Omicron variant: Move over, Delta
wrote on 26 Nov 2021, 23:11 last edited by
Yup, they skipped it.
It's officially the "Omicron" variant.
What the hell are we going to do when we get through the entire Greek alphabet?
Yup, they skipped it.
It's officially the "Omicron" variant.
What the hell are we going to do when we get through the entire Greek alphabet?
wrote on 26 Nov 2021, 23:12 last edited by@george-k said in Move over, Delta:
Yup, they skipped it.
It's officially the "Omicron" variant.
What the hell are we going to do when we get through the entire Greek alphabet?
Go back to living our lives?
wrote on 27 Nov 2021, 00:44 last edited by
Already done that.
wrote on 27 Nov 2021, 00:49 last edited by
Any word on the severity of the cases? Is this the hoped for you incredibly transmissible but much less severe variant that everyone has been keeping an eye out for?
wrote on 27 Nov 2021, 00:53 last edited by
I doubt they know yet.
wrote on 27 Nov 2021, 06:13 last edited by
wrote on 27 Nov 2021, 06:14 last edited by
Does this mean they'll quit firing unvaxxed healthcare workers?
wrote on 27 Nov 2021, 23:07 last edited by
The waaaaaaayyyyy too early reports seem to indicate that cases are milder, but then again, most cases of COVID are mild to begin with. There will need to be a much larger sample size to really know.
The waaaaaaayyyyy too early reports seem to indicate that cases are milder, but then again, most cases of COVID are mild to begin with. There will need to be a much larger sample size to really know.
wrote on 27 Nov 2021, 23:11 last edited by@lufins-dad said in Move over, Delta:
The waaaaaaayyyyy too early reports seem to indicate that cases are milder
Yes - low grade fever, myalgias, fatigue. No loss of smell/taste.
But - young population, and small sample size.
wrote on 27 Nov 2021, 23:45 last edited by
Israel just closed their borders.
wrote on 28 Nov 2021, 00:07 last edited by
You should see the network news. Omicron is the new Trump.
wrote on 28 Nov 2021, 00:15 last edited by
@george-k said in Move over, Delta:
The W.H.O. wouldn’t want to offend China, now, would they?
This really is absurd.
Israel just closed their borders.
wrote on 28 Nov 2021, 00:21 last edited by@lufins-dad said in Move over, Delta:
Israel just closed their borders.
wrote on 28 Nov 2021, 02:44 last edited by jon-nyc
I’m glad I’m flying home today (Sunday). Monday the airports will probably be messy as the US implements its ban.
We all had negative antigen tests Friday. We’ll be wearing N95s on the plane.
Israel just closed their borders.
wrote on 28 Nov 2021, 03:38 last edited by@lufins-dad keep out the riff raff
I’m glad I’m flying home today (Sunday). Monday the airports will probably be messy as the US implements its ban.
We all had negative antigen tests Friday. We’ll be wearing N95s on the plane.
wrote on 28 Nov 2021, 03:50 last edited by@jon-nyc said in Move over, Delta:
I’m glad I’m flying home today (Sunday). Monday the airports will probably be messy as the US implements its ban.
We all had negative antigen tests Friday. We’ll be wearing N95s on the plane.
Hope the trip went smoothly.
wrote on 28 Nov 2021, 04:13 last edited by
Oh yes, lovely. Not quite the same as spring break, which we purchased the tickets for. But still nice.
wrote on 28 Nov 2021, 04:41 last edited by
wrote on 28 Nov 2021, 12:46 last edited by
I saw an article quoting a doc in South Africa who's taken care of patients with the
NuXiOmicron variant.First of all, his patient population was young, and afaik, had no co-morbidities.
He says the symptoms were very mild, no anosmia, no loss of taste. One kid had a very rapid heart rate. Most common symptoms were overwhelming fatigue and some fever.
All resolved in a matter of days.