RBG has passed away
McConnell says a vote will happen...
@jon-nyc said in RBG has passed away:
Seen on twitter:
Knowing 2020, we’ll have a 269-269 EC split decided by a 4-4 SCOTUS.
I saw something similar. However, given the fact that one of the liberal justices has passed away, the current leaning of the court is probably more like 5 to 3 rather than 4 to 4.
Sen John Thune, 2020: “President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the U.S. Senate.”
Sen John Thune, 2016. "Since the next presidential election is already underway, the next president should make this lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court."
Yeah, all the excuses in 2016 were ill conceived and regrettable. They should have just said “we have the power to block any appointment and we are going to use that power in the interest of those voters that elected us.”Today they should say”we have the power to appoint a nominee and we are going to use that power in the interest of those voters that elected us.”
Senate elections have consequences.
I know there will be a lot of chatter about RBG and who will replace.
But I thought it interesting what antonin Scalias son posted on twitter on what his dad felt about RBG
There was a time when liberals and conservatives could not only respect one another, they could actually care for them deeply.
Where did those days go??