@Jolly said in About 5%:
It's different now, though.
We don't have COVID wards like we did...Around here, they now put them in negative pressure rooms on the regular med floors.
And it seems like we don't see the 40-something with no comorbidities dying with COVID.
So, who needs to be vaccinated? Elderly folks and people with comorbidities. In young people, especially teenage guys, we may be doing more harm than good. I think we need to take a deep breath, realize COVID is endemic, look at the limitations of the vaccines and revaluate when and how often someone needs to be
vaccinated .
I'm happy for them to re-evaluate if they do it properly. So many of the decisions associated with this seem to be politically motivated, particularly in the US, which is really unfortunate. The last thing we need is talking heads driving health policy.