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They have a fun website with other of their pranks. Lots of fun.
Sven and Ole work together in the City Parks Department, and with the beginning of spring, it’s time to fertilize the grass.
Sven looks at all the bags of fertilizer and sees various numbers behind some long words, like phosphorus, potassium, and nitrates. He’s completely bewildered about which bag to use.
Sven: “Say, Ole, look at dis here list of t’ings on dis here bag. Vat in the vorld are ‘p-hoss-p-hor-us’, ‘po-ta-toe-see-um’, and ‘nit-rates’?”
Ole: “Holy cow, Sven, I never heard of dat first vun. Ve bedder not use dat. Now dat next vun, dat potatoes vun, dat is no good for us to use. Ve’re not plantin’ potatoes for da City! But dat t’ird vun, you said dat vun all wrong. It’s not for nits, or Lena wudda been usin’ it on yer head already! Dat’s nite-rates, and I know about dat vun.”
Ole smiles and puffs his chest out with pride for knowing more than Sven about this one, and says, “Dat’s da good vun. Dat vun’s a good t’ing, cuz Lena told me dat nite-rates are alvays better dan day rates.”
Two married women go out for a girls night out, and end up getting really drunk.
Walking home, they both have to pee, so they sneak into a graveyard. As they had nothing to wipe with, one woman used her panties and the other grabbed a wreath off of a nearby grave.
The next day, one of the husbands called the other and said "No more nights out, my wife came home with no panties".
The other said, "you think that's bad, my wife had a card in her crack that said 'from all of us at the firehouse, we will never forget you'".
Two married women go out for a girls night out, and end up getting really drunk.
Walking home, they both have to pee, so they sneak into a graveyard. As they had nothing to wipe with, one woman used her panties and the other grabbed a wreath off of a nearby grave.
The next day, one of the husbands called the other and said "No more nights out, my wife came home with no panties".
The other said, "you think that's bad, my wife had a card in her crack that said 'from all of us at the firehouse, we will never forget you'".