Dewey wrote a book!
@Klaus said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Jolly said in Dewey wrote a book!:
God cares.
Well, you care. But fortunately the number of people who think that way shrinks rapidly and is dying out, probably way before 3024.
Hopefully, we won't see 3024, but you never know.
Deuteronomy 4:2. 2 You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, so that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I am commanding you.
Revelation 22:18-19 18 I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book.
Both of those are from the NASB version. OT and NT, the message remains the same. You're welcome to wander out into the street and yell at the sky, but God doesn't change for man.
@Jolly said in Dewey wrote a book!:
Both of those are from the NASB version. OT and NT, the message remains the same. You're welcome to wander out into the street and yell at the sky, but God doesn't change for man.
Then surely you also think that people who are lame or have a broken hand or are blind or have various other forms of mild impairments cannot be priests, as demanded by Leviticus 21:18-21?
The bible is a man-made text, and it contains various passages that are so ridiculous that every sane person, including the major Christian denominations, pretends that they don't exist.
Dewey is a nice guy.
Who gives a flying fuck weither he is gay? It's 2024. Judge people by their character, not by their sexual preferences.
There are worse life goals. Such as: Saying as many mean things about other people I barely know as possible.
Those of us who are perfect would have nothing but disdain for the rest of you, if of course having disdain were not in itself an imperfection.
And please, show me a preacher who lives a blameless life. I'd love to meet the guy.
The word 'apostate' is interesting. Whenever I see it, I immediately think of those guys shrieking in the Middle East.
Those of us who are perfect would have nothing but disdain for the rest of you, if of course having disdain were not in itself an imperfection.
And please, show me a preacher who lives a blameless life. I'd love to meet the guy.
The word 'apostate' is interesting. Whenever I see it, I immediately think of those guys shrieking in the Middle East.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Dewey wrote a book!:
Those of us who are perfect would have nothing but disdain for the rest of you, if of course having disdain were not in itself an imperfection.
And please, show me a preacher who lives a blameless life. I'd love to meet the guy.
It's probably long lost to history and disintegrated from everybody's memory, but Dewey was actually chosen by God, in a Calvinistic sense. That is what he believed, and I'm sure what he continues to believe. A cynic might wonder whether certain expressions of narcissism can give rise to such self-conceptions, but only a cynic. The rest of you can believe he is a super nice guy, chosen by God. (You're not, btw. I mean, unless you believe you were. But be warned that those chosen by God are also burdened with the awareness that others, who think they were chosen by God, are actually wrong.)
@Doctor-Phibes said in Dewey wrote a book!:
Those of us who are perfect would have nothing but disdain for the rest of you, if of course having disdain were not in itself an imperfection.
And please, show me a preacher who lives a blameless life. I'd love to meet the guy.
It's probably long lost to history and disintegrated from everybody's memory, but Dewey was actually chosen by God, in a Calvinistic sense. That is what he believed, and I'm sure what he continues to believe. A cynic might wonder whether certain expressions of narcissism can give rise to such self-conceptions, but only a cynic. The rest of you can believe he is a super nice guy, chosen by God. (You're not, btw. I mean, unless you believe you were. But be warned that those chosen by God are also burdened with the awareness that others, who think they were chosen by God, are actually wrong.)
@Horace said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Doctor-Phibes said in Dewey wrote a book!:
Those of us who are perfect would have nothing but disdain for the rest of you, if of course having disdain were not in itself an imperfection.
And please, show me a preacher who lives a blameless life. I'd love to meet the guy.
It's probably long lost to history and disintegrated from everybody's memory, but Dewey was actually chosen by God, in a Calvinistic sense. That is what he believed, and I'm sure what he continues to believe. A cynic might wonder whether certain expressions of narcissism can give rise to such self-conceptions, but only a cynic. The rest of you can believe he is a super nice guy, chosen by God. (You're not, btw. I mean, unless you believe you were. But be warned that those chosen by God are also burdened with the awareness that others, who think they were chosen by God, are actually wrong.)
Don't almost all people who are professional clergy believe they were chosen by God? By that measure, the entire profession is filled with narcissism. Now, if I said that there'd be accusations of me hating religion, which I don't, from the usual quarters.
@Copper said in Dewey wrote a book!:
I remember Dewey's last performance here.
Care to summarize? I was mostly absent from about 2012 through 2020...
@89th said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Copper said in Dewey wrote a book!:
I remember Dewey's last performance here.
Care to summarize? I was mostly absent from about 2012 through 2020...
When Larry died, Dewey wrote a long post here trashing Larry and his memory.
It was evil.
@89th said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Copper said in Dewey wrote a book!:
I remember Dewey's last performance here.
Care to summarize? I was mostly absent from about 2012 through 2020...
When Larry died, Dewey wrote a long post here trashing Larry and his memory.
It was evil.
@Copper said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@89th said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Copper said in Dewey wrote a book!:
I remember Dewey's last performance here.
Care to summarize? I was mostly absent from about 2012 through 2020...
When Larry died, Dewey wrote a long post here trashing Larry and his memory.
It was evil.
Dewey didn't post it here, somebody re-posted it. He wrote about it on Facebook, and maybe elsewhere.
@Copper said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@89th said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Copper said in Dewey wrote a book!:
I remember Dewey's last performance here.
Care to summarize? I was mostly absent from about 2012 through 2020...
When Larry died, Dewey wrote a long post here trashing Larry and his memory.
It was evil.
Dewey didn't post it here, somebody re-posted it. He wrote about it on Facebook, and maybe elsewhere.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Copper said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@89th said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Copper said in Dewey wrote a book!:
I remember Dewey's last performance here.
Care to summarize? I was mostly absent from about 2012 through 2020...
When Larry died, Dewey wrote a long post here trashing Larry and his memory.
It was evil.
Dewey didn't post it here, somebody re-posted it. He wrote about it on Facebook, and maybe elsewhere.
That makes it better?
Oh it was this one:
I somewhat reserve judgement on this (the nastiness of posting something after someone has died NOTwithstanding) as I wasn't around for most of the alleged abuse, stalking, etc... maybe there's more sticks and stones than words there, but if it was all contained to an online forum, then just don't engage with a troll if you see someone as such. I recall early in my TNCR days (2005-2011) having some epic months-long battles with Larry. He sure was stubborn and I both enjoyed "the game" debating him but also knew if it bothered me, ultimately it's just pixels and 1s and 0s behind it... just noise IF you want to accept it as such. It helps keep me sane. Not you @Horace you're real to me.
I just found Dewey’s incessant proselytising more than just a little bit annoying. Did nothing but reinforce my long held disdain for any and all organised religion.
Dewey’s disparaging eulogy following Larry’s passing, while not surprising, was an example of vindictive bad form.
Good for him however that he published a mystery novel. Unlikely though that I would want ever to read it.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Copper said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@89th said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Copper said in Dewey wrote a book!:
I remember Dewey's last performance here.
Care to summarize? I was mostly absent from about 2012 through 2020...
When Larry died, Dewey wrote a long post here trashing Larry and his memory.
It was evil.
Dewey didn't post it here, somebody re-posted it. He wrote about it on Facebook, and maybe elsewhere.
That makes it better?
@Aqua-Letifer said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Doctor-Phibes said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Copper said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@89th said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Copper said in Dewey wrote a book!:
I remember Dewey's last performance here.
Care to summarize? I was mostly absent from about 2012 through 2020...
When Larry died, Dewey wrote a long post here trashing Larry and his memory.
It was evil.
Dewey didn't post it here, somebody re-posted it. He wrote about it on Facebook, and maybe elsewhere.
That makes it better?
I didn't say that. It's not what I'd have done, but I understood why Dewey did it.
Those of us who are perfect would have nothing but disdain for the rest of you, if of course having disdain were not in itself an imperfection.
And please, show me a preacher who lives a blameless life. I'd love to meet the guy.
The word 'apostate' is interesting. Whenever I see it, I immediately think of those guys shrieking in the Middle East.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Dewey wrote a book!:
Those of us who are perfect would have nothing but disdain for the rest of you, if of course having disdain were not in itself an imperfection.
And please, show me a preacher who lives a blameless life. I'd love to meet the guy.
The word 'apostate' is interesting. Whenever I see it, I immediately think of those guys shrieking in the Middle East.
There are none of us who lead a blameless life. There was only one perfect man, after all.
God knows we can't be perfect, but he expects us to try. That's why Sanctification is talked about in the NT.
In Dewey 's case, he's sinning. And he continues to do so in defiance of God's Word. Worse, he's a pastor teaching heresy. There cannot be reconciliation if the sinner continually throws his sins in God's face and refuses to repent.
This is cut and dried, not even open to argument by anybody with basic Bible knowledge.
@Aqua-Letifer said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Doctor-Phibes said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Copper said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@89th said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Copper said in Dewey wrote a book!:
I remember Dewey's last performance here.
Care to summarize? I was mostly absent from about 2012 through 2020...
When Larry died, Dewey wrote a long post here trashing Larry and his memory.
It was evil.
Dewey didn't post it here, somebody re-posted it. He wrote about it on Facebook, and maybe elsewhere.
That makes it better?
I didn't say that. It's not what I'd have done, but I understood why Dewey did it.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Aqua-Letifer said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Doctor-Phibes said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Copper said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@89th said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Copper said in Dewey wrote a book!:
I remember Dewey's last performance here.
Care to summarize? I was mostly absent from about 2012 through 2020...
When Larry died, Dewey wrote a long post here trashing Larry and his memory.
It was evil.
Dewey didn't post it here, somebody re-posted it. He wrote about it on Facebook, and maybe elsewhere.
That makes it better?
I didn't say that. It's not what I'd have done, but I understood why Dewey did it.
And I understand why Hitler murdered six million Jews.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Aqua-Letifer said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Doctor-Phibes said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Copper said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@89th said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Copper said in Dewey wrote a book!:
I remember Dewey's last performance here.
Care to summarize? I was mostly absent from about 2012 through 2020...
When Larry died, Dewey wrote a long post here trashing Larry and his memory.
It was evil.
Dewey didn't post it here, somebody re-posted it. He wrote about it on Facebook, and maybe elsewhere.
That makes it better?
I didn't say that. It's not what I'd have done, but I understood why Dewey did it.
And I understand why Hitler murdered six million Jews.
Dewey's not here.
It's not appropriate to praise or condemn him if he's not going to respond.
But, that's just me. Carry on.
@George-K said in Dewey wrote a book!:
Dewey's not here.
To be clear, does this principle preclude you from gossiping about people in private when they're not there? I mean in general, not just TNCR folk. That would be an admirable, if very, very rare principle. Humans absolutely love gossip, in fact an anthropologist or sociologist would tell you it's how we form opinions of people in general. I wonder if the coffee room Private Message landscape would be almost completely fallow without gossip.
Anyway, I'd concur to an extent if he was banned from this forum, but of course he's not.