I can't top Aqua, but we had that most wild of all beasts - Medical Residents.
Many of them, especially the HO 1's, lived in a dump owned by the state, affectionally called The Hilton by all. They were known for some quite boisterous parties, but one Christmas Eve they outdid themselves.
I dropped by when I got off at 11P, just long enough to say hello and sample the jungle juice, since the lab had donated two gallons of 95% ethanol for the garbage can. At that point, they were already having a great time, having cleared off the parking lot for a dance floor and barbecue.
They'd had the wheelchair races before I got there, but I still got to see the end of the gurney drag races. Literally...docs in drag, pushing a gurney down the boulevard with one very obviously pregnant (basketball) OR nurse on each team, riding in the gurney.
I missed the best parts, or so they tell me. They built a campfire in the middle of the boulevard. A mannequin was stolen sometime during the evening and used in drunken festivities of unknown significance. They caught one of the nurses in the bathroom fellating one of the surgery residents. It finally broke up, when one of the female nurses took off all of her clothes and streaked by the front of the hospital. Didn't help that the woman was in her fifties, overweight and with some definite gravity problems.
I knew they must have had a good time, because when I doubled back that morning at 0630, there was a naked mannequin on the hospital boulevard, wearing a silver tinsel halo.
I'll never forget the announcement Christmas morning on the hospital intercom... This is Doctor ___. I'm the only physican in the hospital right now and I will be indisposed for the next five minutes. Please, nobody get sick while I'm gone.
I was told the "Come to Jesus" meeting with the Chief of Staff and Administrator was epic.