This is the kind of pieces of shit cops in urban areas have to deal with all day every day. But you can't talk about the fact that the average black person in the cities who are under the age of 35 are just like this or you'll be called a racist. You also can't talk about the fact that these very same ghetto rats are just as aggressive and incapable of controlling themselves in a civil society just like this ghetto rat. If you point it out you're called a racist. But that term has no meaning any more because the Left has co-opted it to silence anyone who dares disagree with them on any point. White people have their own version of a ghetto rat. It's the slack jawed knuckle dragging redneck. But it's ok to mention them, you won't be called a racist over it.
It isn't a racial issue, it's a cultural issue. There are LOTS of black people who are fine, decent people, just as appalled by people like this ignorant ghetto rat as anyone else. But as long as the black community as a whole fails to address this crippled culture among their youth, nothing will change. I will avoid a group of white rednecks out acting and looking like rednecks just the same as I will avoid a group of ghetto rats out acting and looking like ghetto rats, and for the exact same reason. Not because of the color of their skin, but because the odds are they are sorry excuses for human beings, ignorant, aggressive, and stupid.
That George Floyd guy... they've had 4 separate funerals, each one lasting for literally hours. They've hauled his carcass all over the place so long he's probably stinking by now. Why? So they can be seen. Choirs, soloists, musicians, speakers, all more interested in showing off than thinking about old George. The family seems decent enough, but the chance to have Jesse Jackson and Am Sharpton come and hold court is just too strong. By the third funeral it was obvious it was nothing more than a show.
Then there's the fact that an actual decent and good black man, a 77 year old retired policeman was shot to death by one of these ghetto rats and not a single word out of Al Sharpton, not even so much as a moment of silence in honor of his life. Then the fact that there are lots and lots of very decent, very intelligent blacks the black community could look to for leadership, but instead they label them uncle Tom's and continue shoving their collective noses up the asses of race boaters lime Al Sharpton - a man who doesn't give a damn about any of them other than how he can profit from stirring them up.
There are a lot of decent black people who understand this, are appalled by it, and want the black community to stop playing the race and victim card and address the problems in this culture. Unfortunately, the number of ghetto rats are increasing.