Looking for more on this story, I came across a New York Post story about how she refused to answer press questions about Biden's possible convos with Hunter on his laptop in 2018.
She declined to answer. The press people kept pressing and pressing, and she repeated her initial reply. I scanned the copy very quickly, but my impression is that she didn't lose her cool, but just kept repeating that she wasn't going to discuss it.
She came across as a pro IOW. My amateur reading is that she as press secretary is under no obligation to answer any Q's about events from four freaking years ago. The press corps were acting like they had the right to roast her over the coals about anything they wanted. They treated her like she was on trial! The press, IOW, were acting like assholes.
This seems like I am defending KJP, that I'm in her corner. I'm not. I don't care about her. But how she presented in this story was different than the one presented in this thread, is all.