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  • Hey Aqua - BIKE ALERT

    54 Posts

    @jon-nyc said in Hey Aqua - BIKE ALERT:

    The local guy has mostly trail stuff but he did have this Trek FX2, somewhere between hybrid and gravel. Lighter than my current trek, thinner tires but not too thin. I think he’s asking 770.




    Those look like the pathfinder tires I have. Smooth on the edge/tip for roads, wider/grip when you hit gravel/dirt. What happens to your ass after 15 miles? Ask Aqua's sister.

  • Ghost of Kyiv

    15 Posts
    George KG

  • Tickets: 50c, $1, and $1.50

    5 Posts

    @Klaus said in Tickets: 50c, $1, and $1.50:

    Heck, how many different fonts did they use in that poster?

    It's a fake. The Comic Sans gave it away.

  • Horsey Stuff

    1 Posts
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  • "Fetch"

    2 Posts

    Wow. That's an amazing experience to have with a wild sea animal. I'm jealous. 😄

  • Hay Brenda! BAKE ALERT!

    6 Posts

    @Horace said in Hay Brenda! BAKE ALERT!:

    The very word “baking” somehow smells delicious.


  • A urologist's daughter

    1 Posts
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  • Took a picture while on a drive out in the country today

    19 Posts

    @MainerMikeBrown said in Took a picture while on a drive out in the country today:

    The owl looks like he or she wants to look good for the picture, ha, ha.

    Nice picture, Brenda.

    Thank you, MMB! I must agree that he seems fine with having his picture taken. He sat there long enough to let us take several pics. I read this particular type of owl, the Barred Owl, is very curious and inquisitive. Perhaps he was just as curious about us as we were of him.

  • By Performing Volunteer Work, Are You A Hero?

    20 Posts

    Playing golf in retirement is probably top 10

    Count the number of old men who died after playing years of golf

    It is not a small number

  • Air Purifier for allergens

    2 Posts

    I am allergic to everything in my yard

    I use Allegra (Fexofenadine Hydrochloride) 180 mg, every day

    For years I needed a prescription for this

    It has been over-the-counter for years now

    Now I use Aller-Fex from Costco (much cheaper than Allegra), it is the same thing

  • Maybe stop using social media.

    32 Posts

    @bachophile said in Maybe stop using social media.:

    @Horace this is the gist

    "Most people don’t utilize the platform or care all that much about it. A 2021 Pew Research Center survey found that 77 percent of American adults did not use Twitter. Most of those who do tweet don’t visit the site every day, according to that survey. A Pew study, also from 2021, found that 97 percent of tweets are produced by the top 25 percent of Twitter users, the people who are most active on the platform."

    "Twitter also can distort political reality. If you spend a lot of time there, you are most likely seeing other people who tweet a lot, a group that doesn’t represent real life. So you might vastly overestimate the number of people who support, say, packing the Supreme Court and underestimate the number of people who don’t vote at all. "

    "And sometimes Twitter lends itself to the unfortunate Extremely Online attitude, which I defined a few years ago as being deeply enmeshed in internet culture and believing that events in that milieu — like trending topics on Twitter and viral Facebook posts — matter in the offline world, too."

    I listened to a recent podcast with Ezra Klein, who is this writer’s boss. He thinks Twitter is the most important narrative shaper in America, and he thinks narratives are fundamental to all of politics. I suspect Ms Coaston would eagerly agree with his sentiments, even as she writes columns like this one where she pretends to be above it all, and to keep it all in perspective.

  • Billy's daddy is a fudge packer

    4 Posts
    George KG

    Lots of (cheap) Scotch everywhere.

    Forwarded to all of my politically-incorrect friends.

    ETA: and to my kids.

  • 1 Posts
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  • When Judges Lie...

    8 Posts

    Senator Kennedy, that was very nice, well done

    We need more of that, a lot more

  • "He fell off a path."

    1 Posts
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  • Airspace Violations

    1 Posts
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  • Dead at 76

    11 Posts

    One of the Judd's biggest hits was "Momma he's Crazy". It began with a "Pig" Robbins rolling rhythm that had been slowed WAY down....

    Link to video

    The comedy duo of Pinkard and Bowden did a hilarious parody of that song...

    Link to video

    list item
  • The Doctor Cartel

    9 Posts

    @George-K said in The Doctor Cartel:

    @Jolly said in The Doctor Cartel:

    Is there any difference in quality between the six-year doc and the more traditional route?

    Not in my experience.

    However, there's something to be said for a broader liberal-arts education. Indefinable, surely, but perhaps of value.

    OTOH, did taking courses in geography, philosophy, economics, German make me a better doc? Nope.

    Looks like Northwestern shut down their program.

    Screen Shot 2022-05-01 at 8.46.20 AM copy.jpg

    Interesting post here.

    I am a parent, and a physician. I would say that most students, at the age of 17 ( when they make the decision to accept , most are not 18 ) do not really know why they want to become a physician ( don't forget, going to these schools imply that you have chosen the career path PERMANENTLY ). Most students are motivated by the prestige of being a physician,and the parental ( stress parental ) pride that comes from going to medical school. This country's medical system needs good,self-motivated physicians.

    I am also voluntary faculty at a med school, one with a 6 yr program ( but I don't sit on the admissions committee ).

    I went through 4 years of premed at a top US News and WR university, and consider it to have been a major galvanizing experience . There are learning opportunities there( not necessarily academic ) there for any capable student, one not available when you go to a 6 yr program. Although in the 6 yrs, you're into that med school on day 1, you have to still complete undergrad at THAT institution.

    Consider this, firstly, the 6 yr med students are usually in a glass cage when they go to that school, the undergrads don't know how to relate to them, and the regular med students too, because they are always part time on each campus, and have a different curriculum , and different advisors. Thus , their friends are limited to those in the program, maybe, 10 per year. Compare that to an undergrad class of 1000-2000. I know, because that's the way we saw those students when our school used to have a 7 yr program ( they got rid of it, much to their credit ). I took a class with these 6-7yr students, along with some undergrad friends of mine, the professor was a distinguished professor emeritus of the med school. Guess what, all the undergrads got As, and the 6 yrs got Bs. Shows motivation, and learning, I feel. Those 6yr med students were not pressured to get the grades, because they were already IN ! They squandered the opportunity to learn. Actually, they were robbed of the opportunity.Competition is a GOod thing.

    Some premeds didn't make it, the college experience helped them decide that. That is necessary, in our system of education. I consider not getting into med school a learning experience, (albeit a sometimes difficult one ), one that should not be short circuited.

    Look at the list of 6 yr programs. None are prestigious medical schools ( yes,Brown and Northwestern are NOT prestigious MED schools, look em up ), and all but 2 are at prestigious colleges. Worse,at Sophie Davis' 6 yr, you go to the CUNY campus , Stonybrook, you go to a SUNY campus (along with 40,000 other students).

    Most of these schools added a 6 yr program in order to get students that normally wouldn't have gone there. Would you go to Meharry or CUNY over HYP, Penn, Wash U? I hope not.

    If the student is talented enough to get into a top USNWR undergrad college, as most of them are, on this thread, then they are talented enough to successfully navigate the premed curriculum, and get into med school the usual way.

    I am counseling my daughter to not apply to these programs. She wants a career in biology, possibly medicine, has SATS 1 & 2 in the 760s, and is in the top 2-3% of her class at a well known HS. I want her to learn ( academically, intellectually, and interpersonally) for the benefit of HER future, not mine.

    I'm glad he has money enough to burn.

  • Oh crap....

    4 Posts

    @jon-nyc 😂

  • What went wrong with the T-72?

    6 Posts
    George KG

    @Jolly the takeaway from that video, at least for me, is the strategic thinking of the Lithuanian military - "No, we're not bigger, or even stronger. But we're better trained, more agile, and more, much more, motivated."

    Oh..."We also have better toys."