Pretty soon you're talking about real money
That was just for the surgery center facility. There is another bill for the surgeon, another for the anesthesiologist. Those are all covered directly by my health insurance but there's always a portion I am responsible for, even after the deductible is covered. I figure the whole thumb thing will cost me about 10-15k out of pocket when it's all done.
@Horace said in Pretty soon you're talking about real money:
That was just for the surgery center facility. There is another bill for the surgeon, another for the anesthesiologist. Those are all covered directly by my health insurance but there's always a portion I am responsible for, even after the deductible is covered. I figure the whole thumb thing will cost me about 10-15k out of pocket when it's all done.
If they are in network, that would seem to be a bit high for your part. Have you received your EOB's on their services?
@jon-nyc Dont know if you would be willing to share, but what was the gross cost for your medical procedure?
I don’t know what I spent, it was probably capped at a few grand per year for co-pays.
We even had some reimbursement for relocation, but I was listed long enough that we burned through it. So I probably spent 20-30k of my own money (over, say, 2014-16) if I had to guess.
Most of it didn’t feel like medical bills. Like buying a home oxygen concentrator or paying rent or renting furniture.
@89th I paid the $1433 and am now hoping the 98k bill just magically disappears. I received no receipt of payment, though the woman on the phone said she'd send me one. Nor have I ever received a bill. The only bill received so far is the one sent to my insurance company. So basically the process is that this surgery center sends a huge out of network bill to the insurer, gets pennies on the dollar for it, and accepts some other "small" amount from the patient. I have to trust the system that the balance of the 98k bill is not legally passed on to me. Having seen no paper yet, I really don't know.
Horace said, "I have to trust the system..."
No kidding. He actually said that. Look at his post!
It looks like his typing, far as I can tell.Scary, might be Covid-20 or something.
Too much sun? Bad water. Drunk on Jon. Found religion.Ax, help him help him!! Soon he'll be drowning in trust, and then, blam! No return from utopia.
You either trust the system or you move to Canada.
It's unbelievable that we have to live with this shit.
You get a bill for $100K, and are told 'not to worry, it's an administrative error'.
Yeah, that just fills me with confidence. I really hope the same people doing the accounting aren't the same ones wielding the scalpels.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Pretty soon you're talking about real money:
I really hope the same people doing the accounting aren't the same ones wielding the scalpels.
OR SURGEON to nurse: "Remind me again, which side is the appendix on? Left or right?"
(With apologies to Bach.
@Catseye3 said in Pretty soon you're talking about real money:
@Doctor-Phibes said in Pretty soon you're talking about real money:
I really hope the same people doing the accounting aren't the same ones wielding the scalpels.
OR SURGEON to nurse: "Remind me again, which side is the appendix on? Left or right?"
(With apologies to Bach.
Why are you apologizing to Bach?
Don't tell me he did it again! -
Situs inversus.
Look it up
@bachophile said in Pretty soon you're talking about real money:
Situs inversus.
Look it up
Ever seen it? We had one for a CABG - really screwy from what I understand (I wasn't the gas passer on that one).
Yesterday I had a followup appt with the doctor, but ended up only seeing his physician's assistant. We got to discussing the next surgery and I asked where it would be done, and mentioned my issues with the previous place. He was pretty shocked to hear of the 98k bill my insurer received. As always, nobody on that side of the issue ever knows about the money issues. (One of the many symptoms of the total lack of market forces in these transactions.) Apparently what I told him got back to the surgeon, who then apparently called the surgery center and gave them a dressing down. The surgery center then called me to try to smooth out any issues I may have had. This doctor and his group is an important customer of theirs and they can't afford to be pissing him off, so all of a sudden it became priority to make sure I'm happy. The surgery center told me that even though they're out of network, they check with the insurer and only charge the patient what the in-network charge would have been. Since I was allegedly below my out of pocket limit for the year, they charged me 1400. I asked whether that 1400 contributes to my out of pocket total, since that payment was made without my insurer's awareness, and she said yes but maybe she'd double check anyway. I let her know that the whole system of billing as out of network and charging the patient separately as if they had paid in-network, did not fill me with confidence that my expenses were being properly tracked and accounted for. Today she called back and told me that I had been overcharged for my previous surgery, and that my out-of-pocket actually had been met, so sorry, so she'll be giving me my 1400 back. My next surgery will be at this same place, and I am to disregard any bills I may see on my insurer's website, because for some reason my insurer lets me know whenever a provider bills them for services provided to me. Imagine that.
My wife sometimes asks me how the insurance system works for health care in America. I try to convey that it's a chaotic mess that must be negotiated anew every time you need medical services, and if you don't pay attention, you get screwed.