I'm thinking backlash.
75 years from now, when the so-called "news" venues are so clogged with garbage that real actual news is nearly invisible in the mass of dumbness and what there is of it is crap, somebody will happen upon a website that features the story of the history of the Chicago Tribune, and they're like, "Hey! Look at this! Look how clean they were in those days!" Somebody else says, "Wow, that is so cool! And look, they didn't even print comments!" Word spreads, and a descendent of Bill Gates says, "Look, I've got money. Let's put an edition of this bad boy on the street and see what happens!"
The crowd goes mad! The paper sells out in an hour! Second, third and fourth editions are published, and it's still not enough! Heard on the street: "No comments! No fucking comments! Why did it take us so long to do this???"
Here's where my dream gets really silly. Social message boards become . . . like . . . completely empty . . . echoing silence.
Okay, I'm off the rails.