Hey Jolly
They’re very careful with their language around Coronavirus since it hasn’t been specifically tested but they talk about this being 99.9% effective against other viruses with similar lipid casings.
This does 10 minutes, I don’t know the wattage. UV-C.
Word, thanks.
This particular device wouldn’t do an N95, unless you can flatten them out. It’s not deep enough
What kind of back order did they have?
I went to eBay and overpaid for an unopened one.
This is what my daughter is wearing in the Emergency Department now. I saw it on Amazon yesterday, it is not there today.
only 10% for UNopened box? That's much better than I did.
Yeah they've come down since I ordered mine. People see light at the end of the tunnel
I got a sleek white one.
But I paid 215. I didn't care. I saw the knockoffs on Amazon and they looked worse than fake. It was either burn masks (themselves bought dearly on eBay) or buy the thing.