Pelosi Galore wants crew-served weapons. At least in Washington.
Ain't nuthin' like a Ma Deuce chugging along...That 750 grain bullet will make a red mist out of whoever it touches, along with five or six critters behind the target.
You'll be able to go out afterwards and pick up pieces of arms, legs, and skull fragments. Nothing says power, like human offal in the streets.
Loved him in Richard III. Almost as much as I loved Stacey Kent singing in the beginning of the movie. And a LOT more than I loved Robert Downey Jr in it.
Ours open up the Friday before the Wednesday of the “clinic, at 3pm. So you have to have your browser open and keep clicking refresh until you can sign up. And they go fast. (They use the local events ticketing software for concerts and stuff)
A friend of my brother had a heart condition (I think AFib?) detected by his Apple Watch. He got an alert, so he went to the doctor's the next day, and was taken straight to Emergency. He said it was the best 300GBP he'd ever spent.
It's actually made me wonder about upgrading from my old Fitbit.