"You're damn right I'm taking hydroxychloroquine."
@George-K Why doesn't he wear one in a setting where everyone else does? Why did Pence flout the guidelines and apologize after on one of his site visits?
Seems like they're pretty deadset against them.
Even if you're on the fence, where them where it's the norm.
Really not any different than the characters on sitcoms these days.
"Mentally disadvantaged"(?) Is that really you, being all PC??
I think someone may have hacked D'Phibes account! -
@xenon said in "You're damn right I'm taking hydroxychloroquine.":
@George-K Why doesn't he wear one in a setting where everyone else does?
Because he knows that if he wore one you would hate everyone who wore one.
You would tell us that masks are stupid!
And you would insist that the masks help China.
That's why.
He does it because of you.
In order to protect people.
@xenon said in "You're damn right I'm taking hydroxychloroquine.":
@George-K Why doesn't he wear one in a setting where everyone else does? Why did Pence flout the guidelines and apologize after on one of his site visits?
Seems like they're pretty deadset against them.
Even if you're on the fence, where them where it's the norm.
Moving the goalposts out of the stadium?
@xenon said in "You're damn right I'm taking hydroxychloroquine.":
@Jolly what was the original goalpost?
He has no credibility because he creates confusion. He's telling other people to wear masks one day, but refuses to himself. How does that make sense?
What, specifically, should have been earlier?
@Jolly said in "You're damn right I'm taking hydroxychloroquine.":
@xenon said in "You're damn right I'm taking hydroxychloroquine.":
@Jolly what was the original goalpost?
He has no credibility because he creates confusion. He's telling other people to wear masks one day, but refuses to himself. How does that make sense?
What, specifically, should have been earlier?
If you read carefully - the conversation of "what specifically should have been done earlier" was not driven by me.
I chimed in with this note:
I'll chime in here with the preface that my key criticism of Trump is that he's just not intellectually up to the job of governing. I also often argue that the role of the President in governing the U.S. is much more limited than people act like it is.
It's interesting that the argument now is - "well, the President actually can't do much here." Convenient - but I don't disagree that much. Powers to carry out specific actions are limited, but there is massive opportunity and responsibility to rally the country.
For me the issue has always been he makes the situation worse because he's a poor thinker. I agree that the role of the executive is smaller than people act like it is. And the ventilator example is a great example here. Even if some other executive acted faster than Trump here and got more ventilators early - the changing circumstances / understanding can dwarf any effect of a specific action by the Pres. (i.e., the worst case for ventilator need never materialized)
Now - where the President does have influence is being a voice to rally action and consensus. Creating clarity on important initiatives, and providing clarity on the national path forward (even with competing reasonable alternatives).
At that he fails miserably. He releases guidelines to open, then completely abandons them and calls for "LIBERATE!". He's onboard with masks when the CDC recommends them - then never mentions them again.
Let me ask you Jolly. Do you wish he would wear a mask in a setting where everyone else is wearing a mask? Do you think that would have even a marginal effect on their acceptability and use?
There's an event tomorrow at Ford where he's been asked to wear a mask. I'll be the first to applaud him if he finally does.
His mixed messaging is simply a result of the attempt to balance 2 things:
to do what is right
to do what gets me reelected
these two things are in constant conflict.
If it was soley up to him, he'd kick all the scientists out and tell everybody to get the hell back to work, mask or no mask. "I've got to get this economy going again or Sleepy Joe is going to gloat on November 3rd"
"that's ok though, I will invalidate the election because of all the mail in voting fraud which of course is only Democrats"
"King again!"
@xenon said in "You're damn right I'm taking hydroxychloroquine.":
@Jolly said in "You're damn right I'm taking hydroxychloroquine.":
@xenon said in "You're damn right I'm taking hydroxychloroquine.":
@Jolly what was the original goalpost?
He has no credibility because he creates confusion. He's telling other people to wear masks one day, but refuses to himself. How does that make sense?
What, specifically, should have been earlier?
If you read carefully - the conversation of "what specifically should have been done earlier" was not driven by me.
I chimed in with this note:
I'll chime in here with the preface that my key criticism of Trump is that he's just not intellectually up to the job of governing. I also often argue that the role of the President in governing the U.S. is much more limited than people act like it is.
It's interesting that the argument now is - "well, the President actually can't do much here." Convenient - but I don't disagree that much. Powers to carry out specific actions are limited, but there is massive opportunity and responsibility to rally the country.
For me the issue has always been he makes the situation worse because he's a poor thinker. I agree that the role of the executive is smaller than people act like it is. And the ventilator example is a great example here. Even if some other executive acted faster than Trump here and got more ventilators early - the changing circumstances / understanding can dwarf any effect of a specific action by the Pres. (i.e., the worst case for ventilator need never materialized)
Now - where the President does have influence is being a voice to rally action and consensus. Creating clarity on important initiatives, and providing clarity on the national path forward (even with competing reasonable alternatives).
At that he fails miserably. He releases guidelines to open, then completely abandons them and calls for "LIBERATE!". He's onboard with masks when the CDC recommends them - then never mentions them again.
Let me ask you Jolly. Do you wish he would wear a mask in a setting where everyone else is wearing a mask? Do you think that would have even a marginal effect on their acceptability and use?
There's an event tomorrow at Ford where he's been asked to wear a mask. I'll be the first to applaud him if he finally does.
To be honest, I don't think POTUS wearing a mask or not wearing a mask, moves the needle a whole lot in either direction. There are people who will wear them and some who will not, unless the local death rate is ridiculously high.
As for him being a poor thinker, that simply doesn't happen at his level.
@Jolly said in "You're damn right I'm taking hydroxychloroquine.":
I admitted bias and asked for refutation. Is the timeline factually correct?
I skimmed through it and it seems mostly factual but obviously incomplete as it omitted timeline events that didn’t fit its narrative.
I’m not sure your point? I said before I thought Trump has done a number of good moves as well.
Again...this is not political for me. I look at the actions and statements from the President using a party-agnostic lens, and think it’s clear the incoherent messaging (including downplaying the seriousness of the virus throughout Feb and March) really delayed efforts that would’ve likely flattened the curve earlier and saved countless lives.
@xenon said in "You're damn right I'm taking hydroxychloroquine.":
Now - where the President does have influence is being a voice to rally action and consensus. Creating clarity on important initiatives, and providing clarity on the national path forward (even with competing reasonable alternatives).
At that he fails miserably. He releases guidelines to open, then completely abandons them and calls for "LIBERATE!". He's onboard with masks when the CDC recommends them - then never mentions them again.
Let me ask you Jolly. Do you wish he would wear a mask in a setting where everyone else is wearing a mask?
Good analysis and summary @xenon
@89th said in "You're damn right I'm taking hydroxychloroquine.":
@xenon said in "You're damn right I'm taking hydroxychloroquine.":
Now - where the President does have influence is being a voice to rally action and consensus. Creating clarity on important initiatives, and providing clarity on the national path forward (even with competing reasonable alternatives).
At that he fails miserably. He releases guidelines to open, then completely abandons them and calls for "LIBERATE!". He's onboard with masks when the CDC recommends them - then never mentions them again.
Let me ask you Jolly. Do you wish he would wear a mask in a setting where everyone else is wearing a mask?
Good analysis and summary @xenon
I agree with 89 and Xenon. I remember saying something similar on the old forum board that the President was like a cheerleader.
I disagree with Jolly that what President Trump (or any president) actions have no impact on people that follow him. I think it is just the opposite. If President Trump said that it was important to wear a mask, I would guess that 50% of the people who are against it would suddenly find a reason to support it.
Xenon, don't take the things I say personally. I say what's on my mind, and some of it is just meant to elicit a chuckle or two. That's the nature of the forum, we each have our own personalities, but we are all friends and mean no harm. That goes for you too, 89th. As for Sock, he hasn't mattered since he came on here after a long absence to use everyone and to become Cosmored II.
That said, you and 89th both would be taken more serious on this matter if you would stop trying to justify your bias against Trump by trying to pass your opinions off as reasoned logic. Most of us are smart enough to see through it, so to continue trying to justify it as reasoned thought insults our intelligence.
I have spent my entire life running business. I've done quite well at it, because I am a leader. As a leader, I recognize a follower when I see one. If Obama had been president during this and had done item by item exactly the same things Trump has done, both of you guys would be praising his leadership and wisdom. Don't say you wouldn't, because I know better.
This issue matters, not because it shows a negative or a positive about Trump. It matters because it is becoming a battle line between those who want to destroy our nation and those who want to save it. Whether Trump wears a mask or not is not important. That violent criminals are being turned loose from prison under the guise of "protecting them from the virus" only to have them commit more crimes against innocent people and you end up with one of them stabbing a nother man nearly to death as he hijacked his car, the 4th car he had stolen in a matter of a couple of weeks, be given a ticket and turned loose on the same day that a business owner was arrested and taken to jail for daring to open his gym for business... that's what's important.
Both you and 89th focus on your dislike of what the man says and how he says it. That's following. Look at results. Then look at the results of his political opposition. The simple truth is, if the current Democrat party were to get in charge of government again our nation is history. That is a stone cold fact. Leaders can see this. Followers are busy biting his ankles.
You and 89th Re biting his ankles.
@Larry said in "You're damn right I'm taking hydroxychloroquine.":
If Obama had been president during this and had done item by item exactly the same things Trump has done, both of you guys would be praising his leadership and wisdom.
This is funny, and you probably won’t believe me but I opened this thread just now and I honestly was about to ask the following question so I’ll still ask it anyway:
Here’s a good test. If it wasn’t President Trump but President Hillary Clinton in the office and the EXACT same everything happened, would you be saying the same thing about her handling of the pandemic? I know I would.
@Larry I was actually more curious than offended. Very few people in this world have the ability to personally offend me. So no sweat.
I have no party affiliation. On balance I’d probably score more on the conservative side.
I can sympathize with people who want to take a wrecking ball approach to the government - so I can see the appeal of Trump. (I think lots of parts of the U.S. need a tear down / rebuild)
Without getting into a lengthy diatribe - I’ll just say I disagree with you for reasons that probably belong in a different thread.
I’ve said it a bajillion times, most of the real issues that face this country need to be solved by congress and there’s too much obsession with the power of the Presidency.
The President should also embody the values we’d want in American citizens. He’s the head of a social and cultural group.
It sounds dorky, but I wanted to move to the U.S. since I was a kid. The values and ideals appealed to me.
I can’t stand people who focus on grievances - and that’s all Trump does. (Not a huge Democrat fan at the moment either)
This guy does not stand for the values that I was drawn to.
This guy acts like the U.S. is the only country that has issues and everyone is laughing at us.
This seems like a good place to post this: The Dunning-Kruger Effect
The Dunning-Kruger Effect: Why Incompetence Begets Confidence
The Dunning-Kruger effect, coined by the psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger in 1999, is a cognitive bias in which poor performers greatly overestimate their abilities. Dunning and Kruger’s research shows that underperforming individuals “reach erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate choices, but their incompetence robs them of the ability to realize it.” This incompetence, in turn, leads them to “hold inflated views of their performance and ability.”
On Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning–Kruger_effect .