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  • Other deaths

    4 Posts
  • Capitol security woefully unprepared...

    34 Posts
    @andyd said in Capitol security woefully unprepared...: Leaving aside the fact there was no preparation in place for a known demonstration planned in advance, I was astounded watching Capitol security run away, and really really angry seeing your democracy so easily overrun by domestic terrorists in full riot. Your elected representatives deserve the best protection. I'm no security expert but Jesus wept, this is your heart of the country. The security need professional training and wear video cams. And a glock minimum, none of your six-shooter stuff. It's what our armed police carry, along with taser, and either shotguns or machine guns, and body armour. Shoot into the legs of anyone forcing entry past the entrance doorway to the building. No excuses for anyone crossing that line. Glocks hold up to 33 rounds I think. Machine guns to back up. And for the uniforms at the entrance cradling their machine gun who smile and direct you to the public entrance, let tham have the confidence that colleagues should be arriving from nearby in the building within a minute should trouble happen. I just put the news on to find a law enforcer died, not sure if inside or out of the building. It's easy to say, but if I was VP Pence I'd be wanting to use the PPU to go arrest Trump and put him in jail for incitement to riot and causing death. God only knows what Pence is going through, having been ushered into a bunker and then having to deal with an unstable boss. Complete shitstorm for him. And your ignorance is vast and well on display in this statement.
  • Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election

    228 Posts
    @larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election: @klaus said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election: @larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election: @xenon said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election: @larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election: @xenon said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election: @larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election: the side who believes this election was stolen feels Too much "believes" and "feels" - we have laws for a reason. Once feels > laws - then, I agree, we have a whole whack of new problems. For longer than you've been alive your side has based it's entire worldview on "believing" and "feeling". You just jumped the shark. Who are you talking to? You quoted my post. It should be obvious that I'm talking to you. The problem is that you seem to be unable to distinguish "individual who disagrees with me on point X" from "the other tribe, which I hate". You do this every day on this forum. There is no uniform "other tribe". If you want to have a productive conversation with people, you need to address them as individuals, not as members of a tribe. You always seem to need a box with a label in which you can put people and treat them all the same. I go out of my way to point out that (99% of the time) I'm not talking about any specific individual. You see what you want to see, I see some individuals who think I'm talking about them personally every time I say something. If you have trouble sorting it out its not my fault. No, it's quite often not at all clear. Also, who are you talking to when you are not talking to an individual? Can, whoever you attack, defend himself/herself here?
  • Captions please

    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Former president blowing off the inauguration

    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Anyone see Romney speak last night?

    28 Posts
    Yes Jolly, I would agree with what you just wrote with a few possible caveats. People here might recall that prior to my extended hiatus, I never subscribed to the Russian collision accusation leveled at Trump. Of course the Russians interfered where possible in social media with the 2016 election to discredit Clinton. They also undoubtedly hacked the DNC. They also likely targeted a few in the Trump campaign to co-opt them for future utility. Well so what? Disinformation and targets of opportunity are part of sometimes high stakes game Moscow and Washington have been playing since the 1920s. Still, it always struck me how Trump always came across as somehow cowed by Putin. After Trump's one encounter face to face with Putin in Helsinki two years ago, the world saw a noticeably subdued and sheepish and subdued Trump at their joint press conference in Helsinki. If I didn't know better I would suspect that behind those closed doors Putin, in no uncertain terms, layed out to Trump on matters pertaining to the dismal state of Russia US relations since GW Bush's second term and the whole of the Obama Administration; foreign policy topics such as Syria, Ukraine and NATO; as well as bilateral nuclear security topics, all which which left the POTUS speechless. To top it off Putin could very well have shown a few embarrassing banking documents involving Trump corporate business interests and dubious Russian money transfers into and out of the former's numerous real estate assets and offshore bank accounts. This is of course is my read on the matter as foreign policy issues regarding Russia remain more than just a passing interest of mine. Like the cartoon character said, "I knows you did it - I just don't when you's did it or how's you did it. But I knows you did it". No one, other than perhaps Vladimir Putin it seems, knows just what it is he did.
  • House to return tonight to resume counting

    20 Posts
    @jolly said in House to return tonight to resume counting: Yes, FDR won an unprecedented four terms in office. But to think he was universally loved, is simply not so. We are speaking the same thing. My pint was the a lot of people did not agree with FDR and thought his policies and programs were not for the good of the country. I am not saying he was universally loved - just the opposite.
  • Your COVID thread du jour.

    22 Posts
    Reads like you @Jolly is asymptomatic or have only very mild symptoms. I hope it won‘t get worse and you’ll stay healthy. Take care.
  • Here’s a question

    9 Posts
    Including the doctor
  • WhatsApp

    7 Posts
    I have a few WhatsApp people, but in Thailand, LINE seems to be much bigger. (Actually LINE is pretty big all through Asia)
  • Just what we need

    27 Posts
    @aqua-letifer said in Just what we need: @horace said in Just what we need: Again, you can publicly wring hands over them, but if I noticed you never doing that over CHAZ, then it won't work. Didn't you just say you don't notice much? I guess I notice my neighborhood more than the world.
  • Q-Anon Shamen

    16 Posts
  • Official Election Predictions!

    59 Posts
    George KG
    @jon-nyc said in Official Election Predictions!: @Axtremus said in Official Election Predictions!: B. The Senate may split 50-50, effectively giving Biden's "reasonable choice" VP control of the Senate If the senate is split 50-50 Joe Manchin will control it. Georgia Voters Made Joe Manchin President on Tuesday Joe Machin is 73, and he will be 77 when he next faces the decision of whether to run for a third full term. If Manchin really has an “inner socialist” crying to get out, it could be that he decides to not seek re-election which would liberate him from limits he feels from the West Virginia electorate to maintain his moderate voting profile. The pressure on him is going to be enormous. But one thing is certain, he does not need the influence or financial support of the Democrat Party or its outside interest groups to help him win in West Virginia if he does choose to run again. They have no leverage over him in that regard. There are parts of the Democrat agenda that he is fully onboard with — such as guaranteed health care, which is a big issue for his constituents. He voted for Obamacare — which the GOP has not repealed. I’m not certain he would be a vote for a Bernie Sanders form of single-payor socialized medicine — not as long as Obamacare address the issue to the satisfaction of West Virginians’ needs. He is not going to cripple West Viriginia’s economy with the use of any kind of carbon emission caps, and he will not support any legislation to end fracking. Joe Manchin has been consistently moderate throughout his political career. He is the Democrat version of Susan Collins, He might vote for Chuck Schumer to be Senate Leader, but the socialist/liberal Democrats won’t be able to count on his vote as might be the case with 49 others.
  • Jonathan Turley (and others) weigh in

    25 Posts
    @copper Indeed, and you are soooooo common. Feel better now?
  • Medical Records

    15 Posts
    George KG
    She called Medical Records Health Informatics this afternoon. She explained that she received 5 discs, 4 of which were clearly her radiology studies going back years, and the one, with a sharpie-made label on it, containing 135 records of other patients. "Wait...what???" ::Explanation occurs:: Silence on the other end of the line for about 15 seconds. "We're going to mail you a FedEx envelope into which we ask you put the questionable CD. Please get it back to us ASAP."
  • Zuckerberg: Trump banned "indefinitely"

    8 Posts
    Public square. Whether you like what's being said, or not.
  • blm is different

    4 Posts
    A race to the bottom?
  • Safe to eat?

    46 Posts
    @george-k You're probably out of the doghouse by now, Dr. George.
  • Angela Merkel

    8 Posts
    Something like “I promise when I leave office it will be boring.”
  • Meanwhile, in Silicon Valley

    2 Posts
    A lot of peope will tell you that it's the quantification of how he's been able to convince the world that he's a genius.