Here that Turkey is $11, which brings the total to $53. Which means it’s a hair less expensive than 2021
No, if got it for 69c a pound using my store card. It’s 13 lbs.
It would have been 2.49/lb without my store card.
No, if got it for 69c a pound using my store card. It’s 13 lbs.
It would have been 2.49/lb without my store card.
We spent about $4 a pound for our bird. Organic, non-gmo, free range, and fed truffles every day while listening to Italian Arias…
By the way, do we feel better if birds are free range? I mean, they are living their best lives when somebody cuts their lives short with an axe…
Birds living in those overcrowded pens? When death comes for them it’s a release… Freedom from their pain and suffering…
The Christmas Price Index: 'For 39 years, PNC has calculated the prices of the 12 gifts from the classic song, "The Twelve Days of Christmas."'
Long story short, PNC estimates that the index will go up by about 10% from 2021 to 2022.
The Christmas Price Index: 'For 39 years, PNC has calculated the prices of the 12 gifts from the classic song, "The Twelve Days of Christmas."'
Long story short, PNC estimates that the index will go up by about 10% from 2021 to 2022.
The Christmas Price Index: 'For 39 years, PNC has calculated the prices of the 12 gifts from the classic song, "The Twelve Days of Christmas."'
Long story short, PNC estimates that the index will go up by about 10% from 2021 to 2022.
Eight Maids-A-Milking
Where were you on July 24, 2009? The Eight Maids-a-Milking were fresh off of their last pay raise. The Federal Minimum Wage hasn’t changed since that date and neither has the cost of this gift..
Labor costs aren’t simply driven by Federal Minimum Wage… Farm Labor is up 8% year over year.
Eleven Pipers Piping
Live music is once again tuned up after its pandemic lull. The Eleven Pipers grew in cost by a modest 2.6 percent – reflecting rising compensation in 2022..
Musicians pay rates went up about 12% from 21-22. It really isn’t hard to google this shit…
It’s a fun measure of inflation, but the article has several major flaws. First of which, it’s by PNC, which gets it two middle fingers from me right off the bat.
Wonder what we will see today?
While CPI was 7.1% last month, most of the items important to most people on a daily basis were much higher.