When I told Mrs. George about this article, she reminded me...
"Remember when you were a resident on OB, and because of a lack of staff, you were on call every other night?"
That was a lifetime ago, of course, and the residency was quite different (not as busy - I could usually get 2-3 hours of uninterrupted sleep).
Is more frequent call a good thing, ultimately?
I don't know.
This report seems to suggest that entering a residency while not having a rich late-night experience is detrimental, at least in terms of "feeling prepared."
My experience was remarkable. The day after I grabbed my diploma, I was 100% ready, with no anxiety. I was confident in what I knew, and I was confident that I would have support from my senior colleagues (my resident) that he would help me if I needed it.
It was not a surgical residency, but a medical one, but I think the basic point stands - my schooling made me ready.