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  • "An incitement to violence."

    5 Posts
    George KG

    @Aqua-Letifer said in "An incitement to violence.":

    Yeah, I absolutely want these people to decide our elected officials in two weeks.



    “I feel suffocated at Google,” said Ritesh Lakhkar, a technical program manager in Google’s Cloud division, to a Project Veritas undercover journalist. “Because on one side you have this professional or unprofessional attitude, and on the other side, you have this ultra-leftist attitude, and your entire existence is questioned.”

    Lakhkar said Google exercises deity-like control over the information Americans receive.

    “You’re like playing selective God,” he said.

    “If it was fraud, it doesn’t matter, but for Trump, Melania Trump, it matters, and on the other side, Trump says something, misinformation, you’re gonna delete that because it’s illegal under whatever pretext,” he said. “If a Democratic leader says that, then you’re gonna leave it like that, so I’m like, okay, you’re not following one way or the other. You are just plain and simple trying to play God.”

    Ritesh Lakhkar: “The power’s in the search, yeah.”

    Journalist: “The power to control reality. How do you feel about that? How does that make you feel?”

    Lakhkar: “Helpless.”

    James O’Keefe, the founder and CEO of Project Veritas, said, “Ritesh Lakhkar told our journalist the truth about Google, the company he has worked at for years. With the presidential election just days away, he is calling out Big Tech.”

    Journalist: “You go to search and you type in ‘Donald Trump,’ and it’s like all negative—"

    Ritesh Lakhkar: “Yeah.”

    Journalist: “--and when you type in ‘Joe Biden,’ it’s all positive.”

    Lakhkar: “Because—"

    Patrick Markan, lead mechanical engineer at Fitbit: “It’s skewed by the owners or the drivers of the algorithm, right?”

    Lakhkar: “It’s skewed by the owners and the drivers of the algorithm. Like so, if I say “Hey Google, here’s $2 billion, feed this data set of whenever ‘Joe Biden’ is searched, you’ll get these results.”

    O’Keefe said, “This ranking member at Google says there will be riots at Google if Trump wins, he says Google and YouTube play God with their power and even raises concerns about Google outsourcing American jobs.”

  • Hey, Jolly!

    3 Posts

    Well, one good saying deserves another...

    Link to video

  • Hydroxy. Again.

    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Acting Class

    10 Posts
    Aqua LetiferA

    @Jolly said in Acting Class:

    @Aqua-Letifer said in Acting Class:

    @Jolly said in Acting Class:

    Actors are born, not made.

    Utter bullocks.

    Truth, lad.

    It's like throwing a fast ball.

    You're talking sports while simultaneously discrediting the entire story of Rudy. C'mon, man. 😁

    But it really isn't. Not everyone starts with an equal baseline, sure. Not even close to an equal baseline. But you reach a point in nearly any skill timeline where consistent effort trumps talent, every time. If Daniel Day Lewis had never worked at it you'd never know who he was. Meanwhile, Angelo Rossitto did work at it, and look what he's done.

    But hell that's just Hollywood movies. That's not the whole of what "acting" means. There's being on Netflix, but there's also making a living from YouTube, being part of a solvent theatre group, improv, etc., etc. The people who do these things well aren't failures just because you've never seen them in movies.

  • In Paris

    13 Posts
    Aqua LetiferA

    @Doctor-Phibes said in In Paris:

    @Aqua-Letifer said in In Paris:

    The first paragraph makes excellent points. But he really flubbed the rest.

    Yes, it's actually good to put the brakes on sweeping generalizations when emotionally charged violence takes place. That's one of the reasons why we have the Rule of Law. I've heard enough crazy shit here on this very forum about Muslims, from folks who, surprise, have very few relationships with Muslims, to indicate that temperance is a good idea when it comes to accusing an entire religion of hatred. An Islamic extremist beheaded a guy in Paris? That same day, about a dozen white guys participated in murder in America. Where's the call to snuff out white guy extremism? Why is that ridiculous, but it's completely okay to lump together and condemn 1.8 billion on the planet because of one nutter?

    The Pavlovian response when a non-Muslim does this type of thing is to describe him as mentally ill, as if this explains everything.

    Ayuh. If your goal is to have more of the same kind of incidents, that's the exact response you should have.

  • Welcome to the resistance, Exxon

    29 Posts

    @Doctor-Phibes said in Welcome to the resistance, Exxon:

    So, it has come to this.

    Hey - fuck or fight, just tell me which one to dress for....

  • I am not alone - Darrell Spence - Economist

    9 Posts

    @taiwan_girl said in I am not alone - Darrell Spence - Economist:

    @Larry said in I am not alone - Darrell Spence - Economist:

    So the way we measure how well the citizens are doing is by looking at the stock market?

    No wonder some of you don't understand Trump.

    Tell me what your measurements are to test the well being of citizens.

    It sure wouldn't be the stock market. It would be things like being able to go to the grocery store and not have to keep a running tab in your mind as you put items in your cart to make sure you can pay for it. Or being able to afford a decent house, car, etc. Being able to not have to worry if you can pay your bills. Stuff like that is how most Americans test their well being. Not how rich the stock owners got this year.

  • Joint at the head, successful separation of conjoined twins

    3 Posts

    Incredible story indeed.

    I wonder how the two had fit into a single womb, given that they'd have about twice the height of a normal single baby.

  • From the "In" Box

    4 Posts
    Doctor PhibesD

    Obviously, some of it makes sense. Some of it is gross over-simplification of complex issues.

    My point is that it's very one-sided. IOW, all the problems we face are due to the left.

    I've had similar but opposite discussions with people on the other side who blame everything on Donald Trump, but don't seem able to see why he was elected.

    After watching the television documentary The New Pope, I've decided to become a follower of Cardinal Newman. Sure, he was a Papist, but the philosophy of the middle road is a lot more palatable than the bollocks being presented to us by politicians. I may even start wearing little red shoes. There's no place like home.

  • Apparently, turkeys can indeed fly

    2 Posts

    Wild turkeys fly pretty well. Domestic turkeys don't.

  • Special scorn for “undecided voters” this year

    3 Posts

    I have special scorn for anyone dumb enough to vote for Biden.

  • Interesting piece - Fifth Revolution

    2 Posts

    There's a few potential big technological revolutions left in the hopper. Biotech is definitely a big category.

    "Unlimited" energy (fusion, new storage technology, space mining, etc.) is another plausible one in the not too distant future.

  • Missing Millions

    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Denmark and Germany to build giant immersed tunnel

    6 Posts

    Lolz @Aqua-Letifer

  • In the beginning...

    7 Posts

    @jon-nyc said in In the beginning...:

    What they don’t show you a second later as she starts to shoot is when he jumps up and blocks the living fuck outta her shot. Then stands over her, talking trash, pumping his chest saying “not in my house!!”

  • Governor Nuisance to Delay Covid Vaccine

    15 Posts

    @Aqua-Letifer yes, I agree.

  • Super-spreader Event

    16 Posts
    Doctor PhibesD

    Beta-carotene would be funnier.

  • Death sentence

    5 Posts
    Aqua LetiferA

    @Mik said in Death sentence:

    That's a shame. I wish him the best. Would that everyone woud be human enough to do the same.


  • Milkshake flavor?

    10 Posts
    Aqua LetiferA

    @Jolly said in Milkshake flavor?:

    @Aqua-Letifer said in Milkshake flavor?:

    Ben Shapiro recently made a YouTube video about his not voting for Trump in 2016, but why he'll be voting for him in 2020.

    What the hell is wrong with me that I actually agreed with about half of what that weasely voiced guy had to say.

    No, actually, I need to step further back. What the hell is wrong with me that I actually listened to Ben Shapiro.

    You're smarter than you look?😄

    har har.

    As you can imagine, my current political beliefs are creating some interesting conversational pitfalls for me these days. What's funny is that they really haven't changed all that much; lefties have just officially become insane.

    I fully support public school, universal health care, gay marriage, continued immigration, and environmental protection. I also have no problem with the Democrat party's stance on abortion even though I feel differently.

    But no, sorry, their shit has gone too far. When someone's fucking height can be used as evidence against them in HR discussions because persecution is ay-okay when it happens to white guys, and you can get away with calling a white dude from Germany a Nazi in team meetings and mean it, on not just one but multiple occasions, you've indicated to me that you shouldn't be in charge of turning off the lights at night, let alone any kind of government policy.

  • Come Fly With Me: Selfie-Stick Edition

    3 Posts

    Cool video.

    @Mik Funny reply. 😄