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A place to talk about whatever you want

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  • Yo. Phibes.

    12 Posts


    We never left the Allentown Hilton, which was across the street from where I worked.

    I was consulting for PP&L, believe it or not.

    Shortly after or maybe before I did a few months in Harrisburg.

  • Transparency

    3 Posts

    What data?

    How much chad counting footage would you like to wade through?

  • Taiwan Can Help - COVID 19

    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • SCOTUS and the election

    10 Posts

    SCOTUS don't play dat.

  • Retired Doc

    5 Posts

    My doc and I are about the same age. I've been with him at least 30 years. When I mentioned to a doc friend on faculty at Northwestern who he was, he was shocked that I'd be able to see this doc as his clients included a lot of top execs, CEOs and VIP type people. We've become friends over the years as he is both an audiophile and record collector. If anyone is wondering why their doctor is running late, is because of some a......e like me. I am not looking forward to hearing he's retired.

  • Did the other party steal your vote?

    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Emergency Exit

    20 Posts
    George KG

    @Loki said in Emergency Exit:

    I feel like I’m missing something here as it seems impossible.

    Is the problem how your daughter’s rental property is zoned?

    Maybe Sean knows something.

    The problem is quite interesting.

    The landlord of her apartment, Mark, is required to have 2 exits (fire code).

    One of those exits is onto Sean's property.

    Sean's building a property there blocks Mark's exit.

    The questions are, afaict:

    The violation of the lease that D4 signed. Though expired, the law says that she needs to get 30 days written notice that the lease is terminated. That never happened.

    What will landlord Mark do about complying to code, considering that landlord Sean wants to block emergency egress from Mark's building?

    There are NO alternatives for emergency egress from Mark's building.

    All of this will become moot in about 4-6 months, when D4 moves. However, it's certainly fun interesting to watch.

    In the meantime, she has secured parking for her car at a location close by. SIL is parking his car at the condo. Since he's working from home, this is a minor inconvenience.

    As Mik pointed out, the legal question is interesting. What legal responsibility does Sean have regarding Mark's compliance with code? Also, as Kluurs mentions, the question of how compliant with code is this new construction with such a narrow lot? I've tried to find the City of Chicago code about "narrow lots" but i've not been too successful.

    Insert popcorn gif below.....

  • Coattails.

    7 Posts

    @jon-nyc said in Coattails.:

    @George-K , I saw that about the GOP women.

    By the way Purdue probably will go into runoff. Which means control of the senate is still an open question. Likely gop, but definitely not a certainty.

    Like Biden says, patience.

  • Puzzle time - even sum billiards

    9 Posts

    Nice! That makes sense. At least I didn't screw up.

  • Inauguration day...

    13 Posts
    George KG

    Speaking of inauguration day, I can't wait to see the letter that Trump leaves in the drawer of the Resolute Desk.

  • No, it ain't going away.

    3 Posts

    Now the question is, if Trump isn't there to steer the party, how long will it take the republicans to totally waste these gains. We have one party that is made up of liars and cheaters, so corrupt they deserve to be labeled enemies of the state, and the other party divided between solid men and women of honor, and a bunch of bumbling fools.

  • I-1

    3 Posts

    It's actually an amazing accomplishment. Somewhere in the stupid dipshit mind, is the realization that Trump was an individual. Not only an individual, but the first one. Man, that must have hit hard, to the masses.

  • Trump actually has a shot at 270

    6 Posts

    @xenon. 555

  • On this day...

    5 Posts
    Doctor PhibesD

    @Larry said in On this day...:

    What's sad is the realization that there are people on this board who think I actually believe that..

    What's even sadder is the realization that there's 2 or 3 here who do believe it...

    You're laughing at me now, but you're not going to be laughing at me exactly 4 weeks, 3 days, 2 hours and twenty minutes from now.

  • Trafalgar

    18 Posts

    @jon-nyc said in Trafalgar:

    Undermining confidence in elections could end up being Trump’s worst legacy.

    That’s total BS. And where is the civil war that was predicted?

    The transition too is going to be very smooth versus the hysteria we had to suffer through.

  • The Other Winners and Losers

    10 Posts

    This Chinese guy goes to the doctor complaining about a problem with his penis..

    The doctor tells him to drop his pants so he can examine it. The Chinese guytell the doctor he's too shy to do that because it's so small, and he's afraid the doctor will laugh at it. The doctor says "Sir, I'm a professional, and I've seen hundreds of them . I promise you that you do not need to worry that I will laugh."

    So the Chinese guy finally agrees and drops his pant. The doctor looks and had to bite his own lip to keep from laughing. He had never seen such a tiny penis.

    The doctor stifles his urge to laugh and says "Ok.. what seems to be the oroblem?" The Chinese guy says..... "it's swollen, ".....

  • WeTransfer

    8 Posts
    George KG

    @LuFins-Dad said in WeTransfer:

    Had to use wesend a couple times last week, and it sucks.

    How so?

  • Voting third party.

    5 Posts

    @George-K said in Voting third party.:

    alt text

    Greg Gutfeld commented: "They found a picture of Jo Jorgensen, but they couldn't find one of Kanye West?"

    Kanye didn’t get enough votes to unlock his character.

  • UK deaths up by 10%

    26 Posts

    @nobodyssock said in UK deaths up by 10%:

    @nobodyssock said in UK deaths up by 10%:

    @Aqua-Letifer said in UK deaths up by 10%:

    @nobodyssock said in UK deaths up by 10%:

    Yeah, the biggest conspiracy theory of them all. The media has made this virus bigger than it really is all in the attempts to dethrone Trump. Man, the chips on your shoulders are so fvcking big, one has to be careful where they walk lest they knock them over.

    Attention pseudo patriot gun toters, the virus isn't going away no matter who sits in the White House.

    Jolly's dealt with COVID patients in a medical capacity. Also he's been quite vocal about how dangerous the virus can be.

    Just sayin' man. Have your disagreements, but when you treat conservatives like avatars, it leads to tone-deaf assumptions about their positions and it makes your arguments sound stupid.

    Aqua, Jolly is nothing more than an avatar. I know what you look like. You know what I look like. I don't take stock in much of anything faceless people who consider themselves family and community say here. Sure, he's sage in much of what he preaches, but he's also dangerous with his desire to see guns ablazing because of our country's differences. He's no man I wish to call friend. Show your face cajun, then we can talk.

    which reminds me,,,, hmmmm, i realize there is a dearth of liberal minded folks here, (Lord knows the beatings they take here, for which I applaud people like Jon, D'oh and Ax) but I believe each one of them has put their face in front of their beliefs here. The same cant be said for the other side now can it? Copper? Larry? Jolly? At least people like George, Mik, and others, have the human decency to show us they are real people and not just avatars.
    And excuse me for stating the obvious dysfunctions that exist in this barroom of a forum. A bar that used to have 100 plus regular posters in its hay day. Now regulated to a paltry 20 or so on a good day. You let faceless assholes sit here and run good people out of here because they don't toe the line.
    Yeah, you all hate me. That's ok. At least i'm real and stand up for myself even if it makes you uncomfortable. I think most of you are smart, witty, intelligent folks. I wish you would talk more about piano sometimes, instead of this incessant politics which just makes us, at least me, see red.

    Yes, I'm sorry.

    I never should have forced you to post about politics.

    What was I thinking?!

    I was just plain evil.

    If only I could have behaved like a human!

    I should be ashamed.


  • What do you think of the merits of Trump’s case in PA?

    7 Posts

    @jon-nyc said in What do you think of the merits of Trump’s case in PA?:

    Oh, and this is a really blatant attempt at voter suppression.

    You might as well say it is good for the environment.

    That's not the point.