@lufins-dad said in The Stones Revenge Tour:
Urine again, checking for E Coli and other bacteria. Apparently the test on the Friday before had a high E Coli level. On Monday? It was perfectly clear.
Maybe, maybe not.
Typical protocol is to do a dipstick urinalysis. [image: 8037143f-35f2-41cf-9025-296493a860c8_1.6c834faf015fa0f632163f4437531472.jpeg?odnHeight=768&odnWidth=768&odnBg=FFFFFF]
If it pings positive for leukocyte esterase, blood, protein (30mg+), nitrite, a microscopic is done. On the micro, if they see bacteria or WBC's, it's cultured. Interestingly enough, lab guys look at spun urine sediment, GU docs tend to look at unspun urine. Go figure.
If the stick is negative and the urine is yellow and clear, it's reported out and the micro is not done. Therefore, no culture on a negative stick.
Lab errors and mix-ups do occur...