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  • Triggered

    8 Posts
    Doctor PhibesD

    The Daily Mail should carry a trigger warning. "Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here" springs to mind.

  • DeSantis is such a douchebag

    93 Posts
    Aqua LetiferA

    @jolly said in DeSantis is such a douchebag:

    That's ok, you're still a fascist.😛😛

    Never said I wadn't!

  • The Cabin

    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • At the zoo

    5 Posts

    Pure gold

  • Good points & bad points

    23 Posts
    Doctor PhibesD

    @aqua-letifer said in Good points & bad points:

    Star Wars is about the oldest story the West has to offer.

    Boy meets girl. Boy kisses girl. Boy discovers girl is his sister. Boy says 'I am going to fucking kill my father'. Boy spends a lot of time playing with his saber. Boy meets father's boss. Father's boss attempts to seduce boy. Boy's father throws boss into big pit and loses job.

    You know, he's right - it is an old story!

  • America's Paper of Record sees the future

    5 Posts

    In most cases, schools are ran by schoolboards, who are directly elected by the public. And since school board members tend to represent a smaller group of people, most are very in tune with what their constituents want. If not, people tend to become fairly agitated, fairly quickly and that leads to recall or defeat at the polls. Many schoolboard members are not paid or paid very little.

    Teachers are hired by the board and sign yearly contracts. Curriculum is set by the board, usually to meet a certain state standard.

  • 168,000,000

    3 Posts

    It's pretty polite down here.

    We still have police to go along with the firearms.

  • The Obama Deal

    4 Posts
    George KG

  • Who Dis? (Army edition)

    3 Posts
    George KG

    @doctor-phibes're right.




  • Delta & Biden

    9 Posts
    LuFins DadL

    @jolly said in Delta & Biden:

    Speech tonight.

    Will he dig himself a deeper hole?

    Now we know why he didn't want American troops fighting somebody else's Civil War. He needs them to fight our Civil War. Oh, the shit is going to hit the fan.

  • Cooking with Gas?

    13 Posts
    LuFins DadL

    Wood and charcoal beat all...

  • I Think I Saw My Brain

    11 Posts

    @george-k said in I Think I Saw My Brain:

    @catseye3 said in I Think I Saw My Brain:

    'menstruating person'

    Mrs. George is not a "menstruating person." For that matter neither is D2.

    What does that make them?

    Non-menstruating people, duh.

  • Stay classy, Jimmy

    17 Posts
    Aqua LetiferA

    @doctor-phibes said in Stay classy, Jimmy:

    @horace said in Stay classy, Jimmy:

    @doctor-phibes said in Stay classy, Jimmy:

    @lufins-dad said in Stay classy, Jimmy:

    They should do a Man Show Reunion with him and Adam Carolla.

    WTF is it with these guys? They get famous from a silly show with women bouncing on trampolines, and suddenly they've become The Two Wise Men?

    I guess they've figured that actual comedy is a lot harder than doing what these two do.

    Carolla is IMO a legit thinker.

    No wonder you think that Brits sound smart 😆

    Yep, agree. Corolla's alright, but at the end of the day he's just another tribe cheerleader.

  • The violence dataset

    7 Posts

    Used to be an overnight talk radio host on KMOX who had a catch-phrase, "God save us from the good people".

  • Gorilla

    4 Posts
    George KG

    The RWEC looks at the story, and the reporting:

    Today's media puzzler: When isn't it racist for a protester in gorilla mask to throw eggs at black candidate?

    Answer: When the black candidate is a Republican, and the protester is a progressive. Had the affiliations been the other way around in this encounter caught on video, the media would have feasted on it for weeks, and reporters would have demanded answers for it from every GOP candidate for office.

    However, since it happened to my friend and Salem Radio colleague Larry Elder while walking through progressive Los Angeles, the media instead reported it as a “hostile confrontation.” Watch the video and judge for yourselves. The egg attack comes from the right side of the screen:

    (video above)

    Come and see the violence inherent in the progressive system. That’s definitely not how the Los Angeles Times covered the attack, though. Instead, they framed it by noting how Elder “hastily exiting” after being “angrily confronted” by homeless activists:

    Larry Elder’s scheduled tour of homeless encampments in Venice ended shortly after it began Wednesday morning, with the leading Republican in the gubernatorial recall race hastily exiting in an SUV after being angrily confronted by a group of homeless people and advocates.

    Elder — who had arrived in his new “Recall Express” campaign bus shortly after casting his ballot at a voting center across town — spent roughly 12 minutes in the neighborhood, with his departure hastened by what appeared to be an egg thrown in the candidate’s direction and a physical assault on his staff.

    Er … shouldn’t the physical assault be the lead here? Elder and his team didn’t cut the visit short over angry protests — they cut it short over the political violence being committed by Elder’s opponents. And why does it take the LAT until the fourth paragraph to mention the gorilla mask?

    A woman in a gorilla mask riding a bicycle threw the small white object past Elder’s head, as seen in a video posted on Twitter by Spectrum News reporter Kate Cagle. The woman appeared to be white, Elder is Black, and ape characterizations have been used as a racist trope for centuries.

    At least the LA Times got around to that point at all, or even reporting on it. The local ABC affiliate never even mentions the mask, although at least the egg shows up in the lead:

    Larry Elder had to cut his campaign event short in Venice after he encountered an angry crowd and had an egg thrown at him. …

    But when Elder arrived in Venice to tour a homeless encampment, we were there when those who live at the encampment at Sunset and 3rd weren’t pleased to see the Republican candidate for governor. An egg was thrown at Elder as the crowd grew, shouting at the conservative radio talk show host. The egg did not strike him.

    Note well the passive voice here — “An egg was thrown,” as though the egg itself bears the moral weight of its journey toward Elder. There isn’t a single mention of the woman wearing a gorilla mask, even though she’s clearly seen in video throwing the egg and later attacking at least one member of Elder’s entourage.

    Speaking of passive voice, our friend Jeryl Bier noticed the sound of silence coming from the rest of the national media, which seems very odd in the context of a highly covered gubernatorial recall election in America’s most populous state:

    Now imagine if this had happened to a black Democrat touring a suburban district or the Central Valley. Would ABC and the LA Times retreat to passive voice in that instance? Would the New York Times bury it in the 14th paragraph of an election round-up? Nonsense. It would be headline news in every national news outlet, and people would be screaming at prosecutors to charge the woman with a hate crime.

    Candace Owens: "“If this was on the other side, if a white woman wearing a monkey mask threw an egg at a black democratic candidate, there would be wall to wall coverage,” Owens said. “This might actually constitute as a hate crime in Los Angeles.”

    “We need to find out exactly who this woman is,” Owens continued, host of the Candace Owens Show on Daily Wire.

    “She needs to be arrested and charges need to be brought because this is absolutely criminal and disgusting, and it might be racist. I’m unsure why she was wearing the monkey mask. I have no idea why she was wearing it, but I’d like to see more information about that,” Owens fired back.

    So would I, but I certainly don’t expect to get it from the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, ABC’s LA affiliate, or the Washington Post.

  • Who Dis? (a bit harder)

    10 Posts

    I would love to have been at that show.

  • In Virginia Today

    24 Posts

    @aqua-letifer said in In Virginia Today:

    @jolly said in In Virginia Today:

    As some scholar sifts through our writings in the dim future,

    Can I buy some pot from you?

    Pot is so 70's.

  • Back to the courtroom.

    4 Posts
    Aqua LetiferA

    @george-k said in Back to the courtroom.:

    @jolly said in Back to the courtroom.:

    I would love to have a camera in the courtroom for SCOTUS.

    "Fuckin' Barrett. Comes in every day with that freaking smelly ass Starbucks spinach pie."
    "Right? I gotta breathe through my mouth just to sit through the afternoon. Why can't she just go to Capitol Market?"
    "And it's like—wait no look at that. Holy shit. They actually write 'AJ' on her latte cup."
    "Get the fuck out of here."

  • That Iranian Glow

    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Lessons From Ivermectin

    1 Posts
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