Watching Lia Thomas win
I know we've had a few threads on this, so I randomly picked this one to continue. Lia Thomas (I think yesterday?) won the NCAA Division 1 national title in the 500m freestyle race. I can't help but think what his fellow swimmers thought after working so hard for so many years, only to lose to a male. There is no way this is sustainable, per kluurs' comment above.
I propose a new series of rules. If we can kick you in the nuts, then you can't be in women's sports. If I can't kick you in the nuts, but I could have 10 years ago, then you can't be in women's sports.
In fact, we should change the name of women's sports to "Have never been able to be kicked in the nuts league."
You could also change it to "Would Jon hit it?"
Nevermind, that doesn't help at all.
I've got no problem with letting people live their lives as they see fit as long as it doesn't interfere with other people's rights to live their lives as they see fit.
This is interfering with these young ladies' lives.
There is just no way that “girl” isn’t a narcissistic sociopath. Every single trans woman who basks in the glory of winning these athletic competitions, will be one. Progressive pop culture hasn’t thought through very well the self selected group of people they are throwing their weight behind.
I believe there is some kind of hormone limits. I heard an announcer mention something about that the other day. Apparently Mx Thomas followed the NCAA rules.
It’s a bit more controversial than that, The NCAA originally punted and deferred to the national authorities for the various sports. When that came out it included a time restriction that would have eliminated Thomas. So the NCAA did their own rule after all.