Maybe it's just an intense dislike?
There is a difference between admitting imperfection and hating.
The democrats hate the country.
@Copper said in Maybe it's just an intense dislike?:
There is a difference between admitting imperfection and hating.
The democrats hate the country.
I hear you - but all that seems to depend on your vantage point.
Some Democrats may hate things like - the NRA, the oil and gas industry, the police, the-unwoke, etc.
Some Republicans may hate things like - the ACLU, abortion infrastructure, the "green economy", the wokes, etc.
It seems like both parties could be interpreted as "hating" some aspects of the country. Does that mean they hate America?
The "systemic white supremacy" messaging of the left should oblige any intellectually honest person to acknowledge the hatred of the country.
@Horace said in Maybe it's just an intense dislike?:
The "systemic white supremacy" messaging of the left should oblige any intellectually honest person to acknowledge the hatred of the country.
Well, let's get precise. I don't think Democrats hate America. Really I don't. I think a lot of them harbor disdain for white males. (And isn't finding white male complaints about racism contemptuous because blacks are the real oppressed tantamount to disdain for white males?)
Well actually it's a spectrum: some think it's obvious that no one should do white males any favors because they own the world or something, some think it's obvious that only good white males are the ones who are sorry they are, and yeah, some just straightup hate white males.
That's not all Democrats, though, I'll admit that. Some of them, I know, are fine people.
@Copper said in Maybe it's just an intense dislike?:
There is a difference between admitting imperfection and hating.
The democrats hate the country.
I hear you - but all that seems to depend on your vantage point.
Some Democrats may hate things like - the NRA, the oil and gas industry, the police, the-unwoke, etc.
Some Republicans may hate things like - the ACLU, abortion infrastructure, the "green economy", the wokes, etc.
It seems like both parties could be interpreted as "hating" some aspects of the country. Does that mean they hate America?
@xenon said in Maybe it's just an intense dislike?:
It seems like both parties could be interpreted as "hating" some aspects of the country.
In order to discuss something you have to admit that it exists and is measurable. Does hatred of America exist and is it measurable? Allow that and I think every participant in this thread knows that the left has more of it. Again, they base their messaging on it. And it's not necessarily inappropriate. Progressives are for change, conservatives are against change. Why is it so difficult to admit that the progressives hate more existing stuff?
@Copper said in Maybe it's just an intense dislike?:
There is a difference between admitting imperfection and hating.
The democrats hate the country.
I hear you - but all that seems to depend on your vantage point.
Some Democrats may hate things like - the NRA, the oil and gas industry, the police, the-unwoke, etc.
Some Republicans may hate things like - the ACLU, abortion infrastructure, the "green economy", the wokes, etc.
It seems like both parties could be interpreted as "hating" some aspects of the country. Does that mean they hate America?
In order to discuss something you have to admit that it exists and is measurable. Does hatred of America exist and is it measurable? Allow that and I think every participant in this thread knows that the left has more of it. Again, they base their messaging on it. And it's not necessarily inappropriate. Progressives are for change, conservatives are against change. Why is it so difficult to admit that the progressives hate more existing stuff?
@Horace said in Maybe it's just an intense dislike?:
Why is it so difficult to admit that the progressives hate more existing stuff?
Meh. I think that's probably true.
In order to discuss something you have to admit that it exists and is measurable. Does hatred of America exist and is it measurable? Allow that and I think every participant in this thread knows that the left has more of it. Again, they base their messaging on it. And it's not necessarily inappropriate. Progressives are for change, conservatives are against change. Why is it so difficult to admit that the progressives hate more existing stuff?
@Horace said in Maybe it's just an intense dislike?:
In order to discuss something you have to admit that it exists and is measurable. Does hatred of America exist and is it measurable? Allow that and I think every participant in this thread knows that the left has more of it. Again, they base their messaging on it. And it's not necessarily inappropriate. Progressives are for change, conservatives are against change. Why is it so difficult to admit that the progressives hate more existing stuff?
Yes, good way to put it. Generally speaking, the left wants change and therefore naturally doesn't like the status quo (in the extreme case, this includes traditions, monuments, white men in power, rich people), and generally speaking the right wants to preserve the status quo (in the extreme case, this means rejecting foreigners, keeping money, not spending taxes on those who didn't earn it).
And the problem, as I've said 1,000 times, is the media loves to focus on those extremes of the spectrum, (let's say, the far 15% on either side), whereas 70% of the country is made up of normal, reasonable, friendly people. Think about 70% of the people you see at the grocery store, or in the airport, or on a running path. Very much unlike what you see in the media, no?
To return to Horace's point, those fighting for change (on the left) pose more risk to that 70% whether they know it or not. They're part of the status quo. We, most of us here in TNCR, are part of the status quo.
@Jolly I read the transcript. That is why I posted it.
Do you think it had a positive view of the US?
@taiwan_girl said in Maybe it's just an intense dislike?:
@Jolly I read the transcript. That is why I posted it.
Do you think it had a positive view of the US?
Yes, I do.
Read the speech. He's basically saying America has fallen away from original American values, but the American dream is still alive. We can do better. We can still achieve great things, because we are Americans. We have greatness in us, something not all citizens of other countries possess.
It's like a football coach making his team go back to practicing fundamentals. Vince Lombardi ran a G-sweep so much, the offense knew what they were running, the opposing defense knew what was coming, even the fans in the stands had a good idea what the play would be. But the Packers were so good fundamentally, they were unstoppable most of the time.
If Americans stick to the fundamentals...To our Constitution, to our rights, to the idea of a combined national interest, America can return to greatness. In fact, we can be better than we ever have.
To argue that is not positive is lunacy.
I've mentioned the guy from my San Francisco piano teacher's studio here before - years later I discovered he has a newsletter, to which I now subscribe. He's a white ultra-progressive with an ivy league education. Here's a snip from today's newsletter:
As summer ends and school begins, support for Black Lives Matter has started to wane, particularly among white people. As Tre Johnson pointed out in Issue #250, Black people “know what happens next.” White people disengage, apologize for missing antiracist book club meetings, and return to prioritizing their comfort. (Evidence: The Democratic National Convention.)
The bar he sets for not being an evil white person, is to proactively support BLM et al by doing such things as going to anti-racist book club meetings. If you find it more comfortable to not spend your time and energy actively participating in things such as anti-racist book club meetings, you are part of the problem.
These are real words which reflect real thoughts from real people who are totally completely mainstream culturally and politically. I'm sorry but anybody who doesn't admit to the hatred that is an undercurrent of the modern left is simply afraid to say the truth out loud. Now your homework, for those of you who are afraid, is to reflect on why you have that fear. Ax, that homework is especially for you.
“a never-ending list of innocent people of color continue to be murdered” and she was not talking about Democrat-controlled cities."
There is the point that needs to be hammered home again and again and again and again. City Police are responsible to their local governments and citizens. Over and over, these cases keep happening in cities that are democratically controlled. You want reform? This is where it needs to happen.
TG, honestly, I like you and I know that sometimes it probably seems like I don't. But i do. So i want you to know that i honestly do not like having to challenge your logic in almost every post you write. But geez, girl..... when your desire to make both sides equal is so firmly entrenched in your world view that you can't see something as obvious as the fact that the Left hates America, It's time you face up to the fact that your viewpoint is flawed. They flat out TELL YOU they hate the country.