What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?
As to the EC count: As Yogi Berra famously said, "It ain't over till it's over." I won't take a full breath until it's really truly over. But there is this snippet from USA Today: "Some of the Senate plotters — James Lankford of Oklahoma and Mike Braun of Indiana, to name two — say their actions are merely symbolic moves to placate constituents who believe that Trump should have won."
I've wondered about this. It stands to reason, no?
Considering the first two options might also be spiced up with a plane being flown into the Capitol Building at some point? I still vote Trump’s Twitter.
Calling an armed man a pussy because he pepper sprays you isn't the act of a very smart person.
Getting a lot of stories from folks I know now. Some friends of mine have been sent home from work.
This is very quickly becoming as bad as the liberal "demonstration" horseshit of last year.
@larry said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
I warned you this was coming.
Read my second point above. This shit is unjustifiable. If the new procedure to follow whenever we don't like confederate statues, police responses and election results is to throw out the rule of law and take to the streets, we don't deserve a government.
@larry said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
I warned you this was coming.
Read my second point above. This shit is unjustifiable. If the new procedure to follow whenever we don't like confederate statues, police responses and election results is to throw out the rule of law and take to the streets, we don't deserve a government.
@aqua-letifer said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@larry said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
I warned you this was coming.
Read my second point above. This shit is unjustifiable. If the new procedure to follow whenever we don't like confederate statues, police responses and election results is to throw out the rule of law and take to the streets, we don't deserve a government.
@larry said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
I warned you this was coming.
"I warned you this was coming" -BLM rioters this summer.
@xenon said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@larry said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
I warned you this was coming.
"I warned you this was coming" -BLM rioters this summer.
I'm glad you mentioned that. BLM functions as an arm of the democrat party in much the same way as the KKK functioned as an arm of the democrat party. Last summer, BLM ran through the streets in numerous cities, destroying things, burning down buildings, looting, killing people, and the narrative was one of understanding, sort of a "they shouldn't do that but I understand why they're doing it". Now the other side is on a tear, and suddenly it's a "major failure"., a "national disgrace".
Don't agree with what's happening. But I will tell you again - if you and the rest of the people on your side of the fence keep doing what you're doing, it will get worse. And when it goes hot you'll wish it was only BLMriors.
@aqua-letifer said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@larry said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
I warned you this was coming.
Read my second point above. This shit is unjustifiable. If the new procedure to follow whenever we don't like confederate statues, police responses and election results is to throw out the rule of law and take to the streets, we don't deserve a government.
@lufins-dad said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
If the new procedure to follow whenever we don't like confederate statues, police responses and election results is to throw out the rule of law and take to the streets, we don't deserve a government.
Well, that sounds very jazzy, but the truth is, when people take to the streets is exactly when we need government. These feckin idiots won't prevail.
@larry said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
I warned you this was coming.
Read my second point above. This shit is unjustifiable. If the new procedure to follow whenever we don't like confederate statues, police responses and election results is to throw out the rule of law and take to the streets, we don't deserve a government.
@aqua-letifer said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
@larry said in What’s going to be the bigger shit show today?:
I warned you this was coming.
Read my second point above. This shit is unjustifiable. If the new procedure to follow whenever we don't like confederate statues, police responses and election results is to throw out the rule of law and take to the streets, we don't deserve a government.
Nah, you deserve the government you get.