Even Himmler thought he was doing the right thing. Still deserved to be hanged.
@larry I think you have your documents mixed up
You're correct, I do. I quoted the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution. My mistake. Still, it clearly in the Declaration of Independence that the people have the right to abolish the government and institute a new one. I would assume then, that this means the Constitution plays second fiddle, and would be abolished as well, with the new government deciding whether or not to incorporate it into the new government or not, and how much on the Constitution might be kept.
The Declaration of Independence was exactly that... a declaration. It outlined why our country broke away from the monarchy and the ideals for which a new country/constitution/government would be formed.
So the Constitution was later created, and are where rights are outlined.
Those on January 6th were explicitly executing anti-Constitution acts, even if they thought it was just anti-Government. They were objecting to the government following election law and the constitution process regarding the election of leaders and the peaceful transfer of power, fueled by misinformation. Which was a shame, as I'm sure most involved love America and the constitution as much as anyone else.
@larry I think you have your documents mixed up
You're correct, I do. I quoted the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution. My mistake. Still, it clearly in the Declaration of Independence that the people have the right to abolish the government and institute a new one. I would assume then, that this means the Constitution plays second fiddle, and would be abolished as well, with the new government deciding whether or not to incorporate it into the new government or not, and how much on the Constitution might be kept.
The Declaration of Independence was exactly that... a declaration. It outlined why our country broke away from the monarchy and the ideals for which a new country/constitution/government would be formed.
So the Constitution was later created, and are where rights are outlined.
I'm aware of that. And, because the Constitution was written for the purpose of implementing those ideals, it is our right as citizens to abolish that Constitution if it strays from those ideals.
Those on January 6th were explicitly executing anti-Constitution acts, even if they thought it was just anti-Government. They were objecting to the government following election law and the constitution process regarding the election of leaders and the peaceful transfer of power, fueled by misinformation. Which was a shame, as I'm sure most involved love America and the constitution as much as anyone else.
Bull shit. Pure, unadulterated bull shit.