It was an accident.
The man who fired the shot that struck an anti-abortion rights canvasser in the shoulder last week called it an accident but also said the volunteer had been arguing with his wife, who supports abortion rights, and refused to leave their property.
“I came out and she (the volunteer) is screaming and having a great old time, and being told, I’m sure I heard at least a dozen times, ‘You’re trespassing, get off the property,'” 74-year-old Richard Harvey, wearing a “Facts Matter” baseball cap, told News 8 on Tuesday.
The shooting happened near Lake Odessa on Sept. 20. The 83-year-old victim volunteers for Right to Life, which says she was peaceful and was walking away when she was shot in the back.
Harvey disputes that.
Grandma deserved it. She was a "right wing nut."
Harvey has admitted to firing a warning shot at Jacobson before shooting the elderly woman but claims it was an accident. Jacobson and her attorney say that’s completely false and point out that Richard Harvey had already fired a warning shot and Jacobson had turned away to leave the couple’s property in her vehicle.
Now, in the new 911 call, Sharon Harvey tells the dispatcher that Jacobson :was in some coalition to stop the vote on Proposal 3.”
Richard then adds, “She’s a right wing nut” — making his motive to shoot Jacobson very clear.