Whole milk banned in NY schools
@catseye3 said in Whole milk banned in NY schools:
@george-k said in Whole milk banned in NY schools:
1% flavored milk with proof of operational hardship.
The cow's ancestors need to have been imported into the country to provide slave-milk, having been ripped from their idyllic cow life of prairie frolicking in their original home country.
@doctor-phibes said in Whole milk banned in NY schools:
Whether milk is good for us or not is one of the key scientific conundrums of the last 30 years.
Especially since all the other health and lifestyle issues have been satisfactorily addressed.
This is all about the milk lobby in NY.
@axtremus said in Whole milk banned in NY schools:
@89th said in Whole milk banned in NY schools:
I’m surprised white milk isn’t banned
You probably come at this from a "critical race" perspective. Keep in mind that even white milk can come from cows of colors. So white milk gets a pass.
I thought chocolate milk came from brown cows.
A lot of athletes drink chocolate milk as a recovery drink. Whole milk is generally better than the lower fat versions - even though higher in fat and calories, it seems to be a healthier alternative to skim. It all depends on who one listens to for counsel on nutrition. The American Heart Association is not a credible source of information.
@kluurs said in Whole milk banned in NY schools:
The American Heart Association is not a credible source of information.
Say on, brother.
Following on this thread, I found a site that observed that the estrogen, which is fat soluble, in a serving of milk makes for a very tiny fraction of the estrogen produced by our bodies, even men's bodies. For women it's so tiny as to be almost meaningless.
@kluurs said in Whole milk banned in NY schools:
A lot of athletes drink chocolate milk as a recovery drink. Whole milk is generally better than the lower fat versions - even though higher in fat and calories, it seems to be a healthier alternative to skim.
Whilst I'm a long way from being an athlete, I do sometimes drink whole-fat chocolate milk after a long bike ride - it's bloody wonderful.
Somewhat less healthily, I usually drink a large Red Bull just before the ride. I don't suppose those miserable buggers in NY would approve of that, either.