The Ukraine war thread
We don't have a thread yet to discuss the ongoing war.
What sources are you consulting? I hear that a lot of information and videos of very mixed quality and truth are being shared via Telegram channels.
There's a few channels on Twitter that I'm following, such as this one.
What about you?
Phil Stewart is a reporter who seems to have good information.
@Klaus said in The Ukraine war thread:
Any idea what kind of weapon causes an explosion like this?
Usually when I see those types of explosions it reminds me of when a munitions depot or other explosive site is hit. So sometimes it's not the bomb, it's the target, that causes such a massive explosion.
The stalled convoy has dispersed:
Link to video -
My default mainstream media source is the BBC
I also try to tap into webinars offered by major universities and think tanks. There are many and they are free.
Two sites I regularly check are these:
I just read what all you smart people say
@George-K said in The Ukraine war thread:
This could be a very good sign if Putin is looking for someone to blame internally. I have no sympathy for them at all.
@Mik said in The Ukraine war thread:
@George-K said in The Ukraine war thread:
This could be a very good sign if Putin is looking for someone to blame internally. I have no sympathy for them at all.
But there were supposed to be leaks from the FSB assisting the Ukrainians. Any chance it was one of these 2?
Probably one of the best panel webinars on the subject in the past two weeks. Military, diplomatic and economic topics. Broadcast this am so it is fairly up to date:
Well worth your hour of time.
Heard the best thing on the actual fighting from a retired USAF bird colonel on the radio today.
His take? We know some big things, but a lot of what is going on is obscured by lack of intelligence, abundant propaganda on both sides and no firm numbers. He has been surprised by the lack of use of precision guided munitions...We know the Russians have them, as they used them in Syria, but the Russians have used dumb bombs for the vast majority of the campaign. Why? Nobody knows.
One thing he did address was the MIG-29 deal...He thought more planes would not be especially helpful for Ukraine. Reason? The Russians have perhaps the best SAM in the world for nonstealth aircraft...Without terrain, the kill zone is 50 miles. We know they are in the country and we know the have been deployed. The way the Ukranians have been able to use the aircraft they have, is by flying low, popping up and getting a few shots off and then immediately bugging out back on the deck. That mission profile is limited.
Heard the best thing on the actual fighting from a retired USAF bird colonel on the radio today.
His take? We know some big things, but a lot of what is going on is obscured by lack of intelligence, abundant propaganda on both sides and no firm numbers. He has been surprised by the lack of use of precision guided munitions...We know the Russians have them, as they used them in Syria, but the Russians have used dumb bombs for the vast majority of the campaign. Why? Nobody knows.
One thing he did address was the MIG-29 deal...He thought more planes would not be especially helpful for Ukraine. Reason? The Russians have perhaps the best SAM in the world for nonstealth aircraft...Without terrain, the kill zone is 50 miles. We know they are in the country and we know the have been deployed. The way the Ukranians have been able to use the aircraft they have, is by flying low, popping up and getting a few shots off and then immediately bugging out back on the deck. That mission profile is limited.
@Jolly I've read that Ukraine still has 80% of their fighters.
Seems like that strategy is working.
As to guided munitions, I remember reading that they are dependent upon encrypted data, and Ukraine has really screwed that up. I may be a bit off here, so bear with me...
European defense official estimates Russian KIA at 7-9k “as of a few days ago”.
We lost fewer Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan over 20 years than Russia has lost in Ukrainian in 3 weeks.