$500 million of bitcoin in a landfill
He made half a billion doing absolutely nothing useful, and then lost it doing absolutely nothing useful.
What a world.
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Howells' lawyers, who are working pro bono,
I would guess that he has offer to them some sort of % if the bitcoins are ever found.
I can’t help but think the main reason the town leaders won’t give him access is pure jealousy.
@jon-nyc said in $500 million of bitcoin in a landfill:
I can’t help but think the main reason the town leaders won’t give him access is pure jealousy.
Then you must believe that they would let him look for a priceless family photo album. (No, that’s not a straw man, that is logical inference.)
Bitcoin being what it is, what actually happens when someone discovers the hard drive is that the money gained from the sale of those coins comes out of the value of every other existing bit coin. So if you hold BTC, you are hoping these coins stay out of the supply. Not that it would make a big difference.
Bitcoin being what it is, what actually happens when someone discovers the hard drive is that the money gained from the sale of those coins comes out of the value of every other existing bit coin. So if you hold BTC, you are hoping these coins stay out of the supply. Not that it would make a big difference.
@Horace said in $500 million of bitcoin in a landfill:
Bitcoin being what it is, what actually happens when someone discovers the hard drive is that the money gained from the sale of those coins comes out of the value of every other existing bit coin. So if you hold BTC, you are hoping these coins stay out of the supply. Not that it would make a big difference.
Just looked it up, and BTC has a 2 trillion dollar market cap. So this haul would represent 1/2000th of the supply, but actually more than that because lots of bitcoin are known missing and never to be found. Not sure what % that currently is. Edit: 30% is the estimate for irretrievably lost bitcoin. Imagine how many people have a permanent hole in their soul because of the bitcoin they once had, but neglected and discarded, when it was trading for a few dollars.
A computer engineer who believes his Bitcoin hard drive worth nearly £600m is buried in a landfill is now considering buying the entire site to find it.
The council has since announced plans to close the tip in the 2025-26 financial year and turn the site into a solar farm on the land to power the council's new bin lorries.
But Mr Howells, 39, has said he would be interested in purchasing the site instead in the hopes that he can finally locate his missing hard drive,