The Dark or Inappropriate Humor Thread
Jesus wasn’t nailed to the cross, they used a power drill on him.
He had the holes whirled in his hands.
Jesus walks into a hotel, throws three nails on the front desk and asks, “can you guys put me up for the night?”
Where did Christa McCauliffe spend her spring break?
All over Florida.
How many Astronauts can you fit in a Volkswagon Beetle?
- 2 in the front seat, 1 in the back, and 7 in the ashtray.
What was the last thing to go through McCauliffe's mind before she died?
The armrest of the seat in front of hers.
Did you know that NASA dropped Tang in favor of a new official drink?
Yep... They moved to Ocean Spray.
They only picked Ocean Spray because they couldn't get 7-Up.