Dewey wrote a book!
Dewey is a nice guy.
Who gives a flying fuck weither he is gay? It's 2024. Judge people by their character, not by their sexual preferences.
@Klaus said in Dewey wrote a book!:
Who gives a flying fuck weither he is gay? It's 2024. Judge people by their character, not by their sexual preferences.
I agree. I think I am a pretty nonjudgmental person. I have had relatively minor interactions with Dewey, but he was always ver nice to me.
And really, who is to say what God really thinks.
So many people have said that they were spoken directly to by God.
Is Joseph Smith correct that he got a golden book that has the word of god and all the other fake?
Is the Bible the correct one?
Is Mohammed correct in thoughts and his talking with God?
Are the teachings of Brahman in the Hindu religion the correct word?ULtimately, it is a matter of faith. Nothing can be proved, and if I think that my belief is correct, it does not mean that all others are wrong.
Dewey's not here.
It's not appropriate to praise or condemn him if he's not going to respond.
But, that's just me. Carry on.
@George-K said in Dewey wrote a book!:
Dewey's not here.
It's not appropriate to praise or condemn him if he's not going to respond.
But, that's just me. Carry on.
I actually wrote my posts here under the premise that he might read them. Of course I stand by my comments as he’s known for a very long time my position on gay marriage.
Nonetheless I wish him the best, after all, Christ said the most important commandment above all else is love…love God and love your neighbor. I also bought his book. I enjoy having books in my collection where I know the author and I’ll read it as I get some free time.
@Jolly I dont know, but that doesn't mean it is correct. And it doesn't mean it is incorrect.
I am sure a very faithful and knowledgeable Hindu could give very good argument about why Hindu is the one true religion. Same for a Christian or Muslim or Mormon or Buddhist or or or
I have said this before, but in my mind, all religions are kind of the same in that they want you to be a good person and treat others well. How you get there and who gave the "rules" are different, but the basic concept is the same.
Christianity is the only major religion I know, that has at its core, a risen Savior. Bach may argue with me, but it is the God-given next step of the original Abrahamic faith, Judaism. Islam is the corruption of that Abrahamic faith by the pedophile Mohammed.
Dewey is a nice guy.
Who gives a flying fuck weither he is gay? It's 2024. Judge people by their character, not by their sexual preferences.
@Klaus said in Dewey wrote a book!:
Dewey is a nice guy.
His life has been a project to convince people of this. He seems almost desperate to convince people of this.
@Horace said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Klaus said in Dewey wrote a book!:
Dewey is a nice guy.
His life has been a project to convince people of this.
A worthy project for life.
@Klaus said in Dewey wrote a book!:
Judge people by their character, not by their sexual preferences.
Ironically, sexual preferences used to be a character issue not that long ago.
@Axtremus said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Klaus said in Dewey wrote a book!:
Judge people by their character, not by their sexual preferences.
Ironically, sexual preferences used to be a character issue not that long ago.
Do pedophiles have character issues?
@Horace said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Klaus said in Dewey wrote a book!:
Dewey is a nice guy.
His life has been a project to convince people of this.
A worthy project for life.
@Axtremus said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Horace said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Klaus said in Dewey wrote a book!:
Dewey is a nice guy.
His life has been a project to convince people of this.
A worthy project for life.
It is certainly a very common project, at least on a smaller scale, as it often affects one’s professed political beliefs. For instance, when a person demonstrates no actual humanity, but professes all of the most humane tribal affiliations. Those alleged politics are the result of a similar project.
@Horace said in Dewey wrote a book!:
To be clear, does this principle preclude you from gossiping about people in private when they're not there?
Private conversations are...private. Lord knows how many times I've talked about
youothers here. But a public comment should allow the discussed to comment. Otherwise, it's just potentially nasty gossip.He's not banned, but I doubt he reads it - at least he didn't until he was told he was being talked about.
I know someone who was talked about on another "piano-related" forum. S/he only found out about it because another person brought it to his/her attention.
You wanna insult me, or talk about me? Fine, lemme know. But if I don't participate, it's playground gossip.
Though Dewey is not a member here, it's possible to read without being a member.
I just find it distasteful...but that's just me.
As I said, carry on.
@George-K said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Horace said in Dewey wrote a book!:
To be clear, does this principle preclude you from gossiping about people in private when they're not there?
Private conversations are...private. Lord knows how many times I've talked about
youothers here. But a public comment should allow the discussed to comment. Otherwise, it's just potentially nasty gossip.He's not banned, but I doubt he reads it - at least he didn't until he was told he was being talked about.
I know someone who was talked about on another "piano-related" forum. S/he only found out about it because another person brought it to his/her attention.
You wanna insult me, or talk about me? Fine, lemme know. But if I don't participate, it's playground gossip.
Though Dewey is not a member here, it's possible to read without being a member.
I just find it distasteful...but that's just me.
As I said, carry on.
The main reason I take a break sometimes is in the vain hope that people will talk about me
One of the reasons I've always been overt about "gossiping" in public on these forums is because I'm aware of all the private gossiping that's always gone on, while I'm also aware of this nonsensical idea that it's not virtuous to be transparent about what one says about others.
@Horace said in Dewey wrote a book!:
To be clear, does this principle preclude you from gossiping about people in private when they're not there?
Private conversations are...private. Lord knows how many times I've talked about
youothers here. But a public comment should allow the discussed to comment. Otherwise, it's just potentially nasty gossip.He's not banned, but I doubt he reads it - at least he didn't until he was told he was being talked about.
I know someone who was talked about on another "piano-related" forum. S/he only found out about it because another person brought it to his/her attention.
You wanna insult me, or talk about me? Fine, lemme know. But if I don't participate, it's playground gossip.
Though Dewey is not a member here, it's possible to read without being a member.
I just find it distasteful...but that's just me.
As I said, carry on.
@George-K said in Dewey wrote a book!:
I just find it distasteful
This is the sort of high-minded standard that could destroy tncr.
The road to hell is paved with findings like this.
What is the over/under on distasteful content per post? Maybe 60%.
@Axtremus said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Klaus said in Dewey wrote a book!:
Judge people by their character, not by their sexual preferences.
Ironically, sexual preferences used to be a character issue not that long ago.
Do pedophiles have character issues?
@Jolly said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Axtremus said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Klaus said in Dewey wrote a book!:
Judge people by their character, not by their sexual preferences.
Ironically, sexual preferences used to be a character issue not that long ago.
Do pedophiles have character issues?
It's been the easiest argument when I mention that homosexuality is a form of a sexual preference disorder. Yes... a disorder. Similar to other physical or mental disorders, and not to be directly judged (seriously). But being attracted to the same sex is the milder version on the spectrum of sexual urge disorders, the more extreme side of the spectrum including attraction to children, animals, and family. I'm not equating them, but I do think there is a spectrum of sexual deviation from the standard (attraction to an unrelated adult of the opposite sex... you know, how we survive as a species).
I'd really missed the 1950's. Apparently they're back.
That's how 89th sees it. We're here to be exposed to different views. I don't see him advocating discrimination.
That's what tolerance is. Live and let live.
@Mik said in Dewey wrote a book!:
That's how 89th sees it. We're here to be exposed to different views. I don't see him advocating discrimination.
That's what tolerance is. Live and let live.
OK, so I'm not allowed to criticise?
My view is every bit as valid, and I'm giving it.
@Jolly said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Axtremus said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Klaus said in Dewey wrote a book!:
Judge people by their character, not by their sexual preferences.
Ironically, sexual preferences used to be a character issue not that long ago.
Do pedophiles have character issues?
It's been the easiest argument when I mention that homosexuality is a form of a sexual preference disorder. Yes... a disorder. Similar to other physical or mental disorders, and not to be directly judged (seriously). But being attracted to the same sex is the milder version on the spectrum of sexual urge disorders, the more extreme side of the spectrum including attraction to children, animals, and family. I'm not equating them, but I do think there is a spectrum of sexual deviation from the standard (attraction to an unrelated adult of the opposite sex... you know, how we survive as a species).
@89th said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Jolly said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Axtremus said in Dewey wrote a book!:
@Klaus said in Dewey wrote a book!:
Judge people by their character, not by their sexual preferences.
Ironically, sexual preferences used to be a character issue not that long ago.
Do pedophiles have character issues?
It's been the easiest argument when I mention that homosexuality is a form of a sexual preference disorder. Yes... a disorder. Similar to other physical or mental disorders, and not to be directly judged (seriously). But being attracted to the same sex is the milder version on the spectrum of sexual urge disorders, the more extreme side of the spectrum including attraction to children, animals, and family. I'm not equating them, but I do think there is a spectrum of sexual deviation from the standard (attraction to an unrelated adult of the opposite sex... you know, how we survive as a species).
Which is why we don't encourage deviations from the standard. I understand those deviations do and will exist in the future, but if the current gender fluidity hoax has taught us anything, it's that sanity also has a deviation from sane to batshit crazy, and that all it takes is a little societal pressure or acceptance to roll some of those psychotic balls down the hill.
Homosexuals should not be discriminated against when it comes to housing, jobs, government benefits or other things in daily life. But neither should they be lauded or acclaimed for their lifestyle. I don't think they should enjoy government sanctioned marriage (although I have no problem with domestic partnerships) and I am opposed to gay couples being able to adopt or foster children.
But as a Christian, here's where you jab the butt-end of your spear in the ground and plant your foot behind it... Practicing homosexuals should not be pastors, deacons, elders or leaders within the Church. It's simply not Biblical. The Bible is very clear on the issue.
Now, multiple people with a burning cause and more disposable time than I have, have written a hermeneutic mountain of foolishness, twisting Scripture into pretzels, attempting to make it say what they wish it to say on this subject. The only way they can do it, is by creating an alternate form of cherry-picked Bible and by ignoring everything they don't agree with, including entire books of the Bible.
If you're doing that, are you practicing Christianity or just creating your own cult? There is a reason that God has reserved two thrones of Judgement for The End of Days. For those who aren't aware of that, a little research may be enlightening.
What if all the religious rules are just stuff people made up?
Because, to be honest, that seems like the most plausible explanation to me at least.
We’ve been here for a million years or whatever and suddenly, just in the last two thousand, we suddenly got it. What are the chances?