Academy Awards - Will Smith Edition
Chris said something about it today:
Rock made his first public remarks about the incident. He was greeted by the audience at Boston’s Wilbur Theater with two back-to-back standing ovations, lasting several minutes.
“Let me be all misty and s***,” Rock said with tears in his eyes, gesturing to the crowd’s warm response.
“How was your weekend?” he quipped, to which the audience responded with laughter.
“I don’t have a bunch of s*** about what happened, so if you came to hear that, I had like a whole show I wrote before this weekend. And I’m still kind of processing what happened, so at some point I’ll talk about that s***. And it’ll be serious and it’ll be funny, but right now I’m going to tell some jokes.”
I guess those who think it was set up, must think he's really committed to the bit.
Probably wouldn't be very much fun to be bitch slapped in front of the world.
@George-K said in Academy Awards - Will Smith Edition:
Link to video
I think I'm officially old because I hate the fact that because of how social media works, it was this guy's first inclination to do this.
@89th said in Academy Awards - Will Smith Edition:
I got to 69 km/h
Sound on to appreciate any scores above 30 km/h btw
The Academy ought to pay Smith. It's the most publicity they've had in decades.
That is a funny game!
I couldn't help but peek at the code to understand how I can get the best speed, but instead I found some easter eggs.
const byPassMinify=`// Hello there fellow nerd. Couldn't help sneaking a peak at the code huh? // This project was pulled together VERY quickly, so please don't judge! // There's some odd code choices here, but if it works, it works. // I'll be working on cleaning it and publicly releasing soon. // In the meantime, feel free to email with ideas, questions, suggestions or bugs!`;function preventBehavior(e){e.preventDefault();} document.addEventListener("touchmove",preventBehavior,{passive:false,});function Face(){{face:chris,slapLeft:slapLeft,slapRight:slapRight,};this.iWidth=253;this.iHeight=306;this.ratio=2.5;this.padding=30/this.ratio;this.width=this.iWidth/this.ratio;this.height=this.iHeight/this.ratio;this.gravity=0.2;this.velocity_x=0;this.velocity_y=0;this.ypos=height/2-this.height;this.xpos=W-this.width-20;this.collision=false;if(!!isAprilFools&&!disableAprilFools){{face:will,slapLeft:will_slapLeft,slapRight:will_slapRight,};}{image(,this.xpos,this.ypos,this.width,this.height);noFill();noStroke();rect(this.xpos,this.ypos,100,100);};this.update=function(){this.minY=this.height/2;this.maxY=height-this.height/2;this.velocity_y=this.velocity_y+this.gravity;this.ypos=this.ypos+this.velocity_y;this.xpos=this.xpos+this.velocity_x;this.velocity_x=this.velocity_x*0.99;};} function Hand(){this.iHeight=120;this.iWidth=120;this.ratio=1.2;this.height=this.iHeight/this.ratio;this.width=this.iWidth/this.ratio;this.v_speed=0;this.gravity=0.5;this.ypos=height/2-100;this.xpos=10;this.drag=false;this.v_speed_x=0;this.isFish=false;const getHandImg=()=>{if(startScreen===1){return handstart;} if(Math.random()<0.0001||secretCounter>=16){this.isFish=true;return fishHand;} if(Math.random()<0.004){return Math.random()>0.5?rarehand1:rarehand2;}
Look at the last two lines. Apparently you sometimes get a "rare hand" and even less commonly a "fish hand", which have both a different image and a different sound. For instance, this is the fish slapping sound.
Oh, he has a "secret counter":
function swapUnit(){secretCounter+=1;if(secretCounter===16){;resetGame();}
In plain English, if you change the unit from metric to imperial 16 times, you get the fish slap!
@Klaus said in Academy Awards - Will Smith Edition:
Oh, he has a "secret counter":
function swapUnit(){secretCounter+=1;if(secretCounter===16){;resetGame();}
In plain English, if you change the unit from metric to imperial 16 times, you get the fish slap!
I’ve fish slapped people for less.
Oscars producer explains why Will Smith was not removed. Because Chris Rock did not want to escalate.