Trust Us
May 22, 2021
Two weeks – trust us.
By Jeremy EgererAfternoon there, neighbor!
There's a new disease in town, and I wanted you to know about it.
It gives the chills and sweats and headaches
and fevers and diarrhea and a cough and it can kill you.
Not a cold or a flu, but a new thing.
It can kill most of us, it turns out.
Very dangerous.
We're going to have to lock you down, in fact.
For your well-being. Two weeks is all we ask to flatten this curve. What's a curve? Funny you ask.
It's when too many people get put into the hospital. We just want to slow the numbers. Whittle them down a bit.
Lock you out of work and church and play for two weeks.
Totally worth it, we promise.What do you mean, you don't have any symptoms?
It causes all symptoms and no symptoms,
and the people with no symptoms are the most dangerous people.In fact, wear this mask. Put it on your kids.
Pull them out of school and hide them from the other kids. We know that the flu kills way more kids every year
and kids need to develop an immune system, but put it on anyway.
It's about solidarity, and you don't want to kill old people, do you?Change of plans — it's looking like four weeks.
Not everybody was on board, you know,
and this means that the disease still exists.
Yes, like the cold.
And it looks as though we've got a new wave!
So we're going to lock you down another month
and release a bunch of convicts.
Hospital capacity is a top priority, so you can't go out to feed your kids
or celebrate Independence Day.
Don't worry: we can put you on welfare and pause all the evictions.
Your business might go under, but you'll still have a Walmart!
We kept them open because they're essential (like liquor stores) and you aren't.You're just feeding your family. Walmart is big, and we don't want you to go without groceries you can't pay for.
I'm sure you can find a job there when we're done.Lovely race riots we're having this year.
No, they're not spreading it —
but you do when you're at a Trump rally
or keeping your business open or going to the hospital.
That means no elective surgeries or silly doctor's visits
for other things that might kill you later.
This is a top priority, as we've said before,
and we've got to keep the nurses nursing.
Cancer screenings will have to wait. We know that the hospitals are empty, but we've got to keep them empty — just in case the Republicans with no symptoms cause a big wave...
...which they will!And by the way, why are you making this a political issue?
This isn't about rights, or government,
or anything shallow like making a living.
This isn't abortion. It isn't "your body, your choice."
This is a medical issue.
It's a science issue.
That means all the other issues are non-issues.
You don't want to be anti-science, do you?What's that?
You're doing your own research? Ha, ha!
Don't be silly — what can you say against a doctor?
As if you have a better idea how to live your life than he does. What do you mean, there are other doctors and scientists with other opinions?You think your chances of living are really good?
More than 99.9%? You have statistics, you say?
You know people who got COVID and all of them are fine?
All the front-line essential workers are alive?
You think tallying COVID deaths means more money for states and hospitals, and that the numbers are radically fudged?That's great that you and your family aren't in danger,
but the ultra-old and ultra-fat are — and you're not a killer, are you?No, we can't just send the elderly money and ask them to quarantine themselves.
And we certainly can't ask fat people to hit the treadmill.
Fat people are beautiful, and health is a personal choice they have to make for themselves.Speaking of personal choices, great news!
We've just developed a few vaccines,
and if you choose to take them, we'll let you live your life!
FDA approval? Years, you say? How about months?
I know it's the only Moderna product the FDA ever approved,
but it's perfectly safe, they say, maybe 99% safe (no, not like COVID),
and only a few people are having seizures on television.
So we've approved it for kids!It's so safe that we're blocking videos of strokes and seizures.
No need for that kind of negativity.
If science happened before your eyes, then why would anyone need a lab?
That's why I'm glad we've got a new pro-science president.
And would you look at that? We have to revise our numbers.
Turns out we were over-estimating all along. Whoopsie-daisy!
I guess this means things are getting better.
And no, they weren't already better.Haven't people been getting the vaccine just now?
Do you think this bettering is a coincidence? C'mon, man.
Anyhow, we're all wrapped up and done, so thank you.
A year and a half of solidarity thanks to coercion.
A future of safety, so long as the unvaccinated wear masks
and keep themselves from the vaccinated.
That's how vaccines work, so go about and live your life like before.Just bring along your vaccine card while you're flying,
or signing up for college, or getting AIDS on Grindr.
And if another strain attacks us from India?Don't worry. All we're asking for is two weeks.
Trust us.
Some people look at it more as another bite of government control, based on something that is not entirely proven and does have some pretty good side effects.
Now, these people don't trust the government a whole lot, anyway, but Fauci sending out conflicting messages and flat-out lying about some stuff has hardened attitudes.
This is their viewpoint.
You want them to get the vaccine? Persuade them. You're darn sure not going to beat them over the head and make themdo it.
I find a lot of this very interesting...See, I've been in a few places the last week or so, where COVID shots were being given for free, no waiting.
No waiting, indeed. There was no waiting, because people weren't taking them up on the offer.
That's a fact. Now, the question becomes why? Again, I think it helps to understand the thought process. Regardless of what you may think, these aren't all stupid people.
Some people look at it more as another bite of government control, based on something that is not entirely proven and does have some pretty good side effects.
Now, these people don't trust the government a whole lot, anyway, but Fauci sending out conflicting messages and flat-out lying about some stuff has hardened attitudes.
This is their viewpoint.
You want them to get the vaccine? Persuade them. You're darn sure not going to beat them over the head and make themdo it.
Some people look at it more as another bite of government control, based on something that is not entirely proven and does have some pretty good side effects.
Now, these people don't trust the government a whole lot, anyway, but Fauci sending out conflicting messages and flat-out lying about some stuff has hardened attitudes.
This is their viewpoint.
You want them to get the vaccine? Persuade them. You're darn sure not going to beat them over the head and make themdo it.
I don’t really care anymore. Society has opened up and if they are not protected and die or pass on to some other unprotected person who dies that is on their conscience and they shouldn’t rely on government insurance to save them. Funny thing about hating government until you are suddenly panicked about your life.
But yeah I hate having to wear masks at airports and in planes because enough people won’t take shots. Let’s just stop that and let the chips fall as they may.
Some people look at it more as another bite of government control, based on something that is not entirely proven and does have some pretty good side effects.
Now, these people don't trust the government a whole lot, anyway, but Fauci sending out conflicting messages and flat-out lying about some stuff has hardened attitudes.
This is their viewpoint.
You want them to get the vaccine? Persuade them. You're darn sure not going to beat them over the head and make themdo it.
I don’t really care anymore. Society has opened up and if they are not protected and die or pass on to some other unprotected person who dies that is on their conscience and they shouldn’t rely on government insurance to save them. Funny thing about hating government until you are suddenly panicked about your life.
But yeah I hate having to wear masks at airports and in planes because enough people won’t take shots. Let’s just stop that and let the chips fall as they may.
But yeah I hate having to wear masks at airports and in planes because enough people won’t take shots. Let’s just stop that and let the chips fall as they may.
I suspect that those who don’t want the shot, have agreed with that sentiment from the get go. For better or worse, the degree to which a person is terrified of getting sick seems highly variable and individual.
I was at the Dr.'s office last week, and I asked the young lady that escorted me to the exam room, if she had had her shot.
She said no, rather sheepishly. I told her that if I were young, I would have second guesses about getting it, and then told her about my 10-days of hell.
She confided that yeah, she was worried about the long-term side effects, years down the road, and worried that when she wants to get pregnant, there could be an effect no one has been able to anticipate.
If I were her age, around 20 probably, I don't think I'd be too keen to jump out in front to get any of the shots. I trust science, maybe that's why I don't trust the media noise about what is or is not science.
@doctor-phibes said in Trust Us:
Stay ignorant.
Some of y'all sit around and kvetch, because people aren't being vaccinated. Might want to try to figure out what they are thinking...
@doctor-phibes said in Trust Us:
Stay ignorant.
Some of y'all sit around and kvetch, because people aren't being vaccinated. Might want to try to figure out what they are thinking...
@doctor-phibes said in Trust Us:
Stay ignorant.
Some of y'all sit around and kvetch, because people aren't being vaccinated. Might want to try to figure out what they are thinking...
Fuck the American Thinker. I'm sick of their shit.
You honestly think I'm the ignorant one here?
You can read that and get juiced up or take a shot and move on.
What reality do you choose for yourself?
@doctor-phibes said in Trust Us:
Stay ignorant.
Some of y'all sit around and kvetch, because people aren't being vaccinated. Might want to try to figure out what they are thinking...
Fuck the American Thinker. I'm sick of their shit.
You honestly think I'm the ignorant one here?
@doctor-phibes said in Trust Us:
@doctor-phibes said in Trust Us:
Stay ignorant.
Some of y'all sit around and kvetch, because people aren't being vaccinated. Might want to try to figure out what they are thinking...
Fuck the American Thinker. I'm sick of their shit.
You honestly think I'm the ignorant one here?
Plop your ass down in middle America or in the Bible Belt, and yes, you're ignorant as dirt.
@doctor-phibes said in Trust Us:
@doctor-phibes said in Trust Us:
Stay ignorant.
Some of y'all sit around and kvetch, because people aren't being vaccinated. Might want to try to figure out what they are thinking...
Fuck the American Thinker. I'm sick of their shit.
You honestly think I'm the ignorant one here?
Plop your ass down in middle America or in the Bible Belt, and yes, you're ignorant as dirt.
@doctor-phibes said in Trust Us:
@doctor-phibes said in Trust Us:
Stay ignorant.
Some of y'all sit around and kvetch, because people aren't being vaccinated. Might want to try to figure out what they are thinking...
Fuck the American Thinker. I'm sick of their shit.
You honestly think I'm the ignorant one here?
Plop your ass down in middle America or in the Bible Belt, and yes, you're ignorant as dirt.
And what better way to learn about Real America than to read The American Thinker, right?
Does it occur to you that you're every bit as ignorant of what life is actually like around here?
@doctor-phibes said in Trust Us:
And what better way to learn about Real America than to read The American Thinker, right?
Does it occur to you that you're every bit as ignorant of what life is actually like around here?For you, yes. I think it would do you some good to understand why so many people in Fly-over Country vote conservative.
For life in your part of the world, I understand it. I just don't want to live it.
Maybe the issue is we don't know each other and our lives well enough. For instance I am not big on current progressive policies, but I will state that some of the most liberal cities I have been in have been really great places to live, Boston and Ann Arbor being the foremost ones that come to mind. That said, Indianapolis and the state of Indiana is very well run by primarily GOP. Ohio is a pretty well run state, also GOP. Cleveland and Cincinnati have made leaps and bounds in livability.
Maybe the thing to do is not label ideas by political affiliation and choose what works, discarding what doesn't.
To be honest, when I travel I’m more taken by the similarities of different places and people than by the differences. And I’ve heard people here describe places that I’ve actually lived in (and they haven’t) in terms that are unrecognizable to my own experience.
You can’t really understand a place by reading about it online
@doctor-phibes said in Trust Us:
@doctor-phibes said in Trust Us:
Stay ignorant.
Some of y'all sit around and kvetch, because people aren't being vaccinated. Might want to try to figure out what they are thinking...
Fuck the American Thinker. I'm sick of their shit.
You honestly think I'm the ignorant one here?
Plop your ass down in middle America or in the Bible Belt, and yes, you're ignorant as dirt.
@doctor-phibes said in Trust Us:
@doctor-phibes said in Trust Us:
Stay ignorant.
Some of y'all sit around and kvetch, because people aren't being vaccinated. Might want to try to figure out what they are thinking...
Fuck the American Thinker. I'm sick of their shit.
You honestly think I'm the ignorant one here?
Plop your ass down in middle America or in the Bible Belt, and yes, you're ignorant as dirt.
I can go to visit the Amish too for that matter and get their take on reality as they are not interested in progress in science over the last one hundred years. Not knowing how they think is an ignorance I can tolerate.
On the one hand, we've got Donald Trump almost single-handedly producing a world-beating vaccine that billions of Americans have taken.
On the other, none of his supporters seem to want to take it.
I can go to visit the Amish too for that matter and get their take on reality as they are not interested in progress in science over the last one hundred years. Not knowing how they think is an ignorance I can tolerate.
Let me ask you a few things...
- What is the current data from VAERS? Is the vaccine totally safe?
- Should the vaccine even be called a vaccine? It doesn't work the same as any previous vaccine. The COVID vaccine does not confer immunity. Period. You can and possibly will catch COVID after the shot(s). What is the prognosis for a healthy 12-40 year old person with a positive PCR test for COV-SARS-2?
- What are the long term effects of the vaccine on the human genome? Does it affect pregnancies, specifically the developing fetus?
- What is the argument for getting the vaccine after having COVID and does the vaccine provide any T-Cell memory as opposed to not getting the shot after having had COVID?
Those are just a few things I can think of off the top of my head. I can probably hammer in a dozen more, if you give me the time and a nice PubMed + LexisNexis access (I do miss having access to LSU's Med School Library
Those are some of the arguments and questions I hear some of the common people talking about. Carpenters. School teachers. Insurance agents. Electricians. Nurses.
You know, morons.
BTW, the Amish aren't ignorant. They encourage their children to go Wilding, to see how the rest of society lives. Most of the kids come back. They prefer their highly specialized, but less complicated Amish life.
BTW, I did say specialized. I couldn't do it, and I know more than the rest of you on this board put together about how to live a rural, sustainable lifestyle without any modern conveniences, such as electricity. To prosper, you have to be pretty intelligent in things that really matter.
At times, I envy the Amish. Mennonites, too.