1st President Debate
I forgot to add that the two most remembered “lines “ of the debate:
President Trump (when speaking about VP Biden son) -“All I can say is LOCK HIM UP!!”
VP Biden (when speaking about the money President Trump spent on hair cuts) - “All I can say is you didn’t get your money worth!!”
@taiwan_girl funny, thanks!
If I can keep my eyes open, it will be a miracle.
You were right! The Trump campaign accidentally sent out an email saying the debate is over and he won.
I’ve never seen a candidate with such a media tailwind. It’s like they are part of the campaign. There is no pretense any more. Trump will lose the election badly but if he won it would be amazing that he overwhelmed the biggest marketing machine of all time.
Wow. Biden pivots from Barrett nomination to the ACA, and therefore she's unqualified.
And then he pivots to "women's rights."