Great. First the WuFlu, now the Murder Hornet
With queens that can grow to two inches long, Asian giant hornets can use mandibles shaped like spiked shark fins to wipe out a honeybee hive in a matter of hours, decapitating the bees and flying away with the thoraxes to feed their young. For larger targets, the hornet’s potent venom and stinger — long enough to puncture a beekeeping suit — make for an excruciating combination that victims have likened to hot metal driving into their skin.
In Japan, the hornets kill up to 50 people a year. Now, for the first time, they have arrived in the United States.
Have a nice morning.
Trump Retaliates Against Asian Murder Hornets With American Kamikaze Bears
WASHINGTON, D.C.—President Trump has retaliated against the release of Asian murder hornets with newly developed kamikaze bears.
Trump deployed the bears all across Asia Tuesday morning, laughing maniacally as the aggressive predators who will definitely kill you charged into China exploding themselves wherever they could.
The bears are flung from aircraft carriers and fly into their targets, frightening people because they're friggin' bears and then exploding everybody to death. They have been trained to roar, "AMERICA, SON!" as they approach their target, striking even more fear into the hearts of their foes.
"What's better than hornets? Bears. Kamikaze bears. The best bears, maybe ever," Trump said as he unveiled six of the kamikaze bears, the deadliest biological weapon in American history. "Who's a good bear? You are. That's right. Bears! The best! Everyone says so!"
Members of the press slowly backed away from the large, aggressive predators, but it was too late. "Why don't we try this out on the media?" Trump said. "Bears, attack!")
Get Praying Mantises. They like to eat murder hornet heads.
Get Praying Mantises. They like to eat murder hornet heads.
Wow!!!!! That was quite brutal. Ate its head off!!
Wow!!!!! That was quite brutal. Ate its head off!!
@taiwan_girl probably the tastiest part.
@taiwan_girl probably the tastiest part.