The truth is out there - Conspiracies
George I want to ask him where are all the ICUs filled with people dying from the vaccine?
We can show him the ICUs filled with Covid patients.
@jon-nyc said in The truth is out there:
We can show him the ICUs filled with unvaccinated Covid patients.
Here's the sad thing about it all.
This guy and I have been friends since 1989. He was the first surgeon I met when I started in private practice. I was getting my locker stocked, and he came into the locker room and introduced himself: "Hey, I'm Joe Blow. Who are you?"
He's a real conservative/libertarian Trump supporter, and he and I agree on many things politically (though not necessarily when it comes to the personalities of politicians). Reading this stuff is disappointing and sad. It's not enough to make terminate a friendship - a real friendship should transcend politics, but it's enough to make me want to redirect any political conversation to a different area of discussion. A few weeks ago, he was driving home to the western 'burbs of Chicago, and he called me while in the car and wanted to discuss this shit. It was difficult to deflect.
I have many friends with whom I disagree on politics, etc., but when the conversation goes to this stuff...
By the way, if you're interested in other wacky shit that he's talked about, google "The Electric Universe."
I remember the conversation we had about it, it was outside the locker rooms of the OR. I nodded, politely, and thought, "What the actual FUCK are you talking about???"
Hey, I'll save you the click...
@george-k said in The truth is out there:
By the way, if you're interested in other wacky shit that he's talked about, google "The Electric Universe."
I'm very familiar. My guitar guy is DEEP into that shit. I love hearing about it.
This is new to me. Reading about it reminded me of the
12 meridians of the body that are part of Traditional Medicine*. "In Traditional Medicine, meridians are channels that form a network in the body, through which qi (vital energy) flows. Meridian-based therapies are based on the concept that a disruption in the flow of qi/chi energy can result in compromising the immune system, making the body susceptible to many unwanted conditions and diseases. In other words, blocked qi causes pain or illness."*What used to be called Chinese Traditional Medicine but is no longer, apparently considered racist. For some reason.
This is new to me. Reading about it reminded me of the
12 meridians of the body that are part of Traditional Medicine*. "In Traditional Medicine, meridians are channels that form a network in the body, through which qi (vital energy) flows. Meridian-based therapies are based on the concept that a disruption in the flow of qi/chi energy can result in compromising the immune system, making the body susceptible to many unwanted conditions and diseases. In other words, blocked qi causes pain or illness."*What used to be called Chinese Traditional Medicine but is no longer, apparently considered racist. For some reason.
@catseye3 said in The truth is out there:
In Traditional Medicine, meridians are channels that form a network in the body, through which qi (vital energy) flows. Meridian-based therapies are based on the concept that a disruption in the flow of qi/chi energy can result in compromising the immune system, making the body susceptible to many unwanted conditions and diseases. In other words, blocked qi causes pain or illness.
That's a very limited representation and sounds like wooey nonsense. A big part of chi is very practical body alignment stuff that does make you healthier.
@catseye3 said in The truth is out there:
In Traditional Medicine, meridians are channels that form a network in the body, through which qi (vital energy) flows. Meridian-based therapies are based on the concept that a disruption in the flow of qi/chi energy can result in compromising the immune system, making the body susceptible to many unwanted conditions and diseases. In other words, blocked qi causes pain or illness.
That's a very limited representation and sounds like wooey nonsense. A big part of chi is very practical body alignment stuff that does make you healthier.
@aqua-letifer said in The truth is out there:
That's a very limited representation and sounds like wooey nonsense.
No, it's just a summary.
@aqua-letifer said in The truth is out there:
That's a very limited representation and sounds like wooey nonsense.
No, it's just a summary.
@catseye3 said in The truth is out there:
@aqua-letifer said in The truth is out there:
That's a very limited representation and sounds like wooey nonsense.
No, it's just a summary.
More like wintary, because it's trying so hard to sound cool. Or maybe springy, because it's about as mature as a spring powered children's toy. Or maybe falley, because so many people fall for it. But definitely not summary!!
@catseye3 said in The truth is out there:
@aqua-letifer said in The truth is out there:
That's a very limited representation and sounds like wooey nonsense.
No, it's just a summary.
More like wintary, because it's trying so hard to sound cool. Or maybe springy, because it's about as mature as a spring powered children's toy. Or maybe falley, because so many people fall for it. But definitely not summary!!
@horace said in The truth is out there:
@catseye3 said in The truth is out there:
@aqua-letifer said in The truth is out there:
That's a very limited representation and sounds like wooey nonsense.
No, it's just a summary.
More like wintary, because it's trying so hard to sound cool. Or maybe springy, because it's about as mature as a spring powered children's toy. Or maybe falley, because so many people fall for it. But definitely not summary!!
"Only one patient, but it sure makes me wonder what the pharmaceutical companies and the government know and aren’t telling us."
Link to videoAnd wow:
Jessica Berg Wilson’s obituary described the Seattle woman as “an exceptionally healthy and vibrant 37-year-old young mother with no underlying health conditions” who “died unexpectedly on Sep. 7 from COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT).”
The obituary on continued: “Jessica fully embraced motherhood, sharing her passion for life with her daughters. Jessica’s motherly commitment was intense, with unwavering determination to nurture her children to be confident, humble, responsible, and to have concern and compassion for others with high morals built on Faith.”
“Jessica’s greatest passion was to be the best mother possible for Bridget and Clara. Nothing would stand in her way to be present in their lives,” it said. “During the last weeks of her life, however, the world turned dark with heavy-handed vaccine mandates. Local and state governments were determined to strip away her right to consult her wisdom and enjoy her freedom.
“She had been vehemently opposed to taking the vaccine, knowing she was in good health and of a young age and thus not at risk for serious illness. In her mind, the known and unknown risks of the unproven vaccine were more of a threat.
“But, slowly, day by day, her freedom to choose was stripped away. Her passion to be actively involved in her children’s education—which included being a Room Mom—was, once again, blocked by government mandate. Ultimately, those who closed doors and separated mothers from their children prevailed.
After Deputy Stops to Help Her, 96-Year-Old Woman Demands to Speak with His Supervisor
“It cost Jessica her life. It cost her children the loving embrace of their caring mother. And it cost her husband the sacred love of his devoted wife. It cost God’s Kingdom on earth a very special soul who was just making her love felt in the hearts of so many.”This very sad story was made even worse by the Twitter Police.
When a Twitter user shared Wilson’s obituary on Friday, adding in the caption that she had not wanted to get vaccinated, the post was slapped with a warning label.
“This Tweet is misleading,” it said. “Find out why health officials consider COVID-19 vaccines safe for most people.”
It provided a link so users could “find out more,” adding, “This Tweet can’t be replied to, shared or liked.”
This is what popped up if you clicked on the retweet button.
Misleading? On the contrary, it’s very clear. A healthy young woman, who believed that the vaccine posed a greater risk to her health than contracting the virus itself, was forced to comply with the school’s vaccine requirement for visitors if she wanted to be involved in her children’s classrooms.
She took the vaccine and then died of a vaccine-induced blood clot. She was one of the unlucky ones.
The author of the tweet was not misleading readers, either. She was simply mourning the loss of a young mother who would not have gotten the vaccine (and therefore likely would not have died) had she not been forced to.
Nobody was trying to convince others not to take the vaccine or claiming that it will cause mass deaths.
I am not anti-vax. Vaccines are a potent tool in the fight against COVID. That said, these vaccines do pose a risk to some individuals. Some might have medical reasons for rejecting the vaccine, and others are highly skeptical about taking a vaccine that was developed so quickly. Not everyone needs to be vaccinated.
This is tyranny, and it’s hard to believe this is happening in America.
Some people will find anything to dispute anything that is logical. 99.9% of the people will understand, but there is always that small minority that will find a way to dispute it
@george-k said in The truth is out there:
COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT)
I was surprised to find out that VITT is a thing. This is apparently a risk with the J&J and Astra Zeneca vaccines.
But it is not misleading to print a truth.
So as not to pollute the "Breakthrough" thread. My friend sent this about 2 weeks ago:
"The information he shares here is a wake-up call to Americans. Over 15,000 are now dead from the COVID vaccine, 25,000 are permanently disabled. Why does the CDC and FDA continue to promote these dangerous vaccines?"
I really don't feel like engaging with him on this subject, but the obvious question is: How many would have died without the vaccine(s)?
So as not to pollute the "Breakthrough" thread. My friend sent this about 2 weeks ago:
"The information he shares here is a wake-up call to Americans. Over 15,000 are now dead from the COVID vaccine, 25,000 are permanently disabled. Why does the CDC and FDA continue to promote these dangerous vaccines?"
I really don't feel like engaging with him on this subject, but the obvious question is: How many would have died without the vaccine(s)?
@george-k said in The truth is out there:
Over 15,000 are now dead from the COVID vaccine, 25,000 are permanently disabled. Why does the CDC and FDA continue to promote these dangerous vaccines?"
Umm probably because those numbers are full of shit and the CDC and FDA at least attempt to base their numbers on fact.
@george-k said in The truth is out there:
Over 15,000 are now dead from the COVID vaccine, 25,000 are permanently disabled. Why does the CDC and FDA continue to promote these dangerous vaccines?"
Umm probably because those numbers are full of shit and the CDC and FDA at least attempt to base their numbers on fact.
@89th said in The truth is out there:
@george-k said in The truth is out there:
Over 15,000 are now dead from the COVID vaccine, 25,000 are permanently disabled. Why does the CDC and FDA continue to promote these dangerous vaccines?"
Umm probably because those numbers are full of shit and the CDC and FDA at least attempt to base their numbers on fact.
Meh, even if the numbers are legit, that’s still .02% of the people fully vaccinated… There are always going to be a number of bad reactions to any vaccine or medicine. The question is whether .02% is a satisfactory risk vs the risk of the disease itself.
But I’ve said it before, the VAERS system being open to the public was a horrible idea from the beginning.
@89th said in The truth is out there:
@george-k said in The truth is out there:
Over 15,000 are now dead from the COVID vaccine, 25,000 are permanently disabled. Why does the CDC and FDA continue to promote these dangerous vaccines?"
Umm probably because those numbers are full of shit and the CDC and FDA at least attempt to base their numbers on fact.
Meh, even if the numbers are legit, that’s still .02% of the people fully vaccinated… There are always going to be a number of bad reactions to any vaccine or medicine. The question is whether .02% is a satisfactory risk vs the risk of the disease itself.
But I’ve said it before, the VAERS system being open to the public was a horrible idea from the beginning.
@lufins-dad said in The truth is out there:
@89th said in The truth is out there:
@george-k said in The truth is out there:
Over 15,000 are now dead from the COVID vaccine, 25,000 are permanently disabled. Why does the CDC and FDA continue to promote these dangerous vaccines?"
Umm probably because those numbers are full of shit and the CDC and FDA at least attempt to base their numbers on fact.
Meh, even if the numbers are legit, that’s still .02% of the people fully vaccinated… There are always going to be a number of bad reactions to any vaccine or medicine. The question is whether .02% is a satisfactory risk vs the risk of the disease itself.
But I’ve said it before, the VAERS system being open to the public was a horrible idea from the beginning.
And here's what vaxx opponents will tell you: What is the crude fatality rate of COVID in the American population?
My surgeon friend has been forwarding all kinds of anti-vax stuff since I posted here last.
Here's the most recent, talking about "Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS).
Anyhow, he texted me, and another guy we used to work with (a urologist) about getting together for breakfast. By the way, this urologist is also the target of these text messages.
Reluctantly, I agreed, fearing a 90 minute tirade about how the vaccines are untested and dangerous.
Remarkably, breakfast was a delight. We chatted about our families, reminisced on the good old days of medicine, some politics (Jussie), etc.
After about an hour, the surgeon went to the bathroom, and I looked at the urologist and said, "While Bills in the bathroom, let me ask you: Have you noticed that almost NOTHING has been said about vaccines?"
"Yeah, I think he's being polite since neither of us respond to his vaccine texts, LOL."
Well Bill came back and tried - talking about the supposed 90K deaths reported in the VAERS system due to the vaccine.
I didn't engage, and after a few minutes of non-conversation, we drifted back to other stuff. I left after another 15 minutes or so.
All-in-all, a pleasant morning.