"Lay off the white folks first."
"The new contract also calls for the development of 'anti-bias anti-racist' staff advisory councils.
They are supposed to focus, according to the contract, on: 'reducing inequitable practices and behaviors in our learning places and spaces as well as supporting educators, specifically educators of color, in navigating and disrupting our district as a predominantly white institution'."
Navigating and disrupting.
"Some conservative activists were outrage, including public school reform activist Christopher Rufo.
"He tweeted: 'This is the inevitable endpoint of 'equity''.
"Terrell, a civil rights attorney who is black, said: 'It's racist. It's discriminatory, it's illegal. It should be invalidated immediately. I read what the union says. They said they want students to have teachers that look like them. Wrong. The students need teachers who will educate them. Educate. Not what they look like!'"
I fail to see a significant difference between this and Affirmative Action in hiring or admissions policies…
Both are wrong, of course…
Yeah this is a pretty big topic lately on the Minneapolis subreddit. It seems many black teachers are equally outraged by this, as it undercuts their own merit.
@89th said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
It seems many black teachers are equally outraged by this, as it undercuts their own merit.
Very good to hear. Also much more in keeping with the expectedness and commonsense of human nature.
Yeah this is a pretty big topic lately on the Minneapolis subreddit. It seems many black teachers are equally outraged by this, as it undercuts their own merit.
@89th said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
It seems many black teachers are equally outraged by this, as it undercuts their own merit.
Obviously they can't make it on their own merit.
Isn't that the message?
There is no free lunch, if you want points for your skin color, you have to take the lack of merit recognition.
@89th said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
It seems many black teachers are equally outraged by this, as it undercuts their own merit.
Obviously they can't make it on their own merit.
Isn't that the message?
There is no free lunch, if you want points for your skin color, you have to take the lack of merit recognition.
@Copper said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
Obviously they can't make it on their own merit.
Isn't that the message?Since this is one of those times when I can't tell if you're being serious or sarky, Ima treat it as serious.
What you say is a complaint of many blacks, that in fact the 'help' liberals seek to offer is anything but.
@Copper said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
Obviously they can't make it on their own merit.
Isn't that the message?Since this is one of those times when I can't tell if you're being serious or sarky, Ima treat it as serious.
What you say is a complaint of many blacks, that in fact the 'help' liberals seek to offer is anything but.
@Catseye3 said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
@Copper said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
Obviously they can't make it on their own merit.
Isn't that the message?Since this is one of those times when I can't tell if you're being serious or sarky, Ima treat it as serious.
What you say is a complaint of many blacks, that in fact the 'help' liberals seek to offer is anything but.
Wokeness is very popular amongst high status whites. Which makes sense, since they are the creators of the ideology.
Less popular amongst minorities, but anecdotally it is difficult to hear them, as they are squelched by media controlled by those very same high status white people.
@Jolly said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
Ever notice, the high-status whites are never the ones who lose their jobs over this shit?
And they're probably the ones participating in the college admissions scandals, when their tennis coach knows a guy who knows a guy who can get the mediocrity of their loins into Harvard.
I actually welcome cases like this so that Scotus can remind everyone that the amendment that forbids racial discrimination means what it says.
@jon-nyc said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
I actually welcome cases like this so that Scotus can remind everyone that the amendment that forbids racial discrimination means what it says.
How do you suppose the leftward members of the current court would decide, in a case like this?
@jon-nyc said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
It’s a mysterie
Yeah. But I suppose the value of conservative politics is so ubiquitous that it can be taken for granted, as it’s shat upon for the ugly ways in which it sometimes has to be manifested.
@jon-nyc said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
I actually welcome cases like this so that Scotus can remind everyone that the amendment that forbids racial discrimination means what it says.
How do you suppose the leftward members of the current court would decide, in a case like this?
@Horace said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
@jon-nyc said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
I actually welcome cases like this so that Scotus can remind everyone that the amendment that forbids racial discrimination means what it says.
How do you suppose the leftward members of the current court would decide, in a case like this?
I don't see that they have a choice. How could you possibly defend this on any constitutional baasis?
@Horace said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
@jon-nyc said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
I actually welcome cases like this so that Scotus can remind everyone that the amendment that forbids racial discrimination means what it says.
How do you suppose the leftward members of the current court would decide, in a case like this?
I don't see that they have a choice. How could you possibly defend this on any constitutional baasis?
@Mik said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
@Horace said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
@jon-nyc said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
I actually welcome cases like this so that Scotus can remind everyone that the amendment that forbids racial discrimination means what it says.
How do you suppose the leftward members of the current court would decide, in a case like this?
I don't see that they have a choice. How could you possibly defend this on any constitutional baasis?
If an issue is blatantly and transparently unconstitutional, how does it get to the supreme court? Any discussion of how the supreme court might decide, includes the assumption that the issue is sufficiently ambiguous to get there. Ask jon why he thinks this issue could ever make it to the supreme court. I suspect the answer will be that it has enough cultural valence. And that same valence will color the decisions of the justices. They are, after all, chosen for their cultural reliability. Adherence to the constitution is a nice thing to talk about having, but the left expects that to be negotiable in the privacy of chambers.
@Mik said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
@Horace said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
@jon-nyc said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
I actually welcome cases like this so that Scotus can remind everyone that the amendment that forbids racial discrimination means what it says.
How do you suppose the leftward members of the current court would decide, in a case like this?
I don't see that they have a choice. How could you possibly defend this on any constitutional baasis?
If an issue is blatantly and transparently unconstitutional, how does it get to the supreme court? Any discussion of how the supreme court might decide, includes the assumption that the issue is sufficiently ambiguous to get there. Ask jon why he thinks this issue could ever make it to the supreme court. I suspect the answer will be that it has enough cultural valence. And that same valence will color the decisions of the justices. They are, after all, chosen for their cultural reliability. Adherence to the constitution is a nice thing to talk about having, but the left expects that to be negotiable in the privacy of chambers.
So wait, they want to send the white people home to sit on the couch while making the black people work? Sounds a lot like the 1800s….
@Mik said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
@Horace said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
@jon-nyc said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
I actually welcome cases like this so that Scotus can remind everyone that the amendment that forbids racial discrimination means what it says.
How do you suppose the leftward members of the current court would decide, in a case like this?
I don't see that they have a choice. How could you possibly defend this on any constitutional baasis?
If an issue is blatantly and transparently unconstitutional, how does it get to the supreme court? Any discussion of how the supreme court might decide, includes the assumption that the issue is sufficiently ambiguous to get there. Ask jon why he thinks this issue could ever make it to the supreme court. I suspect the answer will be that it has enough cultural valence. And that same valence will color the decisions of the justices. They are, after all, chosen for their cultural reliability. Adherence to the constitution is a nice thing to talk about having, but the left expects that to be negotiable in the privacy of chambers.
@Horace said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
If an issue is blatantly and transparently unconstitutional, how does it get to the supreme court?
The only answer I can provide is that it might get to the Supreme Court through the usual steps -- that is, John White Teacher sues the school board and loses, and he appeals, and loses, and then -- what, the District Court? and loses, and then the Supremes, if they choose to hear it.
If constitutionality is that blatant and transparent, it will likely be shot down either by the SCOTUS or more likely (?) much earlier. But if the lawyers for either side can dredge up enough case law to argue constitutionality unto the next millenium, maybe constitutionality will not emerge as transparently as you would think.
@Horace said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
@jon-nyc said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
I actually welcome cases like this so that Scotus can remind everyone that the amendment that forbids racial discrimination means what it says.
How do you suppose the leftward members of the current court would decide, in a case like this?
I don't see that they have a choice. How could you possibly defend this on any constitutional baasis?
@Mik said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
@Horace said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
@jon-nyc said in "Lay off the white folks first.":
I actually welcome cases like this so that Scotus can remind everyone that the amendment that forbids racial discrimination means what it says.
How do you suppose the leftward members of the current court would decide, in a case like this?
I don't see that they have a choice. How could you possibly defend this on any constitutional baasis?
In practice something this blatant wouldn’t get through district court and the Union wouldn’t try to appeal.