Police State
Supposed “federal officers” jumped out of unmarked van grabbing people off the street without warrant and without probable cause. If you worry about federal forces imposing “police state,” that should worry you.
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Jann Carson, interim executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon, called the recent arrests “flat-out unconstitutional”...
“Usually when we see people in unmarked cars forcibly grab someone off the street, we call it kidnapping,” ...
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Supposed “federal officers” jumped out of unmarked van grabbing people off the street without warrant and without probable cause. If you worry about federal forces imposing “police state,” that should worry you.
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Jann Carson, interim executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon, called the recent arrests “flat-out unconstitutional”...
“Usually when we see people in unmarked cars forcibly grab someone off the street, we call it kidnapping,” ...
— — — —@Axtremus said in Police State:
Supposed “federal officers” jumped out of unmarked van grabbing people off the street without warrant and without probable cause. If you worry about federal forces imposing “police state,” that should worry you.
Are you worried about a police state? I'm not.
How about the precedent set at Chaz, where a leftist mob violently overthrew a neighborhood? Did that worry you? The precedent of the socially condoned riots in response to a viral video of a progressive sacrilege? Did that worry you? Is anybody really worried about anything or is everybody play acting emotional responses to whatever their tribe is supposed to respond to? is there a difference between a play acted emotion and a real one? Is there a difference between the rage a member of a mob feels because the mob around them is enraged, and the rage an individual feels because of something that happened to them personally?
From the article:
“Arrests require probable cause that a federal crime had been committed . . .” Orin Kerr, a professor at University of California at Berkeley Law School, told The Post. “If the agents are grabbing people because they may have been involved in protests, that’s not probable cause.”If they'd yanked people off the street to break up trouble spots, that can at least be sort of justified. But these officers questioned, searched and Mirandized this guy, and detained him in a federal tank.
From the article:
“Arrests require probable cause that a federal crime had been committed . . .” Orin Kerr, a professor at University of California at Berkeley Law School, told The Post. “If the agents are grabbing people because they may have been involved in protests, that’s not probable cause.”If they'd yanked people off the street to break up trouble spots, that can at least be sort of justified. But these officers questioned, searched and Mirandized this guy, and detained him in a federal tank.
@Catseye3 said in Police State:
From the article:
“Arrests require probable cause that a federal crime had been committed . . .” Orin Kerr, a professor at University of California at Berkeley Law School, told The Post. “If the agents are grabbing people because they may have been involved in protests, that’s not probable cause.”If they'd yanked people off the street to break up trouble spots, that can at least be sort of justified. But these officers questioned, searched and Mirandized this guy, and detained him in a federal tank.
Ah. I don’t subscribe to Wapo so I can’t see.
So here is a broader question of all the things we have to worry about why dump this one into the national conscienceness at this time? Where does it get prioritized, is it a top issue or is this just meant to inflame? Does Wapo do like the NYT and only hire journalists of a certain ilk such that other important issues never see the light of day?
There is an article today, where the Portland Police Chief talks about how the "protesters" are mostly white. The fact is, Portland is one of the whitest cities in the country.
He mentions how it is uncomfortable to say the least, to be a black cop being yelled at by white people about the cop not being black enough, and of course expressed with venom by the mob.I watched live stream around 3 am. It was most interesting listening to the audio. A lot of these "protesters" have no clue, they are just there to be useful idiots on a summer night.
I'll give the protesters one thing. Even at 3 am, they are overall laughing and carrying on, as if it's just a game where they can bust things up, chase cars, and know immediately when to act shocked because their rights were violated.
Comments on the local TV web sites are almost all anti-protester. But, come election time, it will be all D's again, like it always is.
Keep Portland
weirdstupid. -
The ACLU is a joke. The Washington Post is a joke. The claims made in the article are a joke. Arresting people who are destroying everything they can and have a stated goal of creating a police state themselves is not a "police state". It's stopping one from forming.
I told you this was coming. Modern liberalism was a mental disease. The patient has died, and a fungus is eating its corpse. Meanwhile the democrat religion is busy creating altars to their gods, and unprincipled men and other fools are its apostles.
@Axtremus said in Police State:
Supposed “federal officers” jumped out of unmarked van grabbing people off the street without warrant and without probable cause. If you worry about federal forces imposing “police state,” that should worry you.
Are you worried about a police state? I'm not.
How about the precedent set at Chaz, where a leftist mob violently overthrew a neighborhood? Did that worry you? The precedent of the socially condoned riots in response to a viral video of a progressive sacrilege? Did that worry you? Is anybody really worried about anything or is everybody play acting emotional responses to whatever their tribe is supposed to respond to? is there a difference between a play acted emotion and a real one? Is there a difference between the rage a member of a mob feels because the mob around them is enraged, and the rage an individual feels because of something that happened to them personally?
@Horace said in Police State:
@Axtremus said in Police State:
Supposed “federal officers” jumped out of unmarked van grabbing people off the street without warrant and without probable cause. If you worry about federal forces imposing “police state,” that should worry you.
Are you worried about a police state? I'm not.
How about the precedent set at Chaz, where a leftist mob violently overthrew a neighborhood? Did that worry you? The precedent of the socially condoned riots in response to a viral video of a progressive sacrilege? Did that worry you? Is anybody really worried about anything or is everybody play acting emotional responses to whatever their tribe is supposed to respond to? is there a difference between a play acted emotion and a real one? Is there a difference between the rage a member of a mob feels because the mob around them is enraged, and the rage an individual feels because of something that happened to them personally?
Bump for Ax.
@Horace said in Police State:
@Axtremus said in Police State:
Supposed “federal officers” jumped out of unmarked van grabbing people off the street without warrant and without probable cause. If you worry about federal forces imposing “police state,” that should worry you.
Are you worried about a police state? I'm not.
How about the precedent set at Chaz, where a leftist mob violently overthrew a neighborhood? Did that worry you? The precedent of the socially condoned riots in response to a viral video of a progressive sacrilege? Did that worry you? Is anybody really worried about anything or is everybody play acting emotional responses to whatever their tribe is supposed to respond to? is there a difference between a play acted emotion and a real one? Is there a difference between the rage a member of a mob feels because the mob around them is enraged, and the rage an individual feels because of something that happened to them personally?
Bump for Ax.
@Horace said in Police State:
@Horace said in Police State:
@Axtremus said in Police State:
Supposed “federal officers” jumped out of unmarked van grabbing people off the street without warrant and without probable cause. If you worry about federal forces imposing “police state,” that should worry you.
Are you worried about a police state? I'm not.
How about the precedent set at Chaz, where a leftist mob violently overthrew a neighborhood? Did that worry you? The precedent of the socially condoned riots in response to a viral video of a progressive sacrilege? Did that worry you? Is anybody really worried about anything or is everybody play acting emotional responses to whatever their tribe is supposed to respond to? is there a difference between a play acted emotion and a real one? Is there a difference between the rage a member of a mob feels because the mob around them is enraged, and the rage an individual feels because of something that happened to them personally?
Bump for Ax.
Not his style to return to a thread. Just start them.
Local news tonight showed video from last night, the same source I was viewing live at 3 am.
As presented, it's the Mayor and Governor against Trump. That is not surprising at all of course, but it's obvious what the game is.
Mayor and Gov would not meet with DHS representative, instead telling him via email or Twitter to get out of town. They emphasized that everything is fine with protesting, but that Trump is making things worse. The mayor even laid out a stupid 3-part plan to end the excesses in protesting, but of course federal Marshals are deliberately stomping on rights, so the plan cannot be implemented.
What I can't figure, is that the Marshals are in the Federal courthouse, and come out on the sidewalk, use tear gas to disperse the crowd that wants to burn the federal courthouse down, or threaten to do so in between adding another layer of graffiti. Then the Marshals form a line, and disperse the protesters, everyone moving down the street. Rinse and repeat.
Where does the federal authority end, IOW how far down the street can they go? Ax old buddy, you around? Ax would know. Ax always knows.
And standing behind the Marshals doing nothing but chatting with each other? The Portland Police. They stood down while the rioters tear down the temporary fence, and throw it on the fire they built.
Tonight should be great. It's a beautiful evening for a riot, not too hot, and it's a Friday, so maybe some working folks from out of town can come join the fun.
It's interesting to me the left-leaning folk prancing around about all the slippery slopes Trump the Fascist represents, who never say a word about stuff like Chaz or the riots. The actual violence being used by actual people motivated by actual politics.
It's interesting to me the left-leaning folk prancing around about all the slippery slopes Trump the Fascist represents, who never say a word about stuff like Chaz or the riots. The actual violence being used by actual people motivated by actual politics.
@Horace said in Police State:
It's interesting to me the left-leaning folk prancing around about all the slippery slopes Trump the Fascist represents, who never say a word about stuff like Chaz or the riots. The actual violence being used by actual people motivated by actual politics.
Yeah peaceful protestors at 3 am. And people buy this, I’m afraid it may be unwinnable for a while.
Best to withdraw from Portland and let the protesters run and ravage the city. It’s the only way people will return to their senses.
The protests and baby riots have been going on every single night, for around 50 days now. Man, I'd hate to be a cop, and have my profession dragged through the mud, and be forced to accept every night the bottles of frozen water thrown at me, along with rocks, trash, chunks of wood, whatever.
In one sense, it's good, as one would expect even the most progressive would finally give in and vocalize a rising contempt towards these "protesters" and their endless Black Lives Matter chants, their statue-toppling, bond fires, and a big portion of downtown covered by graffiti.
But, nope. It's as if everything is moving even farther to the left, where the "leadership" protects the rioters even more than before, in their kowtowing posture and hatred of Trump.
@Horace said in Police State:
@Horace said in Police State:
@Axtremus said in Police State:
Supposed “federal officers” jumped out of unmarked van grabbing people off the street without warrant and without probable cause. If you worry about federal forces imposing “police state,” that should worry you.
Are you worried about a police state? I'm not.
How about the precedent set at Chaz, where a leftist mob violently overthrew a neighborhood? Did that worry you? The precedent of the socially condoned riots in response to a viral video of a progressive sacrilege? Did that worry you? Is anybody really worried about anything or is everybody play acting emotional responses to whatever their tribe is supposed to respond to? is there a difference between a play acted emotion and a real one? Is there a difference between the rage a member of a mob feels because the mob around them is enraged, and the rage an individual feels because of something that happened to them personally?
Bump for Ax.
Not his style to return to a thread. Just start them.
@Loki said in Police State:
@Horace said in Police State:
@Horace said in Police State:
@Axtremus said in Police State:
Supposed “federal officers” jumped out of unmarked van grabbing people off the street without warrant and without probable cause. If you worry about federal forces imposing “police state,” that should worry you.
Are you worried about a police state? I'm not.
How about the precedent set at Chaz, where a leftist mob violently overthrew a neighborhood? Did that worry you? The precedent of the socially condoned riots in response to a viral video of a progressive sacrilege? Did that worry you? Is anybody really worried about anything or is everybody play acting emotional responses to whatever their tribe is supposed to respond to? is there a difference between a play acted emotion and a real one? Is there a difference between the rage a member of a mob feels because the mob around them is enraged, and the rage an individual feels because of something that happened to them personally?
Bump for Ax.
Not his style to return to a thread. Just start them.