Hey Jolly
Jon, agreed, although before all this I would often tell myself "Eh, it's good to be exposed to the natural germ build up on my phone." I would go many months without wiping down my phone (or keys, cards, etc). Now I wipe them all down whenever I go to the grocery store (2x a month).
Well, for most people it is healthy to keep the immune system busy. This right now is a special situation, but in general there is such a thing as too much hygiene, at least if you believe the "hygiene hypothesis", which states that too much hygiene causes allergies etc (but from what I understand the science on that isn't settled).
Does UV light actually work against the virus? What are the limitations? (How long does it have to be on, what about material that has a lot of stringy fibers, will it work on N95 masks, etc.?)
Word, thanks.
This is what my daughter is wearing in the Emergency Department now. I saw it on Amazon yesterday, it is not there today.