Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election
And I might add, you regular Trump bashers who can't even take a fucking break from your Trump bashing to listen to what I'm saying are as much the problem as anything else. Shut your fucking mouth, pull your head out of your ass and look at what's happening.
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
And I might add, you regular Trump bashers who can't even take a fucking break from your Trump bashing to listen to what I'm saying are as much the problem as anything else. Shut your fucking mouth, pull your head out of your ass and look at what's happening.
I listened to Ted. It's bullshit. I read the 1867 situation and 1887 Act. He's throwing bullshit around so he can use a Trump halo in 2024 or something.
Republican Party Could Recover as Early as 2096, Experts Say
WASHINGTON—In what is being described as a best-case scenario, some political experts are predicting that the Republicans could once again be a viable political party as early as the year 2096.
Davis Logsdon, the head of the University of Minnesota's political-science department, said on Saturday that the eighty-year time frame for the Republican Party to recover was "admittedly optimistic, but still doable."
"It's not going to be easy, and they have very little margin for error," Logsdon said. "But if they do everything right and a lot of things cut their way, they could be up and running as a somewhat serviceable political party as early as 2096."
According to the political strategist Tracy Klugian, however, Logsdon's 2096 target date for the Republicans' comeback is "laughably upbeat."
"In order for the G.O.P. to become even a marginally functional political party again, all memory of the 2016 campaign will have to be obliterated," Klugian said. "That means everyone who witnessed it will have to be dead, and probably those people’s children, and their children's children, too. I wouldn't bet on the Republican Party recovering any earlier than the year 2132."
When asked about Klugian's assessment, Logsdon said, "Yeah, 2132 is probably more like it."
@catseye3 said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
Republican Party Could Recover as Early as 2096, Experts Say
WASHINGTON—In what is being described as a best-case scenario, some political experts are predicting that the Republicans could once again be a viable political party as early as the year 2096.
Davis Logsdon, the head of the University of Minnesota's political-science department, said on Saturday that the eighty-year time frame for the Republican Party to recover was "admittedly optimistic, but still doable."
"It's not going to be easy, and they have very little margin for error," Logsdon said. "But if they do everything right and a lot of things cut their way, they could be up and running as a somewhat serviceable political party as early as 2096."
According to the political strategist Tracy Klugian, however, Logsdon's 2096 target date for the Republicans' comeback is "laughably upbeat."
"In order for the G.O.P. to become even a marginally functional political party again, all memory of the 2016 campaign will have to be obliterated," Klugian said. "That means everyone who witnessed it will have to be dead, and probably those people’s children, and their children's children, too. I wouldn't bet on the Republican Party recovering any earlier than the year 2132."
When asked about Klugian's assessment, Logsdon said, "Yeah, 2132 is probably more like it."
This kind of simple minded, hate inspired bull shit is one of the things that drives he anger being expressed by the Right. The guy that wrote it needs his ass kicked, and you need your ass kicked for repeating it.
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
the side who believes this election was stolen feels
Too much "believes" and "feels" - we have laws for a reason.
Once feels > laws - then, I agree, we have a whole whack of new problems.
@xenon said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
the side who believes this election was stolen feels
Too much "believes" and "feels" - we have laws for a reason.
Once feels > laws - then, I agree, we have a whole whack of new problems.
For longer than you've been alive your side has based it's entire worldview on "believing" and "feeling". You just jumped the shark.
@xenon said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
the side who believes this election was stolen feels
Too much "believes" and "feels" - we have laws for a reason.
Once feels > laws - then, I agree, we have a whole whack of new problems.
For longer than you've been alive your side has based it's entire worldview on "believing" and "feeling". You just jumped the shark.
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@xenon said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
the side who believes this election was stolen feels
Too much "believes" and "feels" - we have laws for a reason.
Once feels > laws - then, I agree, we have a whole whack of new problems.
For longer than you've been alive your side has based it's entire worldview on "believing" and "feeling". You just jumped the shark.
Who are you talking to? You quoted my post.
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@xenon said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
the side who believes this election was stolen feels
Too much "believes" and "feels" - we have laws for a reason.
Once feels > laws - then, I agree, we have a whole whack of new problems.
For longer than you've been alive your side has based it's entire worldview on "believing" and "feeling". You just jumped the shark.
Who are you talking to? You quoted my post.
@xenon said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@xenon said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
the side who believes this election was stolen feels
Too much "believes" and "feels" - we have laws for a reason.
Once feels > laws - then, I agree, we have a whole whack of new problems.
For longer than you've been alive your side has based it's entire worldview on "believing" and "feeling". You just jumped the shark.
Who are you talking to? You quoted my post.
It should be obvious that I'm talking to you.
@xenon said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@xenon said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
the side who believes this election was stolen feels
Too much "believes" and "feels" - we have laws for a reason.
Once feels > laws - then, I agree, we have a whole whack of new problems.
For longer than you've been alive your side has based it's entire worldview on "believing" and "feeling". You just jumped the shark.
Who are you talking to? You quoted my post.
It should be obvious that I'm talking to you.
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@xenon said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@xenon said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
the side who believes this election was stolen feels
Too much "believes" and "feels" - we have laws for a reason.
Once feels > laws - then, I agree, we have a whole whack of new problems.
For longer than you've been alive your side has based it's entire worldview on "believing" and "feeling". You just jumped the shark.
Who are you talking to? You quoted my post.
It should be obvious that I'm talking to you.
So, longer than I was alive (and born and raised in Canada) - the democrats, I presume, are my side and have been doing things? That's what you're saying?
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@xenon said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@xenon said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
the side who believes this election was stolen feels
Too much "believes" and "feels" - we have laws for a reason.
Once feels > laws - then, I agree, we have a whole whack of new problems.
For longer than you've been alive your side has based it's entire worldview on "believing" and "feeling". You just jumped the shark.
Who are you talking to? You quoted my post.
It should be obvious that I'm talking to you.
So, longer than I was alive (and born and raised in Canada) - the democrats, I presume, are my side and have been doing things? That's what you're saying?
@xenon said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@xenon said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@xenon said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
the side who believes this election was stolen feels
Too much "believes" and "feels" - we have laws for a reason.
Once feels > laws - then, I agree, we have a whole whack of new problems.
For longer than you've been alive your side has based it's entire worldview on "believing" and "feeling". You just jumped the shark.
Who are you talking to? You quoted my post.
It should be obvious that I'm talking to you.
So, longer than I was alive (and born and raised in Canada) - the democrats, I presume, are my side and have been doing things? That's what you're saying?
I honestly don't think you're smart enough to understand what I said, so you figure it out.
Trump: "Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution
and my ass."Bye-bye, Pence. Thanks for the good service. Hope it's not too cold there under the bus.
Attacking his own Vice President for not breaking the law. What a foul, disgusting man.
@xenon said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
You quote a tweet to complain about what Trump said but totally ignore the fact that the Thought Police put their stamp on it to tell you what to think?
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@xenon said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
You quote a tweet to complain about what Trump said but totally ignore the fact that the Thought Police put their stamp on it to tell you what to think?
You're right. I would have been floundering without Twitter to unpack that one for me.
@89th said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@xenon said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
Am I taking crazy pills? How is this not the biggest political scandal/blunder in the last 100 years? A sitting president making this type of statement to throw out an election he lost?
The pure HATE that you and the rest of the Trump haters here spew is just stunning. I'm serious. All of you are suffering from a deep psychotic break.
First, there's a huge difference between losing because the other guy got more legitimate votes, and losing because the other guy benefited from election fraud. If you keep shoving that "he lost" line down our ( the half of the country that sees this differently than you do) couched in your attitude of "and if you don't believe what I believe you're crazy" tone, this cold war is going to get hot.
You think he "lost". Me and half of this country thinks he won, but the election was stolen. Our opinion is just as valid as yours, we are just as smart as you are, we are just as well informed as you are, bit because the fraud that occurred was "death by a thousand cuts" instead of one big go to event that you would have no choice but to acknowledge, you insist on repeatedly insulting us by mocking our views, and refusing to even consider the poi d's we make.
Lastly, before you get too high and mighty in attacking and mocking us, what will happen in Congress today (challenging the vote count) has been done before. In fact, the democrats did it the last three republicans to be elected.
Two days ago Trump held a rally in Georgia ahead of the vote. Something like 20,000 people showed up. Biden held a rally too. Almost no one showed up. As we speak, Trump is holding as rally in DC. Tens of thousands of people are there. Yet you expect us to accept that a man who can't draw enough interest to fill a school bus who keeps referring to the "Harris presidency" legitimately won the election and refuse to listen to things like Detroit having 139% voter turnout...
Oh think we are nuts. We think you are nuts. Fine, both sides thinks the other side is nuts. But if you keep shoving this shit down our throats without allowing for a resolution, and mocking us, I am telling you the lid is going to blow off this thing and the damage will be beyond repair.
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
You think he "lost". Me and half of this country thinks he won, but the election was stolen. Our opinion is just as valid as yours
Half the country doesn’t think Trump won...that right there is a perfect example of why facts matter and it’s not about opinions.
The opinion that the election was stolen is not as valid as the opinion that Biden won. All facts and evidence support a Biden win and a fair election. Court after court has found this based on the lack of evidence. Opinions and feelings are not evidence. Even Trump’s call with Georgia...every conspiracy theory he suggested was debunked. Every. Single. One.
It’s not about opinions, it’s about reality. Opinions are valid when it comes to cooking steak, not counting votes.
@89th said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
You think he "lost". Me and half of this country thinks he won, but the election was stolen. Our opinion is just as valid as yours
Half the country doesn’t think Trump won...that right there is a perfect example of why facts matter and it’s not about opinions.
The opinion that the election was stolen is not as valid as the opinion that Biden won. All facts and evidence support a Biden win and a fair election. Court after court has found this based on the lack of evidence. Opinions and feelings are not evidence. Even Trump’s call with Georgia...every conspiracy theory he suggested was debunked. Every. Single. One.
It’s not about opinions, it’s about reality. Opinions are valid when it comes to cooking steak, not counting votes.
Naturally if half think he won, then half thinks he didn't. That the election was stolen is not opinion, it's fact. YOU are the one pushing your opinion on there, not the other way around. The statement "all facts and evidence support a Biden win and a fair election" is false. Either you're a liar or you're just ignorant, take your pick. No court has listened to any evidence. That is another case where youre either a liar or just ignorant. You also mischaracterize Trump's call to Georgia.
So shove your opinion - and that's ALL you have - square up your ass.
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
You think he "lost". Me and half of this country thinks he won, but the election was stolen. Our opinion is just as valid as yours
Half the country doesn’t think Trump won...that right there is a perfect example of why facts matter and it’s not about opinions.
The opinion that the election was stolen is not as valid as the opinion that Biden won. All facts and evidence support a Biden win and a fair election. Court after court has found this based on the lack of evidence. Opinions and feelings are not evidence. Even Trump’s call with Georgia...every conspiracy theory he suggested was debunked. Every. Single. One.
It’s not about opinions, it’s about reality. Opinions are valid when it comes to cooking steak, not counting votes.
@89th said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
You think he "lost". Me and half of this country thinks he won, but the election was stolen. Our opinion is just as valid as yours
Half the country doesn’t think Trump won...that right there is a perfect example of why facts matter and it’s not about opinions.
The opinion that the election was stolen is not as valid as the opinion that Biden won. All facts and evidence support a Biden win and a fair election. Court after court has found this based on the lack of evidence. Opinions and feelings are not evidence. Even Trump’s call with Georgia...every conspiracy theory he suggested was debunked. Every. Single. One.
It’s not about opinions, it’s about reality. Opinions are valid when it comes to cooking steak, not counting votes.
Stop making sense and talking about facts!! That just gets in the way!!! LOL
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
You think he "lost". Me and half of this country thinks he won, but the election was stolen. Our opinion is just as valid as yours
Half the country doesn’t think Trump won...that right there is a perfect example of why facts matter and it’s not about opinions.
The opinion that the election was stolen is not as valid as the opinion that Biden won. All facts and evidence support a Biden win and a fair election. Court after court has found this based on the lack of evidence. Opinions and feelings are not evidence. Even Trump’s call with Georgia...every conspiracy theory he suggested was debunked. Every. Single. One.
It’s not about opinions, it’s about reality. Opinions are valid when it comes to cooking steak, not counting votes.
@89th said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
Half the country doesn’t think Trump won...that right there is a perfect example of why facts matter and it’s not about opinions.
The opinion that the election was stolen is not as
validloud as the opinion that Biden won. -
Inhofe hedged on who he thought might be to blame for what happened, but he allowed that Trump did not do enough to stop it.
“He’s only put out one statement that I’m aware of,” Inhofe said. “This was really a riot. He should have shown more disdain for the rioters. I don’t want to say he should have apologized — that’s not exactly accurate — but he should have expressed more disdain.”
Instead, Trump directed his disdain toward Vice President Mike Pence, who refused to do what Trump wanted him to do — illegally refuse to accept the final election results in his role as Senate president.
By doing so, he may have alienated one of his most steadfast allies.
“I’ve known Mike Pence forever,” Inhofe said Tuesday night. “I’ve never seen Pence as angry as he was today.
“I had a long conversation with him,” said Inhofe. “He said, ‘After all the things I’ve done for (Trump).’”
@xenon said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@xenon said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
the side who believes this election was stolen feels
Too much "believes" and "feels" - we have laws for a reason.
Once feels > laws - then, I agree, we have a whole whack of new problems.
For longer than you've been alive your side has based it's entire worldview on "believing" and "feeling". You just jumped the shark.
Who are you talking to? You quoted my post.
It should be obvious that I'm talking to you.
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@xenon said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@xenon said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
the side who believes this election was stolen feels
Too much "believes" and "feels" - we have laws for a reason.
Once feels > laws - then, I agree, we have a whole whack of new problems.
For longer than you've been alive your side has based it's entire worldview on "believing" and "feeling". You just jumped the shark.
Who are you talking to? You quoted my post.
It should be obvious that I'm talking to you.
The problem is that you seem to be unable to distinguish "individual who disagrees with me on point X" from "the other tribe, which I hate". You do this every day on this forum. There is no uniform "other tribe". If you want to have a productive conversation with people, you need to address them as individuals, not as members of a tribe. You always seem to need a box with a label in which you can put people and treat them all the same.
@larry said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
You think he "lost". Me and half of this country thinks he won, but the election was stolen. Our opinion is just as valid as yours
Half the country doesn’t think Trump won...that right there is a perfect example of why facts matter and it’s not about opinions.
The opinion that the election was stolen is not as valid as the opinion that Biden won. All facts and evidence support a Biden win and a fair election. Court after court has found this based on the lack of evidence. Opinions and feelings are not evidence. Even Trump’s call with Georgia...every conspiracy theory he suggested was debunked. Every. Single. One.
It’s not about opinions, it’s about reality. Opinions are valid when it comes to cooking steak, not counting votes.
Inhofe hedged on who he thought might be to blame for what happened, but he allowed that Trump did not do enough to stop it.
“He’s only put out one statement that I’m aware of,” Inhofe said. “This was really a riot. He should have shown more disdain for the rioters. I don’t want to say he should have apologized — that’s not exactly accurate — but he should have expressed more disdain.”
Instead, Trump directed his disdain toward Vice President Mike Pence, who refused to do what Trump wanted him to do — illegally refuse to accept the final election results in his role as Senate president.
By doing so, he may have alienated one of his most steadfast allies.
“I’ve known Mike Pence forever,” Inhofe said Tuesday night. “I’ve never seen Pence as angry as he was today.
“I had a long conversation with him,” said Inhofe. “He said, ‘After all the things I’ve done for (Trump).’”
@george-k said in Pence refused to sign on to Jan 6 plan to steal election:
Inhofe hedged on who he thought might be to blame for what happened, but he allowed that Trump did not do enough to stop it.
“He’s only put out one statement that I’m aware of,” Inhofe said. “This was really a riot. He should have shown more disdain for the rioters. I don’t want to say he should have apologized — that’s not exactly accurate — but he should have expressed more disdain.”
Instead, Trump directed his disdain toward Vice President Mike Pence, who refused to do what Trump wanted him to do — illegally refuse to accept the final election results in his role as Senate president.
By doing so, he may have alienated one of his most steadfast allies.
“I’ve known Mike Pence forever,” Inhofe said Tuesday night. “I’ve never seen Pence as angry as he was today.
“I had a long conversation with him,” said Inhofe. “He said, ‘After all the things I’ve done for (Trump).’”
Once again, I'm left feeling very sorry for Mike Pence.