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  • Walking...

    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Some good info on Breakthrough Cases

    4 Posts

    @loki said in Some good info on Breakthrough Cases:

    @jolly said in Some good info on Breakthrough Cases:

    They're behind the curve.

    Talking to SIL this morning...They called the family in this morning on an 80 year-old man. Surprisingly healthy, almost no meds, fully vaccinated. (They have a set of protocols where they are letting some individuals see patients before sending them to ICU.)

    Was doing great, still running a horse ranch. Came down with COVID, had the classic lung presentation on xray in the ED, admitted with normal treatment regimen. He was being transferred to ICU this morning, where he will be intubated. Prognosis is grim.

    Granted, that's an elderly man, but he was in good health. We are seeing more cases in that 25-45 range, and some of those guys are pretty sick. And some of these guys, especially the forty-somethings have been vaccinated.

    Is the source vaccinated or unvaccinated people?

    Don't have a clue. My sources are what I see in the LIS and hospital gossip.

  • Popcorn TV

    3 Posts

    I never eat popcorn while watching TV because I've never been a big fan of popcorn.

    I do like watching TV, however.

  • This is why.

    6 Posts

    @89th said in This is why.:

    I'm happy for her/she/they/them/it.

    (Seriously, awesome moment for her [and the chick from Bermuda], what great moments).

    Also, as a guy who doesn't lift weights, I have no desire to infiltrate the female weightlifting competition and still lose by a long shot.

    As a young lad, I hit the iron a bit. My daughter was a state champion powerlifter. Her coach's daughter once held the world record for the bench press in her weight class. My nephew was in the top five of his class, training for a shot at the Olympics when he badly injured his back ( he never lifted competitively again). I t takes a huge amount of work, diet and denial to get that strong and I appreciate a great performance.

    The young lady from the Phillipines deserves that gold medal. God Bless her.

  • Football Question

    19 Posts

    And another thing! Watching Arians swanning around in his fancy cart with the sunshade because he's too fat to walk, kvetching at the players for not being enough conditioned, really chaps my you-know-what. It's a good thing they have Brady, who walks the walk, to look up to.

    What is it with fat coaches, anyway? Him and Belichick. Should be Belly-chick. Hey, Belichick, check your belly! Har de har.


    Okay, I'll stop talking to myself now. Unless I think of some other deathless thing.

  • 3500 Miniatures

    7 Posts

    Get a job.

    I suspect that is what his relatives said. 😆

    Nonetheless those are pretty great.

  • Porch Pirate

    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Olympic Trivia

    11 Posts
    LuFins DadL

    @copper said in Olympic Trivia:

    In 1912, Native American Olympian Jim Thorpe had his running shoes stolen the morning of the event.

    When somebody stole his shoes right before he was set to compete in the Olympics, it was probably no big deal to Jim. He simply put on two other shoes that someone had tossed in a trash can. They were different sizes, though, so he had to wear extra socks on one foot to even them out.

    ![alt text](f04882b5-deeb-4069-9007-5ab9faa7a0b6-image.png image url)

    He won the gold in the pentathlon.

    Then you might remember that his medal was taken away when it became known that he had taken money to play minor league baseball.

    And this year’s men’s basketball team has a total NBA salary of 3.6 Billion, more than the GDP of most Caribbean countries…

  • RIP Tina

    13 Posts

    Sorry to hear this George.

  • Panhandling…

    10 Posts

    @doctor-phibes said in Panhandling…:

    I used to busk for beer money when I was unemployed.

    In college I sold my blood to pay my bar bills. 😑

  • 49 inches

    5 Posts

    49 inches

    (Rodney Dangerfield voice). You’re way off.

  • I thought "inciting violence" was a crime

    5 Posts

    David Crosby hasn't had enough brain power to find his own ass since the 70s.

  • Derangement

    15 Posts

    @catseye3 said in Derangement:

    @jolly said in Derangement:

    o...Do you think people should not have children because the NYT promotes the theory of man-made climate change?

    Enlighten me; perhaps I embedded that point in my post above without realizing it.

    The question -- like so many of your questions -- is unanswerable in its form. But I'll try. I don't give a damn what people decide to do, and I don't give a damn which source they use to make their decisions. I do give a damn how well informed they are before making them, and particularly in the present era, they won't do that by sticking to one "truth" over another.

    You know what's funny? People like Prager get off big laffs mocking the fools who slavishly follow the NYT -- but have zero problems with people who believe every word out of his keyboard. Yessir! That's what puts the ol' maple syrup on the pancakes, amirite?

    I worry about your sanity.

  • Hey, Me! My AOC Post of the Day.

    8 Posts

    @george-k said in Hey, Me! My AOC Post of the Day.:

    @catseye3 said in Hey, Me! My AOC Post of the Day.:

    @george-k Is that Terrell?

    Al Sharpton - Galactic Lord of Race Hustlers.

    Galactic Lord of low carb diets, from the looks of it. Very impressive results.

  • Carolina Queens

    12 Posts

    @george-k said in Carolina Queens:

    @catseye3 said in Carolina Queens:

    Whose dumb idea was this, anyway?


    No, female football.

    Got to be the world's biggest buzzkill.

  • We lost our own wargame simulating Taiwan

    9 Posts

    Nothing new. We've been losing this one on computers for the last several years.

    It's all about assets and logistics. The two biggest problems are the proximity of China and its unsinkable bases + how fast they can overrun Taiwan in a first strike.

    Chances are they take Taiwan quickly and then dig in. With the air assets that they have, they would be very, very hard to dislodge. And that's what they are counting on...It might be a nasty couple of days, but China is counting on us not to take it any further.

    Which is a very good bet, considering whatb currently occupies the Oval Office.

  • "Our Kind of Traitor"

    3 Posts


  • Hey, Kluurs.

    7 Posts

    Please, let's remove all the books of privilege

  • A well-known tune

    3 Posts

    ETA: That NFL 100th anniversary commercial I posted here, a commenter posted about it, "It is life!"

    That's just how I felt, watching that performance. It was life.

  • Senator Paul, you do not know what you are talking about.

    41 Posts

    @horace said in Senator Paul, you do not know what you are talking about.:

    @loki said in Senator Paul, you do not know what you are talking about.:

    @horace said in Senator Paul, you do not know what you are talking about.:

    @loki said in Senator Paul, you do not know what you are talking about.:

    @jolly said in Senator Paul, you do not know what you are talking about.:

    Lying. Political weaselization.

    A worthy read to help dispassionate folks gain context to the political hit job vs full context and reality.

    Kangaroo courts are great for folks who have no interest in the truth.

    lol. Say, Loki, did you find any political bent to that article or was it completely dispassionate to your eyes?

    On social networks, Republican operatives unconcerned with the facts — like Richard Grenell, the Twitter troll who served as Donald Trump’s director of national intelligence for three months — cheered on Paul’s attack.

    In the wake of Paul’s attack on Fauci, several prominent scientists who question the wisdom and safety of gain-of-function experiments — in which biologists deliberately create pandemic-causing pathogens in the lab in order to better prepare to combat them should they evolve in nature — refused to speak to me on the record. One after another, they said Paul’s patently false claim that Fauci was to blame for the pandemic, and his selective outrage at gain-of-function research only when conducted in China, made it all but impossible for them to say anything about the pre-pandemic experiments in Wuhan without being vilified by partisans.

    One biologist who supports such research told me that he would have liked the opportunity to correct what he called misinformation about the experiments, but had been worn down by death threats.

    Lol death threats! So he can't weigh in on the Paul/Fauci debate!

    What a wonderful, truth seeking article that is. Thanks for sniffing it out amidst all the politicized dreck, Loki.

    Horace- state your case for lying. Let’s see it. It’s a bunch of allegations from partisans. Let’s see it. You are the accuser. The NIH says you are wrong.

    Burden of proof, right? That is still important righttttt?????

    You're not following along. We started when I asked you to substantiate your claim that Paul was misrepresenting the truth. (To which you added a nice dismissive partisan shot about how Paul was pandering to tribalists.) Actually I agree that you could call Paul's accusation about "responsibility for 4 million deaths", a misrepresentation. I wasn't expecting you to be completely incapable of answering the question. I just wondered how you would answer it. Turns out, you chose to assign me homework to answer it for you.

    I never (seriously) accused Fauci of lying. I presented the case, mostly made in the WaPo piece, that he was resting on a technicality from a recent change to the NIH's definition of GoF. Again, it is difficult to have this discussion if you aren't following along.

    Rand won’t even take the vaccine. It’s a tough starting point for me. The line of questioning I would be interested in is why we let China off the hook on the origin theory of Covid. But once he said Fauci was responsible for millions of deaths I admittedly shut down. He is a physician and his words and actions have extra import. I can take that criticism.