Antivaxxer madness
wrote on 10 Aug 2021, 13:40 last edited by
Nobody should be defending this crap.
wrote on 10 Aug 2021, 14:03 last edited by Jolly 8 Oct 2021, 14:03
People elected her, knowing her political stances on this stuff. Constantly telling people they're full of crap will not change their minds.
People elected her, knowing her political stances on this stuff. Constantly telling people they're full of crap will not change their minds.
wrote on 10 Aug 2021, 14:23 last edited by@jolly said in Antivaxxer madness:
People elected her, knowing her political stances on this stuff. Constantly telling people they're full of crap will not change their minds.
Yeah, people elected AOC, too. If that's the best defence you've got, you may find yourself needing to power up the Jewish Space Laser.
wrote on 10 Aug 2021, 15:06 last edited by
Nope, same thing. Even AOC occasionally has a decent idea.
wrote on 10 Aug 2021, 15:18 last edited by
You’ll never tell the people who voted for AOC that they are full of crap, right, right?
wrote on 10 Aug 2021, 19:46 last edited by Jolly 8 Oct 2021, 19:47
Where the hell did you come up with that half-baked piece of bullshit extrapolation?
She's repulsive.
wrote on 10 Aug 2021, 22:02 last edited by@doctor-phibes said in Antivaxxer madness:
She's repulsive.
She’s the equivalent of AOC. She’s what happens when you elect an absolute moron who has the support of her local gang.
@jolly said in Antivaxxer madness:
What she's saying is that the vaccines are not as effective as portrayed.
In that, she's right.
No, her words are literally that the vaccines do not reduce the spread of the virus. She didn't qualify that as "not as much as what was portrayed."
wrote on 10 Aug 2021, 22:03 last edited by@aqua-letifer said in Antivaxxer madness:
@jolly said in Antivaxxer madness:
What she's saying is that the vaccines are not as effective as portrayed.
In that, she's right.
No, her words are literally that the vaccines do not reduce the spread of the virus. She didn't qualify that as "not as much as what was portrayed."
Her words are indirectly KILLING people. Absolute insanity.
wrote on 10 Aug 2021, 22:04 last edited by
If this thread has taught me anything it's that I no longer question how in the fuck pineapple on pizza ever happened.
If this thread has taught me anything it's that I no longer question how in the fuck pineapple on pizza ever happened.
wrote on 10 Aug 2021, 22:05 last edited by@aqua-letifer said in Antivaxxer madness:
If this thread has taught me anything it's that I no longer question how in the fuck pineapple on pizza ever happened.
wrote on 10 Aug 2021, 22:07 last edited by
Honestly, I don't see any reason to give the whacko outliers any more attention than they deserve. Which is to say none.
wrote on 10 Aug 2021, 22:09 last edited by
Normal is no longer drawing eyeballs.
wrote on 10 Aug 2021, 22:11 last edited by
If this thread has taught me anything it's that I no longer question how in the fuck pineapple on pizza ever happened.
wrote on 11 Aug 2021, 03:55 last edited by@aqua-letifer said in Antivaxxer madness:
If this thread has taught me anything it's that I no longer question how in the fuck pineapple on pizza ever happened.
wrote on 11 Aug 2021, 21:45 last edited by
A German nurse is being investigated for allegedly injecting thousands of people with a placebo instead of the coronavirus vaccine.
Based on witness testimony, police investigator Peter Beer said there was “a reasonable suspicion” that the rogue medical professional had administered shots of saline solution to up to 8,600 patients who were slated to receive the COVID jab, Reuters reported.
“I am totally shocked by this episode,” Sven Ambrosy, a local councilor, said of the alarming switcheroo, which reportedly occurred in March and April in Friesland in northern Germany.
It’s unknown why the shot-blocker — reportedly a Red Cross nurse — had injected people with blanks; however, she had reportedly broadcast anti-vax views on social media, investigators reported.
And while the faux jab was harmless, it may have disproportionately affected elderly people, who are at a greater risk of contracting the virus.
A German nurse is being investigated for allegedly injecting thousands of people with a placebo instead of the coronavirus vaccine.
Based on witness testimony, police investigator Peter Beer said there was “a reasonable suspicion” that the rogue medical professional had administered shots of saline solution to up to 8,600 patients who were slated to receive the COVID jab, Reuters reported.
“I am totally shocked by this episode,” Sven Ambrosy, a local councilor, said of the alarming switcheroo, which reportedly occurred in March and April in Friesland in northern Germany.
It’s unknown why the shot-blocker — reportedly a Red Cross nurse — had injected people with blanks; however, she had reportedly broadcast anti-vax views on social media, investigators reported.
And while the faux jab was harmless, it may have disproportionately affected elderly people, who are at a greater risk of contracting the virus.
wrote on 11 Aug 2021, 21:53 last edited by@george-k said in Antivaxxer madness:
And while the faux jab was harmless, it may have disproportionately affected elderly people, who are at a greater risk of contracting the virus.
This would be a golden opportunity to conduct a comparison between vaccinated and the saline group as to vaccine effectiveness, if it could be brought off. Questions would arise as the saline people are victims. and lawsuits against the hospital and so forth.
I'm thinking the nurse needs a psych eval before any criminal prosecution. Because what she did is, y'know, crazy.
@george-k said in Antivaxxer madness:
And while the faux jab was harmless, it may have disproportionately affected elderly people, who are at a greater risk of contracting the virus.
This would be a golden opportunity to conduct a comparison between vaccinated and the saline group as to vaccine effectiveness, if it could be brought off. Questions would arise as the saline people are victims. and lawsuits against the hospital and so forth.
I'm thinking the nurse needs a psych eval before any criminal prosecution. Because what she did is, y'know, crazy.
wrote on 11 Aug 2021, 21:58 last edited by@catseye3 said in Antivaxxer madness:
This would be a golden opportunity to conduct a comparison between vaccinated and the saline group as to vaccine effectiveness,
Hadn't that already been done in clinical trials?
@catseye3 said in Antivaxxer madness:
This would be a golden opportunity to conduct a comparison between vaccinated and the saline group as to vaccine effectiveness,
Hadn't that already been done in clinical trials?
wrote on 11 Aug 2021, 23:01 last edited by@george-k I'm not following the story of the various vaccines' history that closely, but my impression is that real-world efficacy has been variable. Y'all would know more about that than I would. If the outcomes of the vaccines are predicted based on trials and the real-world result ends up different from what was predicted, then a new set of trials would seem indicated.
Not that I'd know.
@catseye3 said in Antivaxxer madness:
This would be a golden opportunity to conduct a comparison between vaccinated and the saline group as to vaccine effectiveness,
Hadn't that already been done in clinical trials?
wrote on 11 Aug 2021, 23:03 last edited by@george-k said in Antivaxxer madness:
@catseye3 said in Antivaxxer madness:
This would be a golden opportunity to conduct a comparison between vaccinated and the saline group as to vaccine effectiveness,
Hadn't that already been done in clinical trials?
Not to mention we have a natural experiment with n=300,000,000.
@george-k said in Antivaxxer madness:
@catseye3 said in Antivaxxer madness:
This would be a golden opportunity to conduct a comparison between vaccinated and the saline group as to vaccine effectiveness,
Hadn't that already been done in clinical trials?
Not to mention we have a natural experiment with n=300,000,000.