The Ukraine war thread
wrote on 14 Jan 2023, 21:49 last edited by
Beavers assisting in defence of Ukraine:
Am thinking Canada can send them more beavers if the Russians start targeting their dams.
wrote on 14 Jan 2023, 22:16 last edited by
Everybody likes a little beaver.
Well, maybe not Russians.
wrote on 16 Jan 2023, 23:03 last edited by Renauda
Wait, there’s more…
And now a defector from the Wagner Mob:
Wait, there’s more…
And now a defector from the Wagner Mob:
wrote on 17 Jan 2023, 15:11 last edited by
On the surface this might indicate that reality is beginning to sink in to Russian minds. I don’t believe it. Rather this is a choreographed balloon in preparation of full mobilisation. The speaker is critical of the execution of the military tactics but is careful to stay clear of criticising the reasons and assumptions that led to the war itself.
On the surface this might indicate that reality is beginning to sink in to Russian minds. I don’t believe it. Rather this is a choreographed balloon in preparation of full mobilisation. The speaker is critical of the execution of the military tactics but is careful to stay clear of criticising the reasons and assumptions that led to the war itself.
wrote on 17 Jan 2023, 15:12 last edited by@Renauda said in The Ukraine war thread:
Rather this is a choreographed balloon in preparation of full mobilisation
A "trial balloon," or a "warning balloon?"
@Renauda said in The Ukraine war thread:
Rather this is a choreographed balloon in preparation of full mobilisation
A "trial balloon," or a "warning balloon?"
@Renauda said in The Ukraine war thread:
Rather this is a choreographed balloon in preparation of full mobilisation
A "trial balloon," or a "warning balloon?"
wrote on 17 Jan 2023, 23:05 last edited by
@Renauda , that's what I figured.
Have you heard anything from friends in the area what the sentiment is? If you believe the Ukrainian press, there's a lot of coffins headed back to the Motherland.
Of course, there's no mention of the coffins staying in-country.
@Renauda , that's what I figured.
Have you heard anything from friends in the area what the sentiment is? If you believe the Ukrainian press, there's a lot of coffins headed back to the Motherland.
Of course, there's no mention of the coffins staying in-country.
wrote on 18 Jan 2023, 00:06 last edited byBabushka talks about it disparagingly because she is over 75 years old and fears nothing. With others it is never discussed.
Ukrainians friends on the other hand are openly consumed with vengeance towards all things Russian. Like I said a year ago, the Ukrainians will make the Provo IRA look like Boy Scouts.
Babushka talks about it disparagingly because she is over 75 years old and fears nothing. With others it is never discussed.
Ukrainians friends on the other hand are openly consumed with vengeance towards all things Russian. Like I said a year ago, the Ukrainians will make the Provo IRA look like Boy Scouts.
wrote on 18 Jan 2023, 00:08 last edited by@Renauda said in The Ukraine war thread:
Ukrainians friends on the other hand are openly consumed with vengeance towards all things Russian.
A good indication of that was the removal of the statue of Catherine.
@Renauda said in The Ukraine war thread:
Ukrainians friends on the other hand are openly consumed with vengeance towards all things Russian.
A good indication of that was the removal of the statue of Catherine.
wrote on 18 Jan 2023, 00:15 last edited by RenaudaThe statue had been removed in the 1990s then put back sometime in the last decade. No big deal as we all know statues come and go. In any case Catherine was a German princess who usurped the throne from her Prussophile and German speaking yet nominally Russian Romanov husband, Peter III. No loss.
wrote on 20 Jan 2023, 22:36 last edited by
wrote on 21 Jan 2023, 02:13 last edited by
It looks fake
wrote on 21 Jan 2023, 02:42 last edited by
@Copper said in The Ukraine war thread:
It looks fake
Yeah, what would you know about tracking flights?
wrote on 21 Jan 2023, 03:13 last edited by
IIRC, think I read where the Russians are in the midst of a big call-up.
wrote on 21 Jan 2023, 12:14 last edited by
Couple of things.
One news report (ABC?) claimed that Russian casualties are now in excess of 100,000. The surprising thing is not the number (Ukranian sources have been saying this for months), but that a major news outlet is reporting that number. IIRC, the British Ministry of Defence reported that number a few months ago.
And this:
U.S. officials advise Ukraine to wait on offensive
Senior U.S. officials are advising Ukraine to hold off on launching a major offensive against Russian forces until the latest supply of U.S. weaponry is in place and training has been provided, a senior Biden administration official said on Friday.
The official, speaking to a small group of reporters on condition of anonymity, said the United States was holding fast to its decision not to provide Abrams tanks to Ukraine at this time, amid a controversy with Germany over tanks.
President Joe Biden, who approved a new $2.5 billion weapons package for Ukraine this week, told reporters at the White House, "Ukraine is going to get all the help they need," when asked if he supports Poland's intention to send German-made Leopard tanks to Ukraine.
wrote on 21 Jan 2023, 16:34 last edited by
Proxies and Puppets. A long analytical essay but well worth the read: