccinated, so they are fine, but still...

    Anecdotally, I know way more friends and family that have gotten COVID in the last month. Some were vaccinated some weren’t, so all are fine because most cases are mild even before Omicron and even before the vaccine, but still…

    The first problem the graphic above is that there aren’t any graphics showing obesity, diabetes, etc…

    The second problem is that the source of the graphics are the CDC which have shown that they are perfectly willing to ignore numbers that aren’t conducive to the plan.

    Fair enough, but you can't discredit data by pointing to an absence of better data.

  • Racist cameras

    3 Posts
    LuFins DadL

    Right. Heck, why are we even spending the money for the cameras? Our phones can do the job. They can easily tell when we are exceeding the speed limit. They can just transmit that data to the police.

  • Proud Horse Moment

    9 Posts
    George KG

    @mik said in Proud Horse Moment:

    That’s a big fucking horse.

    Not really. He is big-barreled, but not tall. About 15 ½ hands.

  • Please Poop More

    7 Posts

    @brenda said in Please Poop More:

    @george-k said in Please Poop More:

    Its a circle of life thing, right?

    Or the swirly of life as it goes down the toilet.

    Not in North Korea. No toilets.

  • $10,000 cab ride

    7 Posts

    @lufins-dad said in $10,000 cab ride:

    Decades ago I had just started a new job and was basically living hand to mouth. I got my first paycheck and it was drawn on Bank of America. I needed that money just for gas to get home, so I went into the BoA to cash the check. They wouldn’t do it unless I had a Bank of America checking account. Spent 15 minutes arguing with the manager about it. So I opened the account by depositing the check. It took 20 minutes of paperwork. They cleared 20% for cash and brought it over to me. The manager smiled and said “There, that wasn’t that bad…” I smiled and said “Not bad at all… Now who do I see about closing the account?” After they gave me my money, I smiled at the manager and said “There, that wasn’t that bad…” I have never stepped foot in a BoA since.

    What made you choose to undergo that process at a BoA rather than going to another bank and try your luck there? Was BoA your only option at the time?

  • The cleaning lady paradox

    13 Posts
    George KG

    You could say something like, "Nice car. I've always wanted..."

    Background check?

    And lock up the valuables...