@Loki said in Emergency Exit:
I feel like I’m missing something here as it seems impossible.
Is the problem how your daughter’s rental property is zoned?
Maybe Sean knows something.
The problem is quite interesting.
The landlord of her apartment, Mark, is required to have 2 exits (fire code).
One of those exits is onto Sean's property.
Sean's building a property there blocks Mark's exit.
The questions are, afaict:
The violation of the lease that D4 signed. Though expired, the law says that she needs to get 30 days written notice that the lease is terminated. That never happened.
What will landlord Mark do about complying to code, considering that landlord Sean wants to block emergency egress from Mark's building?
There are NO alternatives for emergency egress from Mark's building.
All of this will become moot in about 4-6 months, when D4 moves. However, it's certainly fun interesting to watch.
In the meantime, she has secured parking for her car at a location close by. SIL is parking his car at the condo. Since he's working from home, this is a minor inconvenience.
As Mik pointed out, the legal question is interesting. What legal responsibility does Sean have regarding Mark's compliance with code? Also, as Kluurs mentions, the question of how compliant with code is this new construction with such a narrow lot? I've tried to find the City of Chicago code about "narrow lots" but i've not been too successful.
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